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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Game Theory by Stanford University

4,790 ratings

About the Course

Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind," game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. Beyond what we call `games' in common language, such as chess, poker, soccer, etc., it includes the modeling of conflict among nations, political campaigns, competition among firms, and trading behavior in markets such as the NYSE. How could you begin to model keyword auctions, and peer to peer file-sharing networks, without accounting for the incentives of the people using them? The course will provide the basics: representing games and strategies, the extensive form (which computer scientists call game trees), Bayesian games (modeling things like auctions), repeated and stochastic games, and more. We'll include a variety of examples including classic games and a few applications. You can find a full syllabus and description of the course here: There is also an advanced follow-up course to this one, for people already familiar with game theory: You can find an introductory video here:

Top reviews


Feb 24, 2023

Love this course. Really interesting to learn. This subject was very problematic for me when I studied at the University and now I am pretty friendly with it thanks to the Professors of the course.


Jan 27, 2019

Excellent course for beginners. Problem sets are very creative. No more further resources needed. I found this course specially useful if the purpose is to apply Game Theory in other disciplines.

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901 - 925 of 955 Reviews for Game Theory

By Péter S

Mar 29, 2020

In general gives a good overview but the theory material does not sufficiently support

the practical usage (solving examples or problems on paper). I needed to read explanations elsewhere (for example youtube gametheroy 101 channel)

By Alexander W

Jan 7, 2019

Much more complicated than they let on. Without a knowledge of calculus and other math, it will become very difficult. Additionally, the readings that they have online (not purchased), is not enough to help with the first quiz even.

By Isabella C

Oct 2, 2020

The course becomes less and less interesting when the tutors start to cram up notations and try to keep going through concepts after concepts without really getting the learners involved...

By Inayat U W

Aug 6, 2020

Sometimes what they ask in the weekend tests is way more harder than what is taught and for that i think there should be attached reading material with extra solved and unsolved problems.

By Alex K

Jan 22, 2017

Good course, but sometimes I missed some supplementary reading material... when I couldn't quite understand something from the videos alone, it would have been nice to read up on a topic.

By Ram n s

Jun 17, 2020

Professor Matt Jackson was the best teacher I have ever experienced online. I also liked the strategy to encourage for pausing the video to think for the answer

By Salman M

Nov 1, 2022

week 6, 7 and 8 had poor lectures and lack of information compared to the previous ones, which made it hardder to deal with the tests in those weeks

By Narayan R

Aug 16, 2020

Mathew was fair. Kevin was good. Yoav was not at all comprehensible. His videos were very painful to understand.

Could have had better examples.

By Łukasz W

Dec 17, 2016

The course is very interesting and challenging but there are mistakes in the videos and too much mathematical theory with relation to examples.

By Patid

Jun 25, 2020

There are very few examples and sample of calculation cause make it so hard to understand the lesson (especially in week6,7 ).

By Nithya N

Dec 19, 2016

The examples are getting very abstract. It is getting difficult to understand the concepts with the examples explained.

By Simone P

Dec 20, 2022

Nice as introduction to the subject, but not much mathematical deep presentation. Only one proof in the entire course.

By Vladimir F

Mar 27, 2018

Not all explanations were clear to me, for example the core and Shapley value I took additional materials from web.

By Piyush R

Aug 30, 2016

The games needs to be explained in sufficient details. In addition, after a point in time, it became too technical.

By Zhiheng

Sep 27, 2016

The topic and the class content itself are good, but the introduction is too brief. Hope they can add more stuff!

By Staffan

Mar 15, 2023

The video quality is extremely bad and that for me personally is distracting me on focusing on the content.

By Josh K

Jun 2, 2017

Not enough application to remain interesting throughout - disconnect between calculus and concepts.

By Ignacio B

Nov 2, 2019

Some clases are not fluid and concepts could be explained in a clearer way.

By Tiago A M

Dec 5, 2016

I think it would be more easy to understand the concepts with more examples

By Mike L

Jan 13, 2021

The lectures do not give enough examples.

Some lectures are hard to follow.

By Aniruddha M

Apr 5, 2020

Doesn't engage the students much. Typical monotonous lectures.

By Abdul W M

Apr 25, 2020

The course could have been designed better instructionally

By 赵祺

Jun 7, 2017


By Omer F O

Apr 20, 2023

They are lack of solving questions and practices

By Muhammad S

Dec 3, 2020

More examples should be covered during lectures