Oct 5, 2016
This is an amazing course. I would recommend that you take this course before doing any others in Coursera, it will give you a great foundation to take into any other subjects that you want to learn.
Aug 14, 2017
I really appreciate the time these guys invested in this course and am willing to take it again if they re-explain some topics in order to refresh some things that with time haven't stayed in my mind.
By Pore J
•Aug 14, 2015
I registered the course in order to help me understand more about my brain and improve my learning ability. That’s satisfied!
The first week, I feel like both of professors are so weird and the video lectures like the 1960s movie. Surprisingly, after the first week I was looking forward to see them and the next session. I very much enjoy it. I like the course content- understanding how the brain work and how to get better brain.
I am very much happy that I had undertaken the Learning How to Learn course. And thank you so very much Dr. Barb Oakley and Dr. Terry Sejnowski for this course. Happy learning ever :)
By Kumar M
•Aug 29, 2019
The course was very well detailed and helped me broaden my understanding of the learning process much much more. Both the teachers taught in a very interactive way and I very much liked their teaching style. The bite-sized tests at the end of each video were very helpful in retaining the key parts of the material. I am very sure that this course that I just finished will help me in all areas of my life and definitely will help me learn faster and more effectively, now that I have a brief knowledge of how our brain works. I will recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn, "How to learn effectively".
By Sanja M
•Nov 23, 2022
This is an example of the course that is well structured and planned. You move through the topics in feeling that you have really learnt something, as most of the time, you have to implement the previous into the next stage or lesson. Everything is divided into smaller pieces, so it is easy to follow. The way teachers speak is non-judgemental and biased, which adds to the total value of the course.
Whether you want to overcome your own learning difficulties, or want to learn how to help others in learning journey, this is a starting point.
I have enjoyed and learned a lot in Learning how to Learn course.
By Isaac B
•Jul 31, 2020
Extraordinary course!Wonderful teachers who are enthusiastic, passionate, and entertaining conveying these simple but Highly effective tips and techniques to make learning easy.Deep insights into the working of the mind, and how it works has helped me battle procrastination, become task oriented (by focusing on the processes not the product), and taught me the secrets to retain what I have learned.It's a wonder that this course isn't taught in every school. I went through 12+ years of education and this information was never taught to me.Thank you for this free and powerful course.To a life of learning!
By Lucas V
•Jul 21, 2017
Can you imagine a course that can change your life? Learn how to learn is a course like this! I'm 29 old and I'd like to had the opportunity to took this course fifteen years early. Whatever I'm profoundly happy to know better how my brain works. How to improve my memory, how to avoid procrastination, to avoid impostor syndrome and a lot of very interesting stuff. I'me a lecturer in Brazil and I will spread the contents of that course to a thousands of brazilian people. Everybody needs to know this contents. My special thanks to Barbra Oakley, Terence Sejnowski and Coursera's team! You made a great job!
By kathryn
•Nov 6, 2015
This course has been utterly brilliant. I almost cannot describe the important things I've learnt, the new techniques to try and the confidence it's given me. I am hoping to study a Masters of Research next year, however, it's been a long time since I've done any formal study. This course has given me the confidence to believe I can be successful in my studies, as well as the techniques to make sure that is true. I would recommend it to *anyone* who is considering a new course of study after a period of non-study. This course gives you the tools and confidence to study anything. It is utterly brilliant.
By brandon h
•Feb 9, 2025
Simply Amazing! This course really outlines the flaws many of us have in our methods of studying. Not only what we do when we are studying but also when we are not studying. There are other interesting topics in Neuroscience brought into the course which are very interesting to learn too. Overall, the course provides a solid foundation for people in all walks of life, and I personally think something this valuable should be taught in schools. I am a university graduate in Physics and having this before I started my Degree would have delivered far better results. Thank you to Dr Terry and Dr Oakley!
•Feb 10, 2022
This is one of best course i have ever studied. it has expanded my thinking and has increased my confidence in facing any educational challenge. what i have inn thie course in four weeks has given me a different vision about learning anything new. I encourage everybody in all works of life to to try this course just for the pleasures of learning, i bet you, you will want to keep learning. The instructors were superb in their presentations and teaching style. Infact i want to learn a new language. Remember your brain never came with an intructor manual. kudos to DR Barbara Oakley and Dr Terry Sejnowski
•Jun 15, 2019
The thing is I love learning new things and try continuously to learn new skills. And that's the reason this course attracts me. After completing this course I came to learn about my brain and its working and how can I use my brain more efficiently. Also came to know about various techniques few I already using, few I learnt new and came to know what I was doing wrong.
So I would recommend this course to all students out there. Also recommend it to those who like to learn new things or trying to switch career by learning.
This course gives insight how can you do better in your academic/professional life.
By Matthew S
•Jul 10, 2017
All the content in this course is really interesting and useful. I watch it at 1.5x speed most of the time.
This class should be required education before attempting to learn anything else. The idea that nearly all students are expected to learn subjects without having first being taught how to learn is ridiculous.Note to Barbara Oakley for whoever is managing this MOOC: Please remove the repetitive superfluous phrases from quizzes, "as several of the videos mentioned," "as one video emphasized," etc. Just remove all references to the videos. They are unnecessary, and only make the quizzes take longer.
By phuong
•Mar 17, 2025
This course came to me at a reflective stage of what I have learnt after finishing my first 4-year music course. The knowledge in Learning How to Learn is very much like a wrap-up of what I have experienced during my experimental time with new skills in music; and provides me a much better understanding of what I could or could not perform well during my learning time. And it's definitely a very good pack of tool-kits in terms of techniques and knowledge for self-learning. From the viewpoint of an endless learner, I am deeply grateful to the course instructors for their thoughtful design the course.
By Marthinus J M
•Apr 15, 2023
Very useful starting place for higher learning - or just learning in general. These concepts should be taught at school at an early age. I have found many of the concepts taught in this course through personal experience but it is very useful to really grasp them as real powerful tools that enhance your learning in all fields. It is valuable information that is at the same time fairly simple to grasp and a course that is not that demanding. Simple yet valuable knowledge worth your time. Great ideas for building a learning tool set and habits. Practice makes permanent - so do it right from the start.
By manjit s
•May 6, 2020
THIS Course is extremely useful for every one.The way Barbara Oakley explains is fab .I would recommend any one who is sitting free to utilize their time by doing this course u will love it professor Terrence Sejnowski teaches the working of our mind that will be great help for people not only for particular subjects like maths and science but in each part of life. One could apply THESE principles can take a full control over the procrastination. The course teach exactly what we need to overcome procrastination and will be enjoying various process in their life.Why r u waiting for enroll it now.
By Armando F
•Feb 14, 2016
Muy buen curso, creo que todos los estudiantes desde la educación primaria, deberían tener una capacitación previa en el sentido del aprendizaje, y en las herramientas que permiten una mayor retención de lo aprendido. Cuantas veces hemos estudiado alguna materia solo para poder rendir un examen y luego en el tiempo nos damos cuenta que no podemos recordar absolutamente nada de lo que habíamos leído. La base fundamental no solo es adquirir nuevos conocimientos sino que ademas puedan permanecer en nuestra memoria de manera permanente, y este curso proporciona herramientas muy importantes para ese fin.
By Renato G d S
•Oct 15, 2016
Very good insights. It is nice to understand how your brains works when it is involved on a leaning process. And even though, it uses some concepts and tips we already know, it is also important to rethink about then, for knowing something exists does't mean you use it properly.
The teacher are just spectacular. The lessons are really enjoyable. And i found it quite useful to learning and practice English.
The questions on the and of each video are very good. They are obvious most of the time but, by reading then, we use the recalling process taught on the second week, and it helps us to chunk then.
By Bohdan P
•Apr 23, 2020
ENG|UA This course is very powerful. There are a lot of interesting and, what is important, helpful information and practice advices how to use your brain more effectively. And the main teller – dr. Barbara – has a very nice voice, so listening to her is not only interesting, but also enjoyable. Don`t think – JUST JOIN and ENJOY IT!
Надзвичайно корисний та захоплюючий курс. Багато практичних порад, підкріплених багатьма дослідженнями, та інтерв'ю з фахівцями у своїй сфері, які діляться своїм досвідом з навчання. Тому не тягніть кота за хвіст, а реєструйтеся на курс) Приємного навчання про навчання!
By Shuchao
•Feb 28, 2017
This course is awesome. Dr. Oakley has taught many helpful skills on how to learn. But for me, the most important and most helpful thing, is that you are not born to become who or born to be specifically proficient in some subjects. As long as you learn with right methods, you can learn anything. For long I've been trapped and handicapped by the "einstellung" that I'm not a math or physics learner. Now I'm completely confident that all I need is to walk away from the comfort zone and learn efficiently with those useful and scientific methods. Many thanks to Coursera and the course team. Thank you!
By Yasmeen Y
•Feb 13, 2025
One of the most valuable assets of this course lies in its extensive library of additional video content, which offers insightful explorations into alternative applications of the material being covered. This thoughtful inclusion not only deepens understanding but also expands one's perspective on the subject matter. Furthermore, I've been impressed by the attention to detail that has gone into crafting this course. The quizzes, in particular, are well-structured and expertly designed to reinforce key concepts throughout each module, ensuring a cohesive learning experience from start to finish.
By Timothy J M
•Jan 18, 2022
One of my college professors recommends this course to all of his students. Compared to my normal courses, this class was a breeze. The focus of this course isn't to be difficult though, it's for people of all ages and professions to understand what techniques to employ or avoid in order for them to better acquire and retain knowledge. If you have a free week, and spend a round an hour a day listening/watching this rather then that next TV drama series you plan to binge you can easily breeze through this course while learning some information that could help you learn some valuable life skills.
By Diego C
•Sep 3, 2017
Great course. Very useful techniques, easy to understand concepts and helpful to make you more productive. I learned how to stay focused in my studies, keep the information in my memory for more time, how to avoid procrastination, how to prepare for a test and the importance of stress management before test. Also, which part of the material I should focus on when I'm learning new topics. I recommend this course for everyone who's focused in develop yourself and learn techniques that help to learn fast and more easily. The last month was great. Thanks for all. I'm a new student after this course.
By Kelly J K
•Sep 14, 2015
This course was invaluable to me in teaching best practices for learning. I consider myself a lifelong learner and have been seeking useful techniques for learning difficult material and retaining new material. I didn't take to any suggestions from a previous informal "study habits" mini-course, and for over a decade, I just resigned myself to not being intellectually able or disciplined enough to tackle certain subjects, but Professor Oakley's teachings encourage me to mount and master learning mountains. This was a fantastic course, and I have already recommended Prof. Oakley's work to others.
By Maria-Elisa D
•Jul 22, 2020
I am 50 years old, I love learning, and I keep on learning! I took this course to get "how to" learning tips to share with my elementary students and my 11 year-old son in their studies; however, even though I have a bachelor's degree and I thought I knew enough techniques on how to learn, I found myself learning interesting and very efficient techniques that I had never heard of before.
I recommend this course to any student, no matter their age, to learn how to efficiently increase their retention capabilities and even how to relieve stress prior to testing.
Thanks Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski!
•Feb 24, 2018
This Course was hands down phenomenal and so fundamental for anyone wanted to facilitate a better understanding in how are brains work and process information. If you ever once wonder why sometimes you beat information into your cranium and come to find out a few days later you forgot everything, well this course will explain and talk about focused mode and diffused mode of learning. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to be a well rounded and efficient learner. I would like to thank the amazing instructors for this course and this opportunity to grow and enhance our brains.
By Bob Q
•Jan 28, 2021
Wonderful course: lots of useful and relevant information along with a ton of techniques to learn and use to improve your learning curve. I recommend it.
But, I found the online presentation a bit difficult and confusing to use. When I would sign in for study time, I expected the program to take me back to where I stopped yesterday and firmly guide me to my next step/lesson. Or if I wanted to find a video to see again or an article to read again, it took me a fair amount of searching to locate it. So, I give the course content five stars but the organization and presentation of it three stars.