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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,660 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Oct 5, 2016

This is an amazing course. I would recommend that you take this course before doing any others in Coursera, it will give you a great foundation to take into any other subjects that you want to learn.


Aug 14, 2017

I really appreciate the time these guys invested in this course and am willing to take it again if they re-explain some topics in order to refresh some things that with time haven't stayed in my mind.

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851 - 875 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Gillian H

Feb 14, 2020


There are truly no limits to what you can learn and achieve. Find out how you can move on from the limitations that you, or others, might have placed on you because of your earlier academic performance or the subjects that you have studied.

This course will also show you how to best utilize your study time to get the best results. Some of the principles taught can be used beyond the classroom and can help in other areas of your life.

The course content is always interesting and I've thoroughly enjoyed the bonus interview material.

Thank you for an excellent course!

By Gilda D P

Mar 13, 2016

It was really cool to learn research-backed information on what is happening in our brain while we are learning and to get some tips to improve our learning skills. I hope to use this knowledge for the many topics I still wish to learn throughout my life and also to teach my girls how to learn better . Thank you Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terry Sejnowski for sharing your knowledge with the world. Learning is one of the most fulfilling and empowering experiences one can have. Thank you for encouraging and making this experience accessible to anyone who wishes to pursue it.

By Dermot D

Aug 27, 2015

I have given this course 5 stars even though I think that there is room for improvement in the videos. At times it feels like I am watching somebody reading slowly from an autocue/teleprompter. Apart from this I would recommend this course to everyone. I would even like to see Coursera have it linked directly to their landing web page. After all, this site is all about learning, and making sure that everybody is approaching the learning process as well prepared as possible is in everybody's best interest (including Coursera and those that create the course material).


May 11, 2018

I have learned the really powerful techniques to tackle procrastination in this course. Time plan is really useful and efficient. Write down the task list for the next day is really helpful for me to keep thing on track. Review the task list to mark the unfinished work is also important. Before taking this course, I always waste time on trying to remember what to do at the beginning of a day. And I always begin to do a task without finishing it, then forget it totally. This is the only course I have persisted to finish all the quiz. The feeling of fulfilment is amazing.

By Muhammad S K

Aug 31, 2017

This MOOC will change your mindset about learning. I have learned a lot about learning during this course. It is well-structured. I loved the optional readings and interviews because these helped me gain a deeper understanding of the concepts.I have unintentionally practised some of the methods taught in this course in the past and I would endorse them like spaced repetition helps you recall materials much quicker and working on difficult problems helps you become a better and faster problem solver.I hope to incorporate the teachings from this course in my study routine.

By Nufile U A

Jun 25, 2020

Hands down one of the best courses I have ever taken. The reason I found the course extremely helpful is because even before taking the course, some of the techniques discussed were implemented in my study routines and they helped me boost my grades significantly. So naturally, when I find those techniques and many others that I wasn't aware of in the course material, I am assured that I am in the right place. Also Dr. Oakley radiates such a warm and encouraging vibe that that makes you want to have some patience and take tiny steps toward your learning goals!

Loved it!

By redenergi

May 25, 2019

I'm a bad learner, and have never been a teacher favorite. I've struggled with procrastination for my entire life and it has knocked me down over and over. I found the tips in this course to be helpful, and relevant. I started this course to give myself the best chance in a college program, and I even started it with a bad attitude. After finishing the first week, I'm so excited to put what I've already learned into action, and I really feel a connection to Barbra Oakly, guys shes a northern badass. Thanks for this course, you've got this bad student on the right track.

By Aida N

Dec 28, 2022

The best way to end 2022 with this amazing course Coursera "Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects"

This is a must-course quite simply, regardless of what age group you belong to. 

I also found the interviews amazing emphasising every key point or concept mentioned throughout the course.

This was the best gift for me to end this year. I can not recommend this course enough. Thank you so much to everyone who made this course happen. 

Prof. Barbara Oakley and Prof.Terry Sejnowski you were both amazing

I am ever so grateful :)

Aida Noor

By Richard K

May 18, 2017

Looking for something different that will increase your knowledge of new areas? Consider taking this course. One of the most fundamental skills that people are not taught is how to learn. This course will give you some very insightful insights about how to be a more effective learner. Topics such as memory loss, procrastination, connecting ideas, sleep, and so forth are covered on this. It is an easy course that does not require a lot of time, but will be valuable for learners. My learning abilities greatly increased after taking this course. Highly recommended!

By Marie-Louise B

Sep 7, 2015

I absolutely love this course. I have studied Positive Psychology and are working with children with learning disabilities. Everybody can learn and succeed with these tools... Regardless age, regardless "labeled with learning disabilities". Im personally deeply fascinated by the brain and I am very fond of the explaining of the brain in the course, which explain so perfectly, why we act as we do.... And for children (or families) with working disabilities they need more than anyone to understand why they act like they do.


By Lau M

Dec 11, 2020

I started this course because I was spending a lot of time procrastinating and for me was very difficulty have concentration in finish my task on time.What I found in the information and concepts below help my mind and me to be better with my projects and studies.I began in use the pomodoro technic in most of my activities and the results are amazing and stunning.I feel less anxiety thinking in the process and not in the product.Understanding how works my brain in terms of distraction or building memory can improve myself in choose a better way to do every assignment.

By Mohamed K B

Jul 13, 2019

a life changing course! During the course i have changed many small habits that were keeping me from reaching my personal and professional goals. By understanding how the minds works, you can trick it by setting rewards and following well studied anti-procrastination methods.

During the course i was also listening to Dr. Jordan Peterson podcast, which made a lot of sense in according to this course's material, so if you're looking for an extreme change to your life, take this course, listen to Jordnan Peterson, and you'll be a different person within weeks.

Thnak you!

By Chowdhury M S A M

Apr 16, 2017

Doing this course was indeed a very good experience. I am looking to change my career and trying to learn computer programming and which is exactly why I have done this course. After finishing the course, I believe it is not only my study that is being helped, I believe I have got a very good amount of real life tips as well which will help me in my career as well. Being a procrastinator, I have harmed my life already a lot. But now that I know how to handle procrastination, I will try my best to implement the tricks that I have learned in this course. Thanks a lot!

By Dylan D

Nov 7, 2016

Learning How To Learn will get you to think differently about procrastination and what you can do about it now. Do yourself a favor. If you are struggling to understand tough subjects or suffer like most people from procrastination, this course will offer a fresh perspective on why we do what we do and what you can change to turn it around. This course should be mandatory in high school or for first year incoming college students. You will walk away learning at least one new thing that will help you to improve your studies, test taking and performing under pressure.

By Andrew G

Mar 4, 2016

It is a wonderful course that indeed makes the difference. Over it "I've met myself" almost in each video and each topic. Very surprisingly that somebody knows me better than I do and is searching for sintific solutions of my problems in a daily professional fashion. I did realize a lot of things about myself and how things work for or against me, how to reinforce my cons and extract maximum efficiency of pros. How much learning means and how strongly influences human beings. All from the above will be essential for you if you wish to upgrade yourself and your life.

By Sally D

Sep 1, 2022

I have studied successfully for many exams in different subjects over the years and when this was suggested to me as an option to do before undertaking a new degree subject I was sceptical/dismissive as "I knew how to learn" already. How wrong I was! This course was fantastic. It has taught me some excellent new techiques and theories, shown me why what I have done naturally has worked previously and how what I have also done has slowed down and lengthened my learning process. Moving forward I hope to be a more efficient/productive and creative student. Thank you

By Ambur F

Sep 10, 2021

This is a great course. I now have tools to help me learn mathematics for a career that I love. I am interested in marketing and data analytics. In order to obtain a degree in this field I would need to take classes in statistics and other types of math that I thought I could not do. I am now more confident because of the tips I have obtained through this class. I have also been able to keep up in my present data analytics class with these techniques. Learning to Learn is one of the most informative empowering classes that I have taken.

I appreciate Barbara Oakley.

By Fiona O

Jun 11, 2020

Really enjoyed this course and it helped me get back into learning during lockdown! Very effective format and really helped me understand and unlock more about how the brain works to learn (or try to not learn) and what I can do to get myself out of those procrastination ruts and to switch off from things I think I have no aptitude for when actually it's all about my efforts. Barbara was an excellent Teacher and Facilitator, loved her insightful and interesting explanations that kept me engaged throughout the course. Loved this so much I've signed up for Mindshift!

By norbert b

Jul 6, 2021

Great course, i would recommend it to all human beings. Prof Babara Oakey and Prof Terrance Sejnoskwi are great facilitators of learning. Their presentation materials are well done. The course was so captivating, when i started a module, i could stop till i take the examinations. The examination were challenging so you had to understand the topic well to pass it. This is the best course on learning, the neuroscience in it, rubbishes that old and tired theories of learning that we have taught for years. It does explain how people learn. Thanks for the sponsorship.


Apr 22, 2021

I recommend this course to anyone, mostly to high school students. Why, math is a subject that most of them say hate or don't understand; however, Dr. Barbara Oakley's testimony is on of inspiration and motivation. I got through the course in order to motivate my daughter but...guess what? - I learned a lot myself. So I bought the book, "A Mind for Numbers" along with the Audio, same with, "Learning How to Learn" and "Mindshift." Reason for that, I recommend it to every parent I know and friends too and is always good to have the book as a good reference material.

By Ivan C C I

Oct 4, 2020

I love the course, I am a procrastinative person but with studying through the course I realized I could do so much more. This process wasn't boring, in fact it was made easy! It was like learning something you're interested in, and I wasn't even all too interested in the beginning. It made me feel (and know!) what it's like to learn and gave me things and techniques to look out for in my study habits. Not only in studying in academe but in learning in life, by having this beautifully made 'manual' to the brain I am thankful. Cheers to a brighter fulfilled future!

By Maninder S

Apr 11, 2020

First and foremost, Thanks to Barb Oakley, Terry Sejnowski and the team for creating such a wonderful course.

This is the first course that i've completed on Coursera. It has completely changed my mindset and how i approach my life day to day. This course may seem like it's just useful if you are preparing for a test, but it's much more than that. You'd have different techniques to tackle out some fundamental problems, like Procrastination, Lack of interest in new things, afraid of new areas be it in your current field or a new career altogether.

Highly recommended.

By See Y C

Jan 18, 2018

This course is condensed in such a way, with amazing visual cues and guides, that it is very easy to understand and commit to memory. The videos are short enough, such that it is very easy to schedule breaks inbetween. It is also such that each video is neither too long or too short, fitting the length of one's attention span. Overall, the attention to detail, both within and outside the contents of the course (i.e the content itself and the way it is structured) is masterfully developed for easy understanding. The course is amazing and I'd recommend it to anyone.

By Revol R

Oct 27, 2015

C'est le cours qu'on devrait suivre avant tout autre chose. Des vidéos claires (sous titrées pour les non anglophones), dans un format compact, des astuces pour l'apprentissage et la mémorisation tellement évidentes au final quand on y pense, mais tellement efficace.

That's the course we should complete before anything else. Clear videos (subtitled for non english speaking people), un a compact form, tips & tricks for learning and memory which are so obvious finally where we look back at them, but so usefull.

Bravo and thank you very much for publishing this MOOC.

By Michael G

Oct 16, 2017

Wow! This course came just at the right time in my life. Unemployed and doubting my own self-confidence, I had internalized all my failures as innate reflections of who I am––a failure. This course taught me (and in some points, re-taught me) the neuroscience, psychology and physiology of how human leverage their greatest evolutionary advantage, learning. Having completed this course, I've regained much of my self-confidence, and I am, once again, ready to get back out in the world, now knowing, I am capable, with hard work and perseverance, of learning anything.