Sep 7, 2015
I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.
Nov 6, 2016
Amazing course, I learned a lot of new techniques for self motivation, and effecient learning. Now, I feel more confident to take further steps in improving and developing myself. Thank you so much :)
By Adekusibe M O
•Sep 10, 2023
This is an excellent course for anyone and everyone. I will be recommending to all my friends and kids to learn about the concept of learning. If we all know how to learn effectively, I believe we will overcome one of the fears we all have in life. Learning. Will I become good at that thing? This course answers that and more.
By Rana W
•Feb 14, 2022
Hello Everyone, anyone who is facing issues with procrastination, and wanted to learn any subject or language, this course is for you. Course material can help you understand the working of your mind, how you can enhance your ability to memorize things effectively and many such techniques which can help you to learn anything.
By Marjorie M
•Aug 2, 2021
This course is amazing for anyone who wants to learn anything! The instructors are knowledgable and entertaining. The information they provide is so useful and they've made it easy to start applying the techniques immediately. The additional interviews always added something new to my learning. I highly recommend this course.
By Pieter v W
•Apr 2, 2021
Thank you very much to Prof. Barabra Oakly, Prof. Terrence Sejnowski,and Coursera for this wonderful course on “learning how to learn”.Good mixture of research into the neuroscience of learning and practical advice.I appreciated the opportunity to review my own learning methods.Looking forward to applying what I have learned.
By Jimena M
•Jul 25, 2020
Este es un excelente curso que te ayuda a ver el aprender desde una perspectiva diferente a la que en la mayoría de los casos la vemos, al ser mucho mas profunda es muy interesante y completa.
Me encanto haber podido tomarlo y creo que es muy útil para cualquiera que tenga como reto el el abrir su mente y APRENDER A APRENDER!
By Alejandro s
•Jun 19, 2020
If you want yo invest your time learning incredible tools to improve your learning and comprehension whit good teachers that have a big tour on this field, this course is for yo. Also if you already have tools but you want yo improve yours abilities. On my case I wanted to enhance my English and get incredible tools to learn.
By Daniel L
•Apr 30, 2020
Great class to take before embarking on a journey to learn new subjects. Taking this class has tremendously helped with my motivation when learning how to program for the first time. Highly recommend it to anyone. Especially helpful to those taking online courses, since it is hard to keep studying at times when we hit a wall.
By Luis F G V
•Jul 19, 2019
This is an excellent course with useful information to improve your learning skills and based in scientific research. I recommend this course very much if you want to acquire new knowledge on how to learn better and more efficiently. Best of all is that the lectures are also entertaining so learning how to learn was also fun!
By Andres f M M
•Dec 10, 2018
I think this course is powerfull because, it teach fundamentals tips, modes and many things related to the process of learning, since your mastered an idea until you keep the idea and reforce the knowledge not only using the memmory but also keeping in mind other perspectives, solution's, and related thinks with other carrers
By Jeeva G
•Dec 23, 2017
At any stage in life, this course helps us understand our physical and psychological selves. Together with tools offered to make the best use of our bodies and minds, one can get ready to tackle topics that are new to us. I totally enjoyed learning the tools and was surprised to learn so much about our brain.
Fantastic course!
By Michael L
•Sep 9, 2017
Barbara Oakley patiently, intelligently, and quite effectively explains the growing body of science of memory, learning, and how to master the process. It seems heavily oriented toward college students, but even this 52-year-old working professional will benefit from applying the techniques described in this Coursera. Dig in!
By Daniel A G
•Aug 17, 2017
Some topics are very well known by teachers and are told to every student, but It's nice to see a more deep explanation on how our minds work when they are learning and I really appreciate being taught these tricks to help our minds to learn from such knowledgeable academics and researchers like Dr. Barbara and Dr. Terrence .
By V M
•Nov 25, 2016
This is an excellent course not only to learn how to learn but also to discover your own hidden potential. Regardless of age, gender, profession or purpose, this course can benefit anyone who is willing or meaning to learn anything at all; be it cooking, cricket or calculus. I am extremely grateful for this course. Thank you!
•Apr 14, 2016
Me ha sido de mucha utilidad, me gusta mucho aprender, y este curso me ha dado muchas herramientas para hacerlo más eficaz y eficientemente, aún sin haberlo terminado (por cuestiones de tiempo porque mientras termino mi carrera universitaria, pero lo terminaré y lo repetiré para reforzar los conocimientos adquiridos).
By Mystie T
•Oct 12, 2015
Insightful, and very helpful. This course will help you shape your studying and learning techniques, as it teaches you valuable skills. I would recommend it to anyone who is about to start a new course of study or someone who likes learning and wants some more efficient ways to do so and retain what new information is gained.
By Muse M I
•Aug 17, 2020
This is one of the most important courses that I have taken for my entire life, I will try in the future to design a similar course because many people don't have these successful skills taught in this course, I am highly appreciating Dr. Barbara Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski for their dedication and helpful tips and tricks.
By Raddadi M
•May 25, 2020
I took this course out of curiosity. I ended up learning much more than I anticipated and it will be quite a while before I can integrate all that I learned. I very much recommend this class. The instructors are nice and clear, the material is interesting and well rounded, and the tests helps you integrate the materials.
By Raman l
•May 2, 2020
One of the best and useful course.Throughly loved the delivery, content and structure of course.the instructors leave no stones unturned to let u have a firm grasp of the material.I wish if had undertaken this course much earlier during my college times, then it would have a tremendous impact on my outcomes.
Loved the course.
By Steve W
•Nov 7, 2019
This course was excellent! It was so good I stopped another course I was taking to focus on this course (so I could go back to the other course and future courses to study/learn better!)
I can objectively say this course has been very useful and I will work to integrate what it teaches going forward in my studies and at work.
By Rakshith G M
•Jul 2, 2019
The Masterpiece of the Guide on learning how to learn.
Especially the teacher like Barbara Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski is the best teachers in the course. The course completely overviews the process of learning and helps you learn strategies for your life by changing the perspective of seeing through the tools on learning.
By Torin P
•Apr 1, 2018
This course provides great tips for becoming a more advanced thinker and learner. I would encourage anyone to take this course who is looking to maximize their potential. This course is aimed at college students but I believe that professionals looking to expand upon their skills will also benefit from learning how to learn.
By Shian L E B
•Oct 11, 2015
Great course! THanks for the paced interleaved sessions :)
WIsh there was a continual mechanism we could come back to and build on our learning as time goes on. I think this was a great courses introducing us to important concepts in learning how to learn and not just what to learn. Hopefully can get rid of bad habits myself.
By Oyinlolu A
•Apr 24, 2024
Excellent course! This course should be mandatory for everyone, the content is so good. Even the optional videos are excellent and quite valuable. The content is presented in a simple and easy to digest format. Yet the principles are explained in a powerful fashion. I would recommend this to anyone wanting to learn better.
By Joana d S
•Jun 30, 2023
Great course! The overall structure is very good and introduces new ideas step by step. The course is easy to follow and really has long-term impact - the learned material can be beneficially used in nearly all areas of life and improve them greatly. In only 4 weeks my studying has revolutionized and my grades have gone up.
By Amir U
•May 10, 2022
Great course! I will recommend it to colleges and students. Anyone should know how to learn. I had the same thoughts about learning, this course helped me to pack and confirm my approaches. I liked a scientific base of all material and its good presentation by teachers. Thanks to the team of authors! I enjoyed the course.