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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,691 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 10, 2016

This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course


May 31, 2021

This course helped me a lot on realizing what I was missing and the real mistake that I've ever made. By fixing my cognition in learning, it gave me a better chance to study and retain more than ever.

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2751 - 2775 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Jacob K

Jan 11, 2017

As someone who doesn't have the time for a formal education, I try to learn through my everyday experiences, no matter how ordinary or monotonous they may appear. This course opened my eyes to tips and tricks to make the best of my learning, regardless of the task I happen to be involved in. Thanks for the h

By Cristina C O

Aug 30, 2015

¡Excelente! El curso es realmente práctico, completamente actual y recomendable para cualquier estudiante, incluidos los autodidactas. La Dra. Oakley es amena, clara e informada en sus explicaciones. El Dr. Sejnowski acompaña las lecciones y el material optativo es útil y necesario. Imperdible, y es gratuito.

By Daiyi P

Aug 25, 2015

This is an awesome course that might remind you of living and working differently. The materials are well organized in a structured way that is very easy to follow - focus/diffuse mode, pomodoro technique, chunking, memory palace, etc. All these will lead to a fulfilling life if you take the course seriously.

By Francisco J G H

Aug 18, 2015

In plain simple words is a perfecly planned and elaborated couse and really helpful.

Elaborating a bit more I really think is excellent, every other couse should give a recomendation to start this couse because no mater the subject you intend to learn it will help you. It even helo you to have a healthty life.

By Arvino Z

Jan 1, 2024

In conclusion, "Learning How to Learn" is a must-take course for anyone seeking to enhance their learning abilities. The combination of engaging content, effective teaching methods, practical strategies, and broad applicability makes it a standout resource in the realm of online learning. Highly recommended!

By Jaafar N

Nov 5, 2023

In fact, I can't describe how useful this role is. Thank you Barbara, Dr. Signovsky, all the participants and Coursera. In fact, I was leaving high school. It is difficult in my country, but after finishing the course, I decided to return to complete my education and get the certificate. Thank you very much.

By Debbie R

Nov 15, 2021

A wonderful course especially as I'm a adult learner with bad study habits and no tools! This course has given me new tools to learn better in the future. This course has given me the confidence to tackle any subject with new perspective. Great tutors, fantastic course material and so much more! Thank You :)

By Tia M

Feb 6, 2021

Thank you for these great tips. I took notes about a lot of stuff, and that course helped me to focus more on my online courses and how to study for them. I really enjoyed watching Dr Barbara's videos and the animation in them, as well as listening to Dr Terry's wide knowledge. Thank you so much. Stay safe!!

By Simona C

Dec 8, 2020

Powerful learning methods, relevant examples, and well-documented studies. I enjoyed leasing to the professors and as well to their special guests. I recommend this course to students and people like me who want to learn something new and are interested in the best way to use their memory and brain capacity.

By Paula F

Nov 23, 2020

Really, really enjoyed this course! Each topic was well presented and explained and I loved all the metaphors used. All throughout the course I kept wishing I learned all of this back when I was in high school - would have definitely helped a lot to curb my unhealthy (and inefficient) study habits back then.

By Daniel R M

Apr 12, 2020

Excepcional!! Curso muy ameno y divertido, en donde la Dra. Oakley y el Dr. Sejnowski, te presentan una guía básica sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro, algunas de sus funciones, trucos, consejos... durante el proceso de aprendizaje. Curso que en si, considero que debería cursar todo el mundo.

Muchas Gracias!

By Vusal A

Apr 4, 2020

This course is very helpful in terms of discovering effective methods of learning (the ones you maybe use at the moment and ones you have never heard of). While taking this course you learn many things about yourself as a person and gives you, as it gave to me, motivation to take new self-learning endeavors!

By Vijay K

Mar 2, 2020

This is one of the best courses that I have attended in a long time. The course was structured very well and some of the concepts and techniques were very informative and useful. I learned a lot of valuable things and I feel these tips and techniques will come a long way in all my future learning adventures.

By Leanne L

Jan 13, 2020

The Coursera course, "Learning How to Learn", was an informative and interesting class that helped me gain a deeper understanding of study methods. I was able to reflect on my own study habits and identify which study habits of mine were ineffective. I highly recommend this course for all levels of learners!

By Salim D

Aug 19, 2019

A must !

Unfortunately the modern educational system ( most of the time in many countries ) is counter-productive.

A must-to-take course for students in order to learn better and release anxiety

Also important for teachers so they can bring the best of their teaching experience to students, based on this course

By Syarifah J

Feb 8, 2019

I am glad that I decided to participate in this course. I have learnt quite a lot and have realized the errors I have committed in learning. I would review the videos even after I've finished this course until the ideas really ingrained in my psyche and really practice what I have learnt here in this course.

By Dragana D J

Jun 9, 2018

I am grateful I have had the opportunity to study this course. Each student is able to find valuable information, inspiration and supportive energy in Coursera's course Learning How to Learn created by: University of California San Diego. Taught by: Linda Walker, Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski

By Deleted A

May 27, 2018

Powerful tools of Neurology, Psychology, the psyche and even human exercise to help you learn about the human brain and its role in learning. A must for anyone who wants to learn how to learn. Thank you Barbara Oakley, Terry Sejnowski and the other woman involved for this opportunity to learn from the great.

By Karuna R

Feb 13, 2018

I am pleased with the course content. I learnt many new concepts in the process of learning which I heard for the first time - like chunking, interleaving, einstellung, and memory palace. I will now avoid illusions of competence and will use recall plus deliberate practice in order to learn more effectively.

By Aygul Y

Feb 4, 2018

This course is very helpful to those who doubt themselves and think that learning new subject is way to hard for them, but this course is also effective for those who have an illusion to-know-it-all. It helps in better understanding on how your brain works and how to make it a better instrument for learning.

By William W

Nov 11, 2017

I have tried to be responsible for my own learning for years since I graduated. And I am always being troubled by the fact that the progress I've made is too slow because of my poor memory. This course offers many useful techniques which I believe will definitely give me a hand to my coming learning process.

By Jiří B

Aug 20, 2017

This course was fun. Even though most of the techniques presented in it are very simple they are effective. Helped me to organize my work and better focus on single tasks. No secret powerful sacred tools that will make a superhuman if you are looking for this kind of course. You still need to work a lot :).

By Anne G B S E

Nov 21, 2015

no sólo son principios sobre el aprendizaje, sino que además estimulan a desarrollar el mayor potencial de nuestros tiempos de estudios... expande el entendimiento y eleva la comprensión respecto a la necesidad de cultivar la mente como parte del cuidado a la salud fisica y emocional... una ayuda integral...

By Zhe R

Sep 6, 2015

This course is fun and educational at the same time, providing hundreds of useful learning techniques, facts and tips. Learning is a life-long process, and I must say that it's Dr. Oakley's personality that largely inspires me to finish the course and have confidence in my future learning. Thank you so much!

By Santosh N

Aug 18, 2022

This is the most important topic, because it can help one in any field.

The explanations were very effective and avoided maximum techinical or critical scientific terms to make the subject easy for common people. By testing and repetation of key concept made the important basics concrete.

Thak you very much.