Apr 7, 2019
A bit easy (python wise) but maybe that's just a reflection of personal experience / practice. The contest is easy to digest (week to week) and the intuitions are well thought of in their explanation.
Jun 30, 2018
Very good course to start Deep learning. But you need to have the basic idea first. I would suggest to do the Stanford Andrew Ng Machine Learning course first and then take this specialization courses
By Jon K
•Jan 8, 2021
Excellent course. Excellent lectures, good quizzes to reinforce materials. Specifically I really appreciated how in-depth they went into explaining the matrix dimensions with vectorization. If I had one complaint, I'd say that homework was a little on the easy side, but otherwise a truly outstanding course.
By Tommi J
•Jul 7, 2020
Great course by Andrew Ng and staff - the clarity of explanations and intuition is outstanding. You will need some basics in machine learning, for that Andrew's Machine learning course (also on Coursera) is perfect. Some fundamentals of Python will also make the programming assignments easier to understand.
By Tanner V
•Jun 29, 2020
Great course. Only problem is i think homeworks are too hand holdy. I get this is maybe easier for the autograding but it pretty much hands us the code and just asks us to paste it in the correct place or translate said formula into python. I feel learning is lower because of this.
Otherwise all was perfect!
By Harish V
•Apr 10, 2020
Great course for people to get a feel of deep learning through programming. Prior knowledge in calculus was not required, although it was very helpful in understanding the concept of back-propagation. This course is a great motivator for continuing with the other courses in the deep learning specialization.
By Javier C L
•Apr 10, 2020
Great course! It's amazing how Andrew explains things in a really clear manner and how he explains everything from the beginning (I mean explaining how every formula of the algorithm is obtained).
I'm really happy about the knowledge I've acquired so far and how I've been able to put it in practice.
By Parab N S
•Aug 10, 2019
An Excellent Course developed by Professor Andrew N.G. and his team. The course explains the overview of neural networks in a very simple and detailed manner but still in a great depth providing very good learning experience. Will definitely recommend doing this course to all the aspirants of Deep Learning.
By uday r
•Feb 18, 2018
Many thanks for Mr. Ng and team for putting together this course and setting up the necessary logistics. It gives a good introduction for implementing a neural-network. Using cloud-GPU makes experimenting and prototyping less time consuming. Looking forward to next course in this specialization.
By Tianxiang X
•Nov 24, 2017
Prof. Ng has again created a great course on machine learning for the public.
This 4-week course seems to be less mathematically rigorous than the 11-week Machine Learning course, but it's understandable--the goal is to get to deep learning topics sooner rather than later, and some material needs to be cut.
By Liu Z
•Nov 4, 2017
This lesson taught us the basic concepts of Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Then it emphasized on practice by teaching us how to build our own logistic regression model, shallow neural networks and deep neural networks, which could be applied to classify images. It is quite a useful and wonderful lesson.
By Csaba B
•Oct 16, 2017
Thank you! I am amazed. Straightforward notebooks, spectacular demonstrations, almost zero issues with the framework - that must have been a pretty lot of work. May I use the notebooks as a base for my classes in the DL extracurricular activity at PPKE ITK? These are far the best demos I have seen before :)
By armin j
•Jul 30, 2023
Thanks for letting me have the opportunity to learn and experience this amazing subject. This course had a very good and complete coverage of subjects and if I had a question, there was a great community where i could view other peoples ideas and answers to my questions.
thanks for having me in this course.
By ala b
•Aug 13, 2021
Im totally new to this field so i thought that i might encounter some problems to grasp the course materials, but it was utterly the opposit, in fact the quality of the course and of the instructor made it quite easy for me to grasp the fundamentals of neural networks and deep learning. Thank you coursera.
By Pavel B
•Apr 11, 2021
A very good course, it helps to deeply understand the mechanics of the neural network.
Separately, it is worth noting the excellent instructor Andrew Ng, who explains so complex and incomprehensible at first glance things. I recommend to walkthrough this course!
Thank you, Andrew!
Best regards, Pavel Bandiuk.
•May 4, 2020
The teaching is very thorough and easily described. The materials are very descriptive. The quizzes are great to verify the learning. The programming assignments are wonderful because they develop the concept step by step. Last but not least, the lecture delivery of sir Andrew Ng is so engaging. Thank you.
By Vishnu S
•Mar 2, 2019
Andrew Ng is one of the world's leading practitioners of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence, and he's also an excellent instructor when it comes to explaining concepts in a simple, lucid manner. This course is a perfect intro to Deep Learning that will set you up for a career in this exciting field.
By Johann S
•Oct 20, 2018
This class is really a delight. The material is well structured and clear. The assignments are very well done, you can focus on the actual algorithms. The time estimates for the assignments were pretty accurate for me. If you took the Machine Learning class from Andrew Ng before, some material can overlap.
By Helen Z
•Mar 12, 2018
Extremely hands-on, easy going, easy to understand, progressive, attention to details. Most effective way of human learning of machine learning. Jupiter is also great; course materials are meticulously prepared, and are runnable and downloadable. Everything you wish, it is there. Thanks for the great work!
By Ting C
•Aug 31, 2017
To me, there are still some mysterious parts of Neural Networks and Deep Learning after I completed this course. However, neural network and deep learning is not a black box to me anymore. I understand how it works now and I know if I have the data and formulas ready, I am able to train my own NN machine:)
By Berkay B
•Aug 24, 2017
It is a great course to start for learning Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Andrew clearly illustrates the concepts and math behind the algorithm. The homeworks are critical milestones in comprehending how to build a network and I suggest anyone with interest in Machine Learning to tackle this challenge.
By Johnathan T
•Aug 20, 2017
The very carefully thought-out notation really helped me get through this course in just over a week, without any previous experience. The optional videos that explained the underlying mathematics of neural network architecture will be an invaluable asset for creating my own designs from scratch. Awesome!!
By giannis v
•Jul 24, 2022
Probably the best in-depth course of neural networks, with a very detailed explanation on semantics using pure mathematics. The assignments were well instructed, not having to deal much with the python-specifics. Looking forward to attend the rest of the specialization courses. Keep up the excellent work!
•Jun 11, 2020
Very nice course on neural networks.In this course we will get to how to build a simple neural network to how to build a deep neural network from the basics.But one should have knowledge of basic operations on matrices,vectors and calculus(chain rule) to understand the learning process of neural networks.
By Rajdeep A
•May 30, 2020
Extremely useful to understand the very basics of NN architecture, including the flow of all mathematical computations like forward and back propagation. Programming assignments involve implementation of NNs from scratch without using tensorflow or keras, thereby promoting better conceptual understanding.
•May 6, 2020
This is so far the most interesting and involving course I had ever come across. Till before I started this course, I had been searching for a good course with both theory and hands-on practicals. I am really happy for starting this learning path for having found out where my research interest is aligned!
By Abhinandan T N
•Apr 23, 2020
Wonderful program, a lot detailed explanation of how Neural Networks work. Mathematical concepts were explained so neat that it was easily grasped, the course material is designed in a simple manner for easier understanding. Overall loved this course, looking forward to complete rest of the specialisation