Jan 10, 2021
This was a really great course-I learned so much. I thought the course was very well organized and each module brought many perspectives that I hadn't really been exposed to throughout my education.
Aug 31, 2020
This is a great survey course about Indigenous Canada. As a participant, I have learned and unlearned so much about Indigenous Canadians, and more important, this course has inspired me to learn more.
By Aurelija M
•Aug 1, 2017
Fantastic course! Even though I knew quite a bit before, some passages were still incredibly moving to learn, making me angry, reading about the atrocities committed by the settlers. The materials provided were really good, the lecturers were really good. 10/10 would take this course again if I could! Would love to see more of such courses on Coursera as it's super important to learn about the history and how to become an ally, even though being European.
By David W
•Sep 6, 2024
This course has taught me to understand why it's important to understand the issues of the Indigenous communities and why as Canadians to continue to learn for past mistakes and take the time to reflect and learn about how Indigenous people were really part of Canada becoming a country. Go into the course, I thoguht I knew everything about Indigenous people and their history, I was clearly wrong about it and continue to learn after completing the course.
•Feb 18, 2018
I am so grateful to the University of Alberta and staff member of this course "Indigenous Canada". It provides a vast knowledge on the people, history, and lives of Aboriginals in Canada which explores a distinct narrative through different forms of art, story telling, painting, interviews, and detail explanation with a great evidence and materials. I am so glad and also thankful to everyone involved in this thought provoking course. Highly recommended !
By Brenda F
•Jan 10, 2021
Thank you for the opportunity to take the course. I found the amount of material was often overwhelming , because of the amount of content but also because of the amount of information I was not aware of. Growing up in rural Alberta through the 60's and 70's there was such a disconnect between locals and the aboriginal people. Am glad change is coming; it's a slow process but I do believe in our younger generations. May each of us continue learning.
By Carmen R
•Sep 21, 2020
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! This course was incredible! I am beyond grateful for it and for the information is provided me with. THANK YOU for teaching me, inspiring me to learn more, inspiring to examine my own space and for inspiring me to examine EVERYTHING when it comes to my life in Canada. I am deeply grateful. It is a great disservice that more people are not made aware of the incredible Indigenous history, culture and people. Thank you. xo
By Julio C M H
•Jul 25, 2020
Although it is a "fast" course, I think that the diversity of topics gives a very complete picture of the history and contemporary socio-cultural problems of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. Furthermore, despite the fact that they are many topics, the cross-cutting topics that guide all the sections are very good so as not to lose sight of the historical memory and the main problems with which the indigenous peoples in Canada have long had to struggle.
By Arlene H
•Feb 7, 2021
The course was just great! I have confirmed some of my knowledge and experiences related to Indigenous peoples in Canada. I have also witnessed some of the hardships and changes. However, most importantly, I've learned so much more from this course and I appreciate and celebrate the resilience and honor Indigenous peoples. Thank you for putting together this course and taking the time to share history, stories and experiences. Extremely well done!
By Irene
•Nov 5, 2020
Finally an opportunity to learn about the indigenous peoples of this land and the long term, negative effects we colonizers have had on them. This is what we should have been learning all along in our schools but sadly this part of our history was kept a secret from us. Thankyou for this second chance at an educated understanding of the issues that surround us and for the ability to hopefully educate others in our midst. Excellent, eye-opening course.
By Brenda D
•Apr 18, 2020
I really enjoyed this course. It was nothing of which I was expecting. It opened my eyes to a lot of issues that I did not understand as I am not from an Indigenous background. I hate the stigmas that the Government has installed on us towards the Indigenous peoples, I guess it just goes to show that everyone no matter where you are from or what you have been groomed to know should always ask questions on the why's. Thank you for opening up my eyes.
By Elizabeth D
•Sep 26, 2017
It was fantastic. Challenging enough for me and yet not so daunting that I couldn't do it. I felt like I might not be able to manage the course but, in fact it was very informative and easy to learn.
I liked the presenters very much and especially liked the thank you at the last lesson, because it did feel to me, after 12 weeks together that I knew the presenters. I learned a lot, it just showed me that I can go further, and I will. Thank you again.
By Janyce B
•Sep 11, 2021
I highly recommend this course to anyone interested learning more about the history of our Indigenous peoples. I gained so much respect and knowledge related by the lessons delivered. Presenters were great, material was relevant and the variety made it so interesting. There was so much I didn't know of the past. I'm grateful to my Indigenous friends who have included me in the arts and culture of their history. Thank you for this opportunity to learn.
By Emmet H
•Dec 31, 2022
This was a wonderful experience; the teachings really made me think about how little I actually know and understand about indigenous people, the culture and history up into the modern day and thinking about what my part moving forward is. Thank you for that experience. I realize the course was suggested to be done over a period of weeks, but I couldn't do that as each lesson lead to the next and had me wanting more, I couldn't put it down! Great job.
By Edward W
•Nov 7, 2020
The Indigenous Canada course by the University of Alberta presented essential knowledge of Canada’s First Nations People’s history in an easy to follow format. I learned many facts and stories that I wish was part of our Kindergarten to Grade 12 school curriculum. I will recommend this course highly as a primer presenting Canadian history without removing the parts that are inconvenient or uncomfortable to government educators authoring curriculum.
By Tanya T
•Sep 22, 2017
I really enjoyed this course, particularly that the format was video lectures as I could then hear the distinct voices of the people speaking. I very much appreciated to the stories, art work, and music incorporated into the lectures. I think this is an important topic for all Canadians, and our responsibility to educate ourselves on the past. Thank you to all who participated in the creation of this course, and thank you to Coursera for offering it.
By jasonson m
•Sep 7, 2021
Fantastic course! appreciated all mediums of learning...videos/audio/written word. thankful one could re do the tests! I learned so much more than expected, it didn't feel I was "in school" except for the module on Treaties! lol
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I have been telling everyone I know to take this, not sure what is taught in primary school, but I hope it was as valuable, interesting as this course!
thanks again for having this! simply Brilliant!!
By Dexter A
•Sep 2, 2021
It gives a beginners approach to learning some of the Indigenous history on this colonised land and helps to begins connections between the present and the past which inspires to seek further information and question the practises that have been in place that has devalued the significance of the Indigenous culture and place value on the colonizers' culture.... I recommend that courses like this should be complusory throughout the Educational Sytems
By Catherine M
•Aug 24, 2021
This course was very helpful to me as I strive to understand Indigenous struggles and concerns. I still have much to learn but, through the program, I have come to feel that Indigenous cultures are vibrant, caring and wise. I feel optimistic that Indigenous people are growing in influence and have wisdom to offer that will benefit all of us. We would do well to honour treaties and allow our Indigenous neighbours to serve as stewards of the land.
•Jan 5, 2021
An excellent overview of the breadth and depth of issues facing our Indigenous brothers and sisters in Canada. As a non-Indigenous person who's never considered the history and impact of colonialism in Canada, I'm humbled to learn about the truths I was never taught in school, and motivated to be part of a movement for change. Thank you to Dr. Bear, Alannah and Isaac for their wonderful teaching and presentation, and all the work behind this course!
By Lynn S
•Nov 12, 2020
I’m so glad that I took this course and I’ve learned so much. Particularly the history about the beginning of Canada. There was so much that I didn’t know about indigenous people. I discovered about 20 years ago that my great grandmother was a Metis through research that my father had done during his retirement years. I learned so much about my history through this course and I would like to thank all those who participated in putting this together.
By Robyn F
•Nov 8, 2020
An eye-opening overview of the most factual, non-bias, history of our country. Everyone should have to take this course as a high school requirement (this coming from a high school CTS teacher). This content connects on more levels than just facts, as you will gain respect, patience, and understanding for those that have lived and are still living through the ideals set out by our government. Thank you for an inspiring 12-weeks. Never stop learning.
By Nancy N
•Oct 15, 2020
I loved every single aspect of this course and the way it was organised and presented. My ONLY wish was that Week 12 included more glimpses of the art installations and pieces being referred to (i.e.: the Expo 67 exhibit). I looked up most of the references, but I just mean in terms of visualizing the lecture (I really like the little pop ups throughout the other lectures)
Thank you so much for putting this together and making it readily available :)
By Emma C
•Aug 31, 2020
This is a really great course and I've learnt a lot from it. A few things regarding presentation and the notes could do with tidying up a bit but that didn't take away from the overall message and the amount/quality of the information that they get across. Massive thank you to everyone involved. As a non-Canadian, it has truly been an honour to get such an insight into the indigenous past, present, and future of a country that I love. Thank you.
By Susan W
•Oct 16, 2021
thank you for having this course available. I now understand more of my heritage and the some of the challenges of being indigenous in this country. How this country needs to grow and learn not only from our past but our present so our future can be so much fuller. How we need to build better relations and how as Canadians we need to understand what our past has done truly to the indigenous of this land and to move foward to correct these wrongs.
By Jenni M
•Aug 30, 2021
The course is powerful. It provides much needed perspective on history, laws and policy, as well as contemporary issues and Indigenous art. The information is invaluable and every Canadian interested in learning the truth about our history and learning how to build a better future, should take an interest in this course. Thank you to the instructors, the artists, and teachers that contributed to this course, it was truly informative and inspiring.
By Jessica J
•Nov 26, 2020
This course was very extensive and an essential part of Canadian education.
This course should be mandatory in learning institutions throughout Canada.
I feel my respect for indigenous cultures has taken on a deeper and more educated view of Native people.
I feel that this course should be mandatory in learning institutions throughout Canada.
We need greater education and greater knowledge of indigenous cultures in non indigenous peoples in Canada.