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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Moral Foundations of Politics by Yale University

5,919 ratings

About the Course

When do governments deserve our allegiance, and when should they be denied it? This course explores the main answers that have been
given to this question in the modern West. We start with a survey of the major political theories of the Enlightenment: Utilitarianism, Marxism,
and the social contract tradition. In each case, we begin with a look at classical formulations, locating them in historical context, but then shift
to the contemporary debates as they relate to politics today. Next, we turn to the rejection of Enlightenment political thinking, again exploring
both classical and contemporary formulations. The last part of the course deals with the nature of, and justifications for, dem...

Top reviews


Jul 2, 2020

The lectures are easy to understand, the reading materials informative. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and any beginner will be able to grasp the technicalities of Moral Politics after this Course.


Sep 17, 2015

excellant work dont by Dr Ian Shapiro and staff on putting such a mind turning,thought provoking MOOC on a complex and ever controversial subject known as POLITICS!..I hope to see more from them soon

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101 - 125 of 1,095 Reviews for Moral Foundations of Politics



Sep 25, 2020

Best course for the topic. Professor Ian Shapiro is the best, no doubts about it. The topics, teachings and all other aspects are fabulous. Even the 2 students are very deep listeners and helped a lot to understand. Thanks you both. And thank you so much Ian sir, I will definitely remember you, your teachings style, the knowledge I've gained and those 2 students throughout my life.

By Raj S S


May 3, 2016

I am from a non liberal arts background, trying to learn more about philosophy and politics. I was a little apprehensive about taking this course because I feared I will not understand much but the way Professor Shapiro teaches, I have barely enjoyed studying the way I have enjoyed this course, the fact that I am finishing this course a month in advance is a testament to it.


By Emmanuel P


Feb 18, 2016

Love the Professor's demeanour and teaching style. What an interesting and practical way to look at philosophy and and what a lens from which to view history. I hate anything to do with law and eco but love philosophy and this has warmed me to them both. It's excellent material for my medical entrance exam essays, and generally makes you a more interesting human being to be around.

By Joaquín D N


Mar 24, 2021

El Profesor Shapiro explica en profundidad y con muy buenos ejemplos un amplio abanico de autores y teorías. Recomiendo fuertemente este curso a todos aquellos que estén interesados en la historia de las ideas políticas o simplemente se sientan curiosos acerca del los ideas que no rodean. Al terminar este curso, gozarán de muchas herramientas para participar en el debate público.

By Vanessa B


Oct 16, 2020

it was very informative and very well explained, and am thankful for how in-depth the teaching went on each subject. It also gave me a more clearer and deeper understanding/perspective on the topic at hand, which has really cleared up the subjects I'm confused about in my present degree, making it a very good complementary course to my present degree in international relations.

By Juan F G C


Aug 25, 2020

This course, for me, has been an incredible first approach to the discussions of today's political theory. I feel like I have learned a lot of remarkable things, and the way in which the concepts were explained and connected made a very incredible experience. Even tough it took me a little while to finish, it was worth it, and for me, it was one of best course I've completed.

By Deleted A


Oct 25, 2020

Moral foundations of politics is a great course by a highly knowledgeable professor. It is a informative course to take. Interesting terms and political philosophers that I did not know. I am glad that I took this course and earned a certificate in it. This course is the physics of political science and make sure you read and listen to the lectures and study is the key word.

By Jose A M


Aug 17, 2020

The professor is knowledgeable and uses analogous comparisons to real world events and historical events to further discuss, outline, or understand the notions and implications of the political theory being talked about. The engagement of the professor and the two students in the discussion was also helpful in bringing up possible questions or criticisms from the discussion.

By David S


Apr 14, 2016

Best course I have ever taken on Coursera, comprehensive and highly insightful. Ian Shapiro is able to draw upon the most relevant issues in multiple disciplines at will. The course structure, in which each lecture is given to two students, allows for a welcome give-and-take on each concept. Be aware that it is highly US-centric, especially in the last part of the course.

By Hasnat A


Jul 27, 2020

If the worker and his boss enjoy the same television program and visit the same resort places, if the Negro owns a Cadillac, if they all read the same newspaper, then this assimilation indicates not the disappearance of classes, but the extent to which the needs and satisfactions that serve the preservation of the Establishment are shared by the underlying population.

By David A


Apr 26, 2020

As a complete novice in the field of Political Science, I found the course gratifying and enlightening (no pun intended). Professor Shapiro was a steady rock in illuminating the nuances of political thought through the centuries studied. I hope he continues to make a great contribution to the layman's knowledge of the underpinnings of our democracy/republic

By Luis F H L


Jun 7, 2020

Un curso excelente. El profesor, Ian Shapiro, explica con asombrosa claridad y ecuanimidad las diferentes escuelas de pensamiento político. Es muy sencillo seguir el hilo gracias a sus clases, y la bibliografía recomendada me parece impecable. Muy recomendado para cualquiera con cierto interés en la política, la filosofía o las humanidades en general.

By William M


Nov 8, 2017

This is an excellent course -- one of my favorites on Coursera. I learned much about the great political philosophers (Hobbes, Locke, Bentham, Mill, Marx, Rawls, Nozick, etc.) and Enlightenment theories (social contract theory, utilitarianism, Marxism). However, I would have preferred that the course be split in two parts, because it is a bit long.

By Nikita K


Aug 16, 2020

Incredibly interesting and captivating course. It made me want to continue studying politics and philosophy. Professor Ian Shapiro produces wonderfully explained videos with a good dialogue between the students and himself. I started this course not knowing much about the topics covered but I thoroughly enjoyed the course from start until finish!

By Steve R


Mar 5, 2016

Professor Shapiro does a great job of introducing and explaining these complex and introspective political theories. The format of using dialog with two students is novel and very effective. The office hours are well organized and well managed by a charming and knowledgeable assistant. Thank you for creating and offering this course via Coursera.

By Philips A


Dec 30, 2020

Grandioso y gratificante aprender este cuero en esta plataforma tan novedosa y llena de recursos para los estudiantes. les mando un abrazo y felicidades. El Mundo esta en tu mente hay que renovarla todos los días hasta que lo bueno sea mejor y lo mejor sea grandioso. Gracias tmbn al Gobierno de Colombia por la Oportunidad! Bendiciones y éxitos.

By Caroline Y


May 11, 2020

Really helpful introduction to Political Philosophy and covers a lot of ground. Professor Shapiro is also very good at specifying when he is giving his own interpretation of a theory as opposed to saying that is what it is - I think this is important in the study of philosophy. Very engaging lessons clearly structured. Really enjoyed the course

By Terry B


Mar 23, 2017

A fantastic course. Truly interesting and disseminated in such a novel and productive way. I've never actually ever studied political theory before and thus was a complete novice, but the course took you through everything with simple, but deep, lessons in a conversational style that made it less like lectures and more like a chat with friends.

By Ernesto R


Jul 4, 2020

Estoy muy conforme con el curso del Profesor Shapiro pues aporta a una mayor y mejor comprensión de la política a la luz de las ideas de pensadores notables, incluido el mismo, y de excelentes ejemplos. El curso es accesible y Shapiro, además de un eminente politólogo, es un gran guía educativo, gracias sus conocimientos y a sus perspectivas.

By Joanna G


Dec 14, 2020

The best course I could have ever taken! I loved the pace, the reminders, patience it took for me to completed! I had a bad couple of months and this course helped me by distracting my mind. I love the interaction between Professor Shapiro and the students. I cannot believe that I took a Yale course, I am so proud and cannot wait to continue!

By Tanner H


May 14, 2020

I loved the course. Professor Shapiro was great. The readings were quite challenging, which is what I wanted. I especially liked the dialogue nature of the course with the two students. As Professor Shapiro said in one of the "Office Hour" sessions, it makes the content come across much more naturally than just simply lecturing into a camera.

By Camilo A G M


Jun 9, 2020

I loved it, and I have the feeling that I learned a lot. I think though that if you are a person who does not enjoy talking about theories and several different authors it might not be for you. Otherwise, I think it would be a really great journey. The topics about The Social Contract, Marxism and Democracy were the ones I enjoyed te most.

By Marcelo K T


Feb 19, 2021

As explicações e a didática do professor Shapiro são sensacionais, permitir o acesso ao conhecimento através dessa plataforma é digno de um prêmio nobel, o mundo precisa disso, os países em desenvolvimento necessitam desse apoio, criar a cultura do conhecimento e do questionamento fará com que tenhamos uma sociedade mais justa e evoluída.

By Huang E


Sep 26, 2020

It is a very nice course. I am interested in politics and I like the course very much.

Although I don't agree with Professor on some topics discussed in the course, I am really thankful to him to give me such an opportunity to broaden my eyesight and bring me a lot of deep thoughts.

Really nice course, really worth the time I spend on it.

By Pamela C


Jun 19, 2017

Very informative course and history. I did learn much about the moral foundations of politics and have more understanding about how these foundations came to be. I did like the interaction between the Sharpiro and the students and the questions and answers they asked and interaction, helped me to understand areas I didn't relate too.