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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Game Theory by Stanford University

4,790 ratings

About the Course

Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind," game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. Beyond what we call `games' in common language, such as chess, poker, soccer, etc., it includes the modeling of conflict among nations, political campaigns, competition among firms, and trading behavior in markets such as the NYSE. How could you begin to model keyword auctions, and peer to peer file-sharing networks, without accounting for the incentives of the people using them? The course will provide the basics: representing games and strategies, the extensive form (which computer scientists call game trees), Bayesian games (modeling things like auctions), repeated and stochastic games, and more. We'll include a variety of examples including classic games and a few applications. You can find a full syllabus and description of the course here: There is also an advanced follow-up course to this one, for people already familiar with game theory: You can find an introductory video here:

Top reviews


Feb 24, 2023

Love this course. Really interesting to learn. This subject was very problematic for me when I studied at the University and now I am pretty friendly with it thanks to the Professors of the course.


Jan 27, 2019

Excellent course for beginners. Problem sets are very creative. No more further resources needed. I found this course specially useful if the purpose is to apply Game Theory in other disciplines.

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751 - 775 of 955 Reviews for Game Theory

By Le N

Sep 3, 2024

Pretty good! I recommend for both math nerds and game theory enjoyers. It is a bit complicated in the beginning, but it reveals its similarities with the whole topic.

By C B C

Jul 29, 2020

You absolutely want to refresh your memory of Linear Algebra before you start this, and make plans to go back and review the lectures prior to attempting the quizzes

By Maya L G

Feb 13, 2019

Sometimes an applied example in detail how it is questioned in the quizzes e.g. for the Share Value would have been helpful for better understanding the procedure.

By Ricardo J A L V

Jul 9, 2017

Great course and the student receives relevant data on the subject. I suggest, however, that the course make assessments that are also corrected by other students.

By 李文倩

Apr 18, 2017

This course covers basic knowledge about Game Theory. But if you want to go deep on the topic, more efforts are needed beyond the course. It is good for beginners.

By Peter H

Jun 28, 2021

An interesting and attractive course, if the curriculum offers more examples and less formula, that's should be a better course. Too difficult for a beginner


Mar 19, 2020

It was a great course but the quantitative part of it was quite difficult for me, considering that I touched that part maybe after 30 years in working life.

By Beam B E A M

Aug 31, 2024

Very interesting lectures. Good weekly questions. The end of unit tests seemed much harder than the suggest 30 minute completion time. Good professors!

By Greg F

Apr 29, 2021

Interesting course and I can see some practical applications in todays world. More walk thru examples and more exercises prior to the each quiz. .

By Horacio R G

Sep 15, 2024

Es un buen curso, quiza un poco complicado, se podria hacer mas atractivo si se ´pusieran casos practicos donde se apliquen todos los temas vistos.

By Weisheng S

Jun 3, 2021

The questions in the assessments use some great examples. A small drawback is that there exist very occassional mistakes in the question answers.

By Aiswani M

May 27, 2024

the course should explain the math more rigorously and also the in-lecture courses has games whose rules are not properly explained many a times

By Yaser G

Jul 22, 2022

ThE course was really good and helpful. The only point is that the other two instructures other than Dr. O.Jackson could teach more clearly...

By Evelyn J

Aug 26, 2021

Good course but a lot of hard work. You really need to commit to the lectures to be able to solve the problem sets at the end of each week.

By Àngels B

Mar 1, 2020

In general a very good course though some the explanation corresponding to some weeks (particularly 6th and 7th) can be clearly improved

By Theo D

Sep 5, 2017

Very interesting and well delivered. Could do with some more explanation of concepts in later weeks, but other than that, no criticisms.

By Maria S

Oct 7, 2019

it was cool and intresting, thank you...but some of materials were confusing and after watch coursera video you should google additions

By Melinda V

Mar 6, 2022

Some of the materials could be elaborated further since it was a quite complicated theory to study, but overall the course was good!

By Azymondias D

Aug 2, 2021

It is hard but fun class. You can learn to use your rationality to decide on the decision to maximize your own benefit. Good class

By Lin Z

Oct 17, 2016

Great and clean outline of content, but more examples coupled with the theorems which are quite hard to understand will be better.


Dec 25, 2017

The course was taught in a smooth and interesting way. Learning was very easy. Looking forward to the next Game Theory course.

By Aadesh N

Jun 29, 2017

Course is great. Instructors were great. But need to make use of animations or visual aids to explain the difficult concepts.

By Marta M S

Sep 22, 2016

I liked this course, but sometimes examples showed in the lectures were much easier than those you needed to solve in a quiz.

By Abdur R M

Nov 17, 2018

The course is quite conceptual, would be a lot better with some more graphical representation of the equations being used.

By D B

Nov 26, 2018

Really interesting course - some of the more formula heavy lectures would benefit from examples to accompany the formulae