Feb 24, 2023
Love this course. Really interesting to learn. This subject was very problematic for me when I studied at the University and now I am pretty friendly with it thanks to the Professors of the course.
Jan 27, 2019
Excellent course for beginners. Problem sets are very creative. No more further resources needed. I found this course specially useful if the purpose is to apply Game Theory in other disciplines.
By Konstantin S
•Jun 5, 2017
The course is OK. It touches multiple topics briefly with few examples. Deeper understanding requires further reading.
Feedback regarding lectures itself:
Lectures are presented in very slow pace. I had to listen on 2x speed and sometimes it was still slow.
There are issues with recording itself - sometimes it can be heard that microphone is being touched or moved (so don't run around the house to find who is knocking and where - it is just a recording).
By Benjamin C B S
•Jun 4, 2019
The course covers a range of angles from which game theory can be applied to real world situations. The lecturers are very good teachers, able to make complex matters seem simple. I can honestly say I enjoyed the course from start to finish, and I wish there was more!
For the assignments, it would have been nice of there was an explanation of the correct answers, even if you didn't get it right. Understanding why you were wrong is great learning.
By Pavlo L
•May 8, 2019
I have taken Game Theory Course before at my university. This course covers everything I have been taught and a little more. I can confirm that it is great as a refreshment.
The math notation is quite confusing, but thankfully the instructors take their time and explain them right away.
Overall this course is quite useful and understandable. Big thanks to the instructors and Coursera for sharing this with us, students all across the Globe!
By andriy n
•Aug 21, 2017
The course indeed provides a really good glimpse on major topics in game theory. I found it to be quite fun introduction and it made reading on the topic much easier. What can be improved: some of explanations could have been made clearer (mostly in formulas and definitions where it is not clear what exact variable/letter means) and, of course, it is very frustrating when you see/hear errors (some of which are corrected, some not).
By Matija R
•Oct 1, 2019
Very good introduction to Game Theory. Would recommend this course to both people in business trying to understand some basic math behind what happens in their business, as well as engineers who want to learn about core models of business.
Only downside are the tests that are a bit vague, and would recommend to restructure them in a way that helps course attendees to better grasp the models on which Game Theory is based.
•Aug 12, 2024
This course is intended to be a comprehensive introduction to game theory and succeeds in doing so. However, it does so with a certain degree of difficulty for anyone not accustomed to mathematical thinking or who has not had a brief previous approach to game theory. The course requires, for a non-expert, a high degree of commitment that, if achieved, will give them the essential tools to understand game theory.
By Nate H
•Aug 30, 2020
Very interesting and informative. I wish the class was taught in more plain language and preferably with more real world/historical examples. The mathematical notation in many cases was unnecessarily complex for the level of difficulty of the problems themselves. I do understand that such notation would be necessary at higher levels of the topic, but it overcomplicated things in my perspective.
By Pooja I
•Feb 27, 2019
It is a very interesting course. I never learned the concept earlier in college, as I come from communications background. The professors teach in an interactive way; this makes it easy for amateurs such as myself to pick up easily. But I do hope that in the coming weeks, the instructors also throw some light on its application in the field of social sciences in addition to mathematics part of it.
By Fred V
•Jul 27, 2020
Extremely interesting course. It is, however, regrettable that the 3 speakers rushed the video talks, with some inaudible things, slips-of-tongue not corrected, noises of microphone, etc. There are also too many explanations on notations for not enough use of them. Some optional training exercises would have been welcome. However, the course goes a long way, from the start of games theory.
By Anurag B I
•Jul 23, 2018
Excellent course! A wonderful experience and a lot of learning. Highly recommended. Also, no matter what your area of study is, this will definitely make you think differently. However the teaching during the week where the topic- Repeated Games was taught could have been better as it seemed very confusing because of the large formulae which may not be understood by a beginner.
By Hai L
•Apr 4, 2022
Five stars for professor Jackson and Leyton-Brown, one star for Shoham. Shoham's lectures are so terrible which I cannot imagine. The contents, coherence and clartify are so bad in Shoham's lectures. If you have no willing to teach in opencourse, you can just quit, leaving so many terrible lectures to people who want to learn game theory is a unreasonble decesion.
By Gauri V
•Dec 6, 2020
At times the course was confusing - perhaps this is due to the fact that I completed this course in the summer before year 13 and perhaps was a little younger than the target audience. However, overall the quality of the teaching was extremely high and I greatly enjoyed completing this course. The end of week quizzes were very helpful in consolidating knowledge.
By Sixiang C
•Aug 25, 2017
Overall, this is a good course in basic game theory.
Pro: The notation and definition are rigorous. I think this course prepares you weel into the more advanced topics in Game theory.
Con: This course is defnintely not for non-math people. You need to have a certain degree of math sopistication.
And there are not many exampel and application of the game theory.
By Linda D
•Jan 20, 2018
I enjoyed the lectures but would find it helpful to have a couple of questions to answer after each lecture.
I also would enjoy a Coursera course that concentrated specifically on Bayesian Theory and more of the practical games that it can reference also a short course specifically on betting strategies. Many thanks for introducing this course to a newbie!
By Virinchi V
•Jun 12, 2018
The course was great and the videos were really helpful although some of them had technical mistakes.Few of the weekly assignments are very easy and I feel the final quiz didn't require to have the complete knowledge in par while attempting..I mean they could cover more topics as well.Overall this course helped learn a lot of things.Thanks to the team!
By Deleted A
•Mar 24, 2020
The topic is fairly interesting though it's somehow difficult for beginners. However, Shoham's lectures really make me suffer, especially he didn't do enough explanation and expansion of the formula/equation, so I have to do the research myself, and this is super annoying as if you are a beginner cuz you don't even know what research you need to do.
By Satyajit G
•Mar 20, 2018
It was a great experience getting to know what Game Theory is all about. It was very informative to learn about Nash Equilibrium and how it forms the basis of Game Theory. I found that some sections were rushed a bit and adequate in-class problem solving was missing. Also, I would have liked if there were a few more practice problems for every week.
By Brian J
•Aug 9, 2020
Excellent introduction to many Game Theory topics. The varied instructors all had instructional cohesion but different styles that helped overall learning. There was some disconnect between the way material was taught and the way it was assessed, so more example problems or practice questions with feedback would be helpful to deepen understanding.
By Karlis S
•Oct 27, 2020
The content was excellent but the presentation was shoddy. There were too many mistakes which should have been re-filmed, not corrected clumsily on the screen.
I also missed a tighter link between the theoretical lectures and practical exercises. On several occasions I had to consult other sources to be able to complete the practical assignments.
By Pradhyumn J
•Apr 4, 2020
Great course with good teachers. You will definitely enjoy this if you are someone who enjoys logic and math, coupled with economics with real-life applications. There is some unnecessary computer science content, but that is not asked in the practice problems/tests. The best way to understand this course is by doing all the problems.
By Matthias G R
•May 7, 2017
Entertaining course with good examples. Sometimes the questions could be solved without calculations and instead by heuristics. Other questions needed calculations as shown in the video material. You need some experience to math, but I like that the course focus more on the understanding of the various concepts. Thanks for the course.
By Parth S
•Sep 17, 2018
This was a very interesting course. Even as you do not require any prior knowledge of game theory, you would still find it easier to follow if you have background in math, computation, and probability analysis. This course is a great way to learn decision theory, and the application of game theory analysis in the real world.
By Mokshlakshmi B
•Feb 19, 2019
The content was excellent as far as the theory is concerned. It would have been helpful to link to some practical questions the kind of which were presented in the exam and reviews, to actually help apply those concepts. There was a certain disparity between the level of theoretical knowledge and the questions.
By Ana B
•May 11, 2020
This was a great course! While I found the equations challenging at times due to my beginner's mathematical knowledge, the teachers did a great job at explaining them. As well, when we got the right answer, we were provided with an explanation, which was very useful. Would definitely recommend this course!
By Jan M S
•May 29, 2020
Great introductory course on Game Theory that covers the basic elements. Interactive with games to play against other participants, quizzes and forum dicussions.
Only suggestion for improvement: Could use even more additional exercises, to really consolidate the newly gained knowledge.