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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Moral Foundations of Politics by Yale University

5,919 ratings

About the Course

When do governments deserve our allegiance, and when should they be denied it? This course explores the main answers that have been given to this question in the modern West. We start with a survey of the major political theories of the Enlightenment: Utilitarianism, Marxism, and the social contract tradition. In each case, we begin with a look at classical formulations, locating them in historical context, but then shift to the contemporary debates as they relate to politics today. Next, we turn to the rejection of Enlightenment political thinking, again exploring both classical and contemporary formulations. The last part of the course deals with the nature of, and justifications for, democratic politics, and their relations to Enlightenment and Anti-Enlightenment political thinking. In addition to exploring theoretical differences among the various authors discussed, considerable attention is devoted to the practical implications of their competing arguments. To this end, we discuss a variety of concrete problems, including debates about economic inequality, affirmative action and the distribution of health care, the limits of state power in the regulation of speech and religion, and difficulties raised by the emerging threat of global environmental decay....

Top reviews


Jul 2, 2020

The lectures are easy to understand, the reading materials informative. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and any beginner will be able to grasp the technicalities of Moral Politics after this Course.


Sep 17, 2015

excellant work dont by Dr Ian Shapiro and staff on putting such a mind turning,thought provoking MOOC on a complex and ever controversial subject known as POLITICS!..I hope to see more from them soon

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126 - 150 of 1,095 Reviews for Moral Foundations of Politics

By Louis S

Jul 10, 2019

I found this course very interesting and I thought that Dr Shapiro's lectures were very engaging. I feel that my understanding of politics past and present has been deepened. My only criticism might be that the course content goes so deep into different names and details that I would sometimes forget my place in the overall course.

By Medha S

Aug 10, 2018

Dr. Shapiro offers a bright clarity and a sobering view of the world, and its conundrums. I'm well into Week 2 so far, but going through the readings, the arrangement and structure of texts, the promise of enlarging our philosophical knowledge, has brought an intensity and energy into this course, and is thrilling to say the least.

By Sachin K

Oct 5, 2018

Good for people who want to under stand about various theory around human rights since the time we were born. Are we really independent? The only independence with us is our life. We cannot control our birth but death is always in our hand. Explore many theories about human independence, french revolution, marxism, democracy, etc.

By Quanchai “ K

May 25, 2021

It is a very good political philosophy course I have never attended before. The lecture is very much engaging and lively. The course contents are rigorous and comprehensive. It is very appropriate for those who are new to political philosophy or political theory, and even for those who have previously studied this subject area.

By Aster D

Sep 19, 2024

You don't know how grateful I was to have a chance to study this wonderful course for free. Understanding philosophy is always challenging, but the professor made it much easier and clearer. This is absolutely one of the best online study experiences I ever had. Recommend it for everyone who wants to start studying philosophy.

By Hana S

Oct 17, 2017

A fantastic, thorough and meticulously organised course. Shapiro perfectly covers numerous topics, explains them in sufficient detail and arranges them in a logical order. His dialogues with students are helpful in clarifying potential misunderstandings and incorrect interpretations. The graded exams are extremely easy, though.

By Muhammad Z

Aug 23, 2024

It was an absolute honor and good fortune on my part to start and complete this comprehensive and interesting course from such an amazing Instructor Prof Ian Shapiro. I'm indebted to him and Cousera for providing this opportunity. I learned a lot and surely it'll help me look into the political philosophy from variant lenses.

By Sujay B

Feb 23, 2021

The course had a deep insight into various political theories from a practical point of view. The relevance that they have in the present times and how eventually some of them are destined to fail while some with necessary adjustments can make nations prosperous. A perfect blend of Polity, Economics, Law and Social Sciences.

By Yuraima R R

Jun 7, 2020


By Evgenii K

Feb 5, 2017

a loooot of readings. it's a very reep class, if you have time and desire to read all stuff. Prof. Shapiro is extremely knowledgeable, however, sometimes he is too polite (and boring as well) =). Don't try to watch it at night. Last several weeks require a lot of focused attention. Finally, my grade is 8.5 out of 10.

By Julia L

Jan 22, 2017

This is one of the best MOOC courses I have attained. The interactions between the students and the professor are interesting to follow. The two students have asked a number of questions which I have thought about, while listening to the lectures. I like the fact that the professor commented the students' reflections.

By Ambika G

Jun 11, 2020

I understood a number of possibly complicated concepts and theories with relative ease with the help of the facilitator's manner of structuring and teaching this course. The constant drawing of parallels between contemporary politics and political theories helped me understand current issues from fresh perspectives.

By Diane P

Jul 1, 2021

This is a very, very engaging course. Dr. Shapiro presents the material in a way that is conducive to reflection about the various political ideas and concepts. The content is most helpful in expanding one's view about political systems and the role of government in the world today. Highly recommend this course.

By Gretta C

Oct 5, 2020

It was a truly enlightening course, with very interesting analogies to simplify theoretical concepts. It was sprinkled with a few graphs to explain the relation with political-economic ideas. Recollection of problems and examples at various points in the course aided better understanding and long-term retention.

By Despina A

Feb 21, 2021

Having successfully completed the course I can confidently express my content for the way it was structured and presented by professor Ian Shapiro, and his highly engaging lectures as well as the very enlightening discussions of various political theories. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in politics.

By mdabdul a

Jul 25, 2021

Absolutely fantastic course. Being an individual interested to learn moral foundation of politics without having any prior knowledge and probable future utility, completed the course and have assimilated quite a good elementary knowledge on the subject. thanks everyone involved. keep up the good work. Regards.

By Paulo K

Apr 5, 2019

O curso é muito abrangente, bem estruturado, elaborado e aplicado. A plataforma é pratica, simples e objetiva. O professor domina o assunto e incrementa as explicações com uma didática bastante focada no conteúdo e na finalidade de entendimento. Também trouxe um referencial teórico bastante amplo e pertinente.


May 17, 2020

The course was delivered in such an engaging and stimulating way for beginners, especially through the style of delivery which was based on a discussion between Ian Shapiro and 2 students. Have yet to encounter another course on Coursera that will match the vigour and standard set by Ian Shapiro and the team.

By anshul p

Oct 17, 2016

The course gives good exposure to (mostly) English language political theories for the beginner level and also points to relevant texts for interested folks to pursue further. The interactive nature of the course (between prof. and two students) is nice and keeps the student engaged in the conversation.

By Cami T

Apr 21, 2020

El curso me resultó sumamente completo y educativo. Me inspiró a seguir indagando acerca de ciertas problemáticas sociales actuales así como sobre el desarrollo de distintos autores allí nombrados. Muy recomendable. Me sirvió como introducción a mi segundo año de la Licenciatura en ciencias políticas.

By Kate N

Mar 29, 2021

This is a fantastic course. I was engrossed throughout: challenged, and well supported by Professor Shapiro and his thoughtful students. I will be going back over the content regularly.

I particularly enjoyed the office hours at the end of some sessions. It's a generous, deeply thoughtful course.

By Zenne S L

Oct 27, 2020

Dr. Ian Shapiro was able to provide what is meant to be provided through his students. Throughout this course, I was able to grasp the fundamentals of moral politics. Deliberately and profoundly enough that the students and I, can comprehend. In essence, it was well-structured and organized.

By Bishwa N U

May 26, 2020

I have taken around 10 courses on Coursera so far. But I found it to be the best of them all. Really appreciate the format of delivery. Participation of the 2 students made the lectures more engaging. I think all online courses should be made this way where you don't feel its one-way affair.

By Isha N

May 23, 2021

This has been a fantastic journey, where I have learnt about the famous political thinkers and their philosophies. The Course has successfully encouraged me to make strong political arguments, while also analyzing the strength of others' arguments. This Course is unquestionably essential!