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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

23,017 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories
and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex
experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations.
Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and
rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions.

Top reviews


Aug 1, 2022

This is an excellent course that I would recommend to everyone in Canada. I learnde a lot about the history or colonization and gained a good understanding of Indigenous issues in contemporary Canada.


Oct 14, 2021

This was one of the best online courses I have taken. It was well written, great material related to my own personal development and gave me a better understanding of the Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

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951 - 975 of 7,901 Reviews for Indigenous Canada

By Vanessa A


Aug 11, 2020

The course is very high level but incredibly informative nonetheless, and it has sparked many opportunities for further self-directed learning. It’s also been a good way to buffer my knowledge of Canadian colonialist history with an Indigenous perspective from Indigenous instructors. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to begin or expand their own personal learning about the Indigenous experience in Canada.

By Colleen J


Oct 29, 2021

This was amazing course and well presented. It touched on many issues and provided a lot of information. It encouraged me to go deeper into my learning of RTC and the history of the indigenous culture. It gave me a better understanding of thier veiw of the world and helped me understand the stuggles that culture has gone through. I am hoping to broading my education and learning about this culture. Thanks for the course

By Michael S


Dec 12, 2020

Extremely eye-opening and thought-provoking. Growing up and attending school in downtown Toronto I had not been exposed to most of this content and am horrified this is not a mandatory part of the curriculum in schools across the country. Thank you to all who contributed to assembling the content for this course and making this course available, I am forever changed by the knowledge gained from this modules. Thank you again.

By Shane F


Nov 1, 2020

This course was incredibly enlightening. I came seeking knowledge of the things that the Canadian education system either omitted or just decided we didn't need to know. This course helped me to understand on a much deeper level the history and the culture of the indigenous peoples of this country. I thank you for offering this course. I can't help but recommend it to anyone with a desire to learn more so we can do more.

By Anukesh K


Oct 22, 2020

I am so grateful that I was able to participate in this course. I believe the materials in this course were very well laid out and I was able to educate myself so much on topics which I knew little to nothing about going into the course. The course did a wonderful job bringing to light many issues Indigenous People face on a day to day basis and the history behind their unfair treatment by the patriarchy and western culture.

By Jodine C


Jul 20, 2020

The course is well designed, informative, and easy to follow. It provides a great educational opportunity to gain insight on, and work towards understanding of, some of the historical and contemporary issues faced by our Canadian Indigenous communities. This course has helped me to become a more informed Canadian citizen and has undoubtedly enhanced my professional abilities as educator of Saskatchewan elementary students.

By Dan L


Jul 9, 2020

An excellent course that does a fantastic job giving some concrete background to Indigenous relations, culture, and contemporary resistance without falling into narratives of Indigenous people being from a static past or as being non-diversified. I really enjoyed a lot of the comprehensive art and political balanced lectures and would recommend this course to those interested in Indigenous history and cultural contributions.

By Leandro G d E S


Feb 10, 2022

First, I would like to thank Coursera team for making this course available for everyone. This course helped me to develop my knowledge about Indigenous people in Canada. The course is simple, interesting, captivating , and very informative. I reccomend it for everyone who whishes to learn more about Indigenous culture and communities all over Canada. It is always good to expand our horizons and learn about other cultures.

By Talya R


Dec 9, 2020

An excellent, resource-full and all-encompassing eyeopener for anyone willing to listen and learn about the true past, present and future for Indigenous peoples in Canada. This course will positively enhance what you were taught about Canada's history, and more importantly, increase your own awareness of your personal contributions to the continued oppression and racism against indigenous peoples. Highly highly recommended.

By tracey r


Nov 19, 2020

Great information. A true enlightenment of the history of Indigenous people , their relationship with the land, each other and with settlers to what is known as Canada. I realize the complexity of the current issues and often times it is so daunting to think about but hoping that many people ( all generations ) will educate themselves to help build a better future. Baby steps maybe but hoping for the best. Thank you.

By Maira d B


Aug 23, 2022

Indigenous Canada is an eye opener course. It teaches about the resilience of the different indigenous groups. Their traditions, their struggles, their social movements, their connections between generations, their powerful storytelling, their dances, their methods of justice, their connections and respect for the land, all so interesting. From the fur trade to where they are situated in the present time. A must to take.

By Laura N


Jan 24, 2021

I learned so much. I am saddened by colonialism in Canada and what it has taken and destroyed from indigenous peoples. This course was an eye-opener to the resilience of First Nations and Metis peoples, the heartache they have endured, but also the hope for a meaningful and respected future. Thank you to all who spent hours on course content and the beautiful, teaching art by Leah Dorian. This course was a gift. Thank you.

By Peggy K


Nov 15, 2020

Thank you so much for this course. It has been educational, interesting and thought-provoking. I realize how much of our collective history that has been excluded from my school education in the 1960's to present day. I am grateful to fill in the missing pieces with what I have learned. I have and will continue to recommend this course to friends and associates. The course conductors were informative and well spoken.

By Karen B


Oct 1, 2020

I am recommending this course to everyone I know. it uncovers our shared history of this land, in ways that leave me both ashamed by how little I knew/know, and leaves me hungry to know more. It opens up the best paths for learning. Congratulations to the University of Alberta and the Indigenous Studies Department for taking such a huge step to educate us. We will be better citizens and neighbours when we know more.



Oct 6, 2018

I really enjoyed learning about indigenous worldviews and history through this course. It challenged a lot of my previously held knowledge and views about Indigenous Canada (and to be honest, I did not know as much as I should have). I have recommended this course to family, friends, and colleagues, and I will continue to do so. Thank you to the course creators and contributors for putting together such an engaging course.

By Donavan P R


Jan 26, 2022

An excellent and accessible introduction to numerous aspects of Indigenous cultures, practices, art and perspective. I do think that all Canadians should take this course in order to understand contemporary Canadian politics and the reasons behind the numerous social ills afflicting our Aboriginal populations. This is the first step in trying to ensure that we grant our Indigenous peoples full citizenship in our country.

By Donna M


Sep 23, 2021

I found the course very interesting and informative. I found the Indigenous Canada story very sad, but I found it was also helpful to understand their story. I will be encouraging my friends and family to complete the course. Completing the course on line is very convenient and not stressful. I wasn't on an exact time line, so when I got busy during the summer, I knew it was ok to be a few days late with my assignments.

By Grace B


Jul 3, 2021

I'm glad I took and completed this course! Congratulations & Kudos to the Faculty of Native Studies for this well-researched, comprehensive, well developed and enlightening course study. I learned so much about the history, culture, beliefs, traditions and the unsolved issues from the past that are still not addressed to this day. I highly recommend this course to all Canadians, Immigrants & Permanent Residents in Canada.

By Rylan H


Mar 30, 2021

The presenters showcased a wealth of knowledge that I greatly appreciated. I am not Indigenous myself but I really enjoyed learning about the past, present, and using that information learned to progress into the future! In high school we breifly learnt about indigenous history, but never in such detail. It was an eye opening course for sure, and I am so glad to have further insight in the indigenous community! Thank you!

By Linda M V


Dec 29, 2020

I last took an "Intro to Native Studies" course at the U of Manitoba in 1988/89. It was a brilliant taught course at the time, and the only one I enjoyed that year. So much has happened since then, including me living abroad for many years and becoming very out of touch with this country that I call home. This course was rich in so much information. I loved every bit of it, including the art at the end of each module.

By Sandra H


Jul 24, 2021

Thank you for teaching me about a huge section of the population of the country that I live in and the truth of their lives and struggles which are sadly not taught in public schools. I was in equal parts horrified and exhilarated by the history I was learning and the course has inspired me to continue reading and learning about Indigenous Canada. Thank you so much for a course that I think every Canadian should take.

By Peter M K


Dec 18, 2020

Wealth of information on a topic I had very little truth about. Excellent broad sweep of Native North American experience, verifying the fact that They are still here, persevering. This is a good start for me. I only hope I WILL continue opening my eyes and mind to truth, and live accordingly.

I sincerely appreciate this course existing for all to experience. I appreciate those who brought this course to my attention.

By Candace D


Nov 30, 2020

This course was definitely very informative, challenging and overall, should be a part of the educational curriculum for elementary and secondary schools. It’s an amazing place to learn. I will definitely recommend this to all.

I would like to add that there were some transcribed typos throughout the course like in module 12 (Haida was spelled HYDA).

Thank you for the opportunity to experience and expand my life and mind

By Kelsi T


Nov 21, 2020

This was a great introductory course to Indigenous studies. The videos were easy to follow along and provided a great starting point for learning more about Indigenous history in Canada and the inclusion of an art piece that relates to different topics was a great way to learn and understand in a different way. Thank you to the Faculty of Native Studies and the University of Alberta for opening this course to the public.

By Gillian v L


Oct 3, 2020

Thank you for providing this wonderful course. Full of new insights, supplemental information to existing knowledge, well rounded overview of the many diverse FNs communities. I was particularly pleased with the exceptional inclusion of artwork, historical quotes, influential thinkers, activists and movements both historical and present day! I thoroughly enjoyed the course and would love to take part in another. Migwetch