Apr 7, 2019
A bit easy (python wise) but maybe that's just a reflection of personal experience / practice. The contest is easy to digest (week to week) and the intuitions are well thought of in their explanation.
Jun 30, 2018
Very good course to start Deep learning. But you need to have the basic idea first. I would suggest to do the Stanford Andrew Ng Machine Learning course first and then take this specialization courses
By Robert B
•Nov 23, 2017
Excellent introduction. I really suggest the course's authors make another Specialization after this. One with more advanced topics such as GANs--but more importantly one that focuses on projects. Perhaps with detailed projects to learn from and then personal projects to cap the course.
By Vaibhav J
•Sep 20, 2017
A really fantastic course by Andrew Ng sir yet again. This course almost contains no loopholes and I would recommend this course to anyone with beginner to intermediate knowledge of the field. Every concept is covred in detail with sufficient explanation. Overall one stop learning for DeepLearning!
By DJ d V
•Jul 8, 2022
I've been coding neural networks as a practitioner for years, learning only from online articles and examples. This is the first time I've done a formal training and it brought everything together so well. Really excellent explanation and the labs built on each other very well. Highly recommended!
By Tim V
•Apr 26, 2021
A great introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning. There was a reasonable learning curve given less programming and mathematics experience than what is expected however, Andrew is an incredible lecturer accompanied by a great learning format for those willing to invest the time and effort.
By NicoSujo
•Jan 15, 2021
The Neural Networks and Deep Learning course is a wonderful way to start learning the ways of Machine Learning. It was fun all along, and very instructing. All in all, I would gladly recommend the course to anyone who wants to learn how to make their own Neural Networks and analyze images with it.
By Francisco J A G
•Sep 21, 2020
For me this course ws very cool, I learned about python, mathematical algorithms like logistic regression, grads, fordward and backward propagation, whats deep learning and more things very important for my career. Im Electronic Engineer and Im really greatful with Andrew and your team. Thank you
By Venkata K R
•Jul 29, 2020
Good course to understand the basics of deep learning. You will get good knowledge on concepts like forward propagation, backward propagation, L-Layer neural networks. recommendable course as a starter for deep learning starters. It may cause some confusion who don't have any idea about calculus.
By Olman Q
•Jun 18, 2020
Very nice introductory course to Neural Networks. Enough clear to be easy to understand by anyone with a little background in programming, but enough detailed to explain all concepts regarding Neural Networks. You will be able to implement your firsts Neural Networks from scratch with this course.
By Ashish C
•Jun 15, 2020
I am thrilled to join this course. I really appreciate Sir Andrew for all his hard work and way of teaching, which made these complex topics pretty easy to understand. Though I am from Mathematical background I am sure who all are not from a math background can also understand these logics easily.
By Satyajeet P
•May 2, 2020
Absolutely well structured tutorials, plus the assignments were also very good for gaining confidence. Enjoyed the course while learning several interesting new concepts. Can't wait to dig deeper into the world of Deep Learning. Kudos to Mr. Andrew Ng, and the team that contributed to this course!
By Dinesh D
•Feb 29, 2020
Great Course ...Nicely put. Was able to breeze through it. Much much better than other Machine Learning Courses. Thanks Andrew Ng & Team for putting this through.
Tip: Watch the videos at least twice before starting the programming exercises. You will absorb new material every time you watch them.
By Wei M
•Feb 6, 2020
the class is easy to follow and practical by asking students to do hand-on coding assignment. Highly recommended. One suggestion is that, the interview videos are very long and contain many concepts that are not taught yet at the time, perhaps you can put the videos at the end of the whole course.
By Philip D
•Jan 7, 2020
Very well balanced course. Good mix of video tutorials, multiple choice questions and hands on coding.
Every time you code you can get instant feedback by running a test block and/or submitting the code to the automated grader which means you won't get stuck or go off on a coding tangent too often.
By Diptayan B
•Nov 19, 2019
A very good course for computer programmers or beginners to dive into Deep Learning and Neural Networks. A background of machine learning helps. I'm an university post grad in comp sci and took a machine learning course there. I learnt way more in this course then I did in my university's course.
By Bolin S
•Dec 21, 2018
I would highly recommend this course for those who don't know much about deep learning and want to step into this area. The course material are well organized and the assignments and projects really helped me with understanding the course video. I am ready to start the next course and dive deeper!
By Anna S R
•Sep 27, 2018
Very easy to understand explanations of the essential components of neural networks and deep learning. The quizzes were a good way to check the material and solidify the concepts. The coding assignments were easy to follow and complete, though I hope they get more demanding in the later courses.
By Olivia M R
•Oct 25, 2017
This course is awesome. For a non-expert this course portraits great intuition and brings you up to speed and understanding. You need to put effort into it because is hard (the algebra part in my case) but it is highly rewarding! The rejoice of understanding the beauty of the algorithm is awesome.
By guo
•Oct 16, 2017
I write a neural networks by numpy , it do helps to my understanding of deep learning .Instead of using caffe,mxnet,tensorflow , I create it by my forward propagation & backward propagation .In my way to imply a backward propagation, I understand a full neural network that I never know.thanks ng.
By Alexander B
•Oct 3, 2017
Very good introduction course to neural networks. I really enjoyed building my own ANN from scratch with help from the prepared templates and see my code run for the first time. Andrew's teaching skills are impressive and this course's quality is even higher than for "Machine Learning". Thumbs up.
By miroslav p
•Sep 8, 2017
Very well done course, it will take you to deep learning from begining, you don't need to know anything before you start.
After the course you are able to code your own neural network and learn it to recognise cats on the photos, or estimate any data based on inputs, like houshold prices and so on,
By Sachin S
•Oct 31, 2023
This is great course. Advice to students: I would strongly suggest going through all the reading material and implement one L layer neural network without any of the templated/half-complete code. Start with a fresh ipython notebook and do not copy/paste but implement it with full understanding.
By Shengfeng
•Oct 19, 2021
We can learn very intuitively what DNN is doing from this class, and the programming exercise helps a lot with better understanding the structure of a neural network. Also, it's very encourageing that the teacher keeps telling us "Don't worry about it", which gives me a lot of courage to keep on.
By Scott L
•Jun 26, 2020
This course was hard for me as a seventy year old, but it was very well presented. I also appreciated the discussion forum, expecially Paul Mielke's comments and help when I got stuck on an assignment. I recommend this course to anyone that wants to understand neural networks and deep learning.
By Manuel G
•May 10, 2020
very good, although implementing algorithms from scratch seems a bit tedious to me, since there are now libraries like tensorflow, or scikit learn that implement complete neural network architectures, of course, I suppose that the goal of this course is to teach the principle of neural networks .
By Suresh T
•Jan 7, 2019
I have taken Andrew Ng's first course in coursera last year. Love it this course also, Python and Neural Net right combination. Like his first course, in this course also, he really explains the basics you need need to know about deep learning , which helps to solve your own interesting problems.