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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,691 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and
many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information.
We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most
effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master,
you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you...

Top reviews


Sep 10, 2016

This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course


May 31, 2021

This course helped me a lot on realizing what I was missing and the real mistake that I've ever made. By fixing my cognition in learning, it gave me a better chance to study and retain more than ever.

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2626 - 2650 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By M B A

Dec 9, 2020

For students, reskilling employees, researchers, and even aged individuals who are willing to get into a new path of knowledge and experience, this course is a meaningful choice. I don't want to overpraise but it will give a new reform to your learning methods and habits. Thank you Dr.Barbara, and thank you Dr.Terry .

By Jewel B B

Oct 23, 2020

I am many years beyond my formal education and at an earlier point, about 15 years ago, thought I would be hard pressed to take on new learning tasks. I have been pleasantly finding out that I can still be a decent student, and this course has helped me considerably. Thanks very much to the teachers and other staff.

By Vidya S

Sep 8, 2020

I loved it very much , it helped me in improving my skills and trying to find my passion by learning and have a great energy to do great things , it is my pleasure to have this course from you doctors. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance.


By Karthik G

Dec 22, 2019

Best course ever. I have explored many seminars and mooc to understand the science of learning and recalling. I have found this course very helpful to understand how our mind works, because only then we can harness the power of mind. I recommend all of you to take this course and make the best use of yourself.


By Syed F Q

Aug 7, 2019

A great course that I should have taken long ago. But taking this course at any stage of your life is worth it. The course is well planned, well presented and keeps the interest live throughout the length of course.

Thank you very much and I will spread the word to all members of my family, friends and acquaintances.

By Mariela N R

Mar 12, 2019

This course not only changed my mindset, it also change my life. It sounds like a cliche but I truly noticed a change in myself. I became more confident to take other courser on subjects that I thought were too difficult to learn, and I had success! That has helped me to get new opportunities at my university and job.

By Rushikesh K

Jun 2, 2018

This course is unique and brilliant. All the techniques and observations in this work are backed up by scientific studies. Students will understand learning is not an auto-pilot activity, but deliberate practice. Thanks to an amazing instructor for making this course and helping out thousands of students in the world.

By Yasser E

Apr 11, 2018

Now I have an entirely new perspective about the process of learning. This course took me to a new horizon regarding learning and retaining information. I urge every learner or scholar in any field to take this course. I am sure they won't regret the time spent on it. Thank you very much Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski .

By Juliano I

May 26, 2017

Wonderful Course, wonderful professors.. I really enjoyed to see how we can improve our learning process though a very wide range of videos, examples, texts, and great, great interviews!! I really enjoy Professor Barbra!! I want to met her pesonally to hear her historys while she was in Antarctica!!! Thanks everyone!!

By Carmelene A

Aug 10, 2016

The course has amazing content. It's a very structured with an interesting approach. For someone who procrastinates a lot, I didn't get bored! I wish we had this course way back in High School. So many tips and my favorites are the Pomodoro and the Memory Palace techniques. I highly recommend this course for everyone.

By Deng Y

Jan 26, 2016

Best course I ever had so far!!! I love the way the two main professors teach in these great fantastic videos, I love the speed they talk and it really makes sense to me. I really love these interviews that Barbara did with those great people in different areas. It's really worth my time!!!! I can't appreciate more!!!

By Diana F

Jan 13, 2016

It was the first course that I finished in Coursera and I loved it. I really got excited about what I was learning and I've been using it in my work and in my stydy. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. It was the incentive that I needed to invest in myself again and learn new things that I always wanted to know.

By Christopher K

Oct 23, 2015

This course is an excellent mix of practical exercises and lessons, mixed with deeper understanding of principles found in the science of learning, helping students understand how the brain learns and how we process and store information.

I think this is a superb class for a subject that is highly relevant to everyone.


Jan 3, 2021

It was very enjoyable and helpful. As a sociologist I found all the topics very intersesting because you managed to keep it both professional and easy-going. Excelent teachers, very insipiring. I believe that everbody can watch it and understand it. Thank you for this course and I hope we will see more in the future.

By Kimberly L

Sep 18, 2020

The course was very insightful. I learned a lot and it helped me gain a different perspective on how to study compared to traditional study methods. Understanding how one thinks and learning ways to correct common misconceptions would be very helpful and in realizing one's own study style and become a better learner.

By Oxana M

Jul 6, 2020

I have really enjoyed this course, a lot more than I thought I would. Doing this course has made me think about my own learning techniques and what I have been doing right or wrong. It was really interesting and it has inspired me to look more into how to be a better learner. I would definiteky recommend this course.

By Essra y

Jun 24, 2020

i am tremendously happy for enrolling to such a great course like that it helped me a lot ,every single information that i have learnt helped me in my ordinary life ,i have been more aware a bout every thing happens to me ,i ma really honored for covering my free time by attending to this course,thank you so much

By Francisco J R C

Jun 7, 2020

Realmente disfrute este curso, me mantuve motivado en aprender y me resultaron muy útiles los conocimientos que adquirí, he logrado modificar algunos hábitos y he mejorado mi productividad. Ahora quiero seguir profundizando en el tema y compartir este conocimiento con otras personas. Gracias y saludos desde Colombia.

By Peter S

Apr 19, 2020

This course presents a number of strategies which will definitely make your learning more effective -- if you apply them! Spaced retrieval, one of the key strategies, is notorious for not being applied even by students who have been exposed to the research on its value. So, learn how to learn, and go out and DO IT!

By Amandeep B

Jan 23, 2020

After having spent years away from any structured or institutional learning, this course gave me a great set of tools, perspectives, and strategies that are making the undertaking of resuming study much less of a 'boogeyman' - I can't thank Barb and Terry enough for bringing this course to fruition. Thanks, everyone.

By carlos m v

Aug 22, 2019

Very interesting course. Learning how to learn is important for us, because homo sapiens due evolution are design to learn in jungle or deserts or country land but as we have live in earth from 200 hundred years ago (and before) and fast changes make that us need to learn diferent to master tecnologies and knowledge.

By Stefan H

Jul 13, 2019

I can highly recommend this course to learners of all ages. I feel I got a lot out of it and wish that I had taken it many years earlier in my life. I'm now encouraging my kids (one in high school, one in college) to take it. I'm convinced both will benefit from it a lot and become better and more efficient learners.

By Cara S

Jan 29, 2018

An absolutely phenomenal course. I will recommend this to all of my students and colleagues. The course design, techniques and delivery were excellent. I appreciate the time and thought put into every detail as well as the humor and personal touches. It was worth every minute and will be useful in many walks of life.

By TorstenLange

Jan 14, 2018

Wow, I'm pretty impressed, I'm doing this course now for a week [2nd approach] and I can see the first results already. I'm confident now to handle a lot more tasks than ever before and yes I'm happy.

If you have some struggle with learning, here you can figure out effective and useful ways to approach it.

Good luck!

By Paulina J

Mar 21, 2016

Amazing!! It gives tools that are very useful, it's nice to watch, easy, and it also explains many of our behaviours and habits in a very useful way. I love it and I think it can be useful for learners but also for teachers because it gives a new perspective on how we learn and the best ways of approaching knowledge.