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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

33,182 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Oct 19, 2021

This course taught me a lot about the components of food! Processed and non-processed food which was the best food of all. I will be happy to spread this healthy dietary ways to my family and friends!


Mar 11, 2023

This course has a lot of great information on nutrition and simple eating without being overwhelming. It gives practical advice that anyone seeking to eat healthier can implement in their daily lives.

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7676 - 7700 of 9,447 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Birinder K

Sep 15, 2017

This course was very helpful for me to realize why it is imperative to change from packaged processed food to 'real food'. Explanations and discussions are to the point, and cover the relevant topic in a manner that is not only highly informative but also interesting. Each of the videos in a module are short enough to ensure that you are not bored.

I will highly recommend all the home makers and parents - with small children, growing or grown ups - to go through this course. So many times we unintentionally end up feeding our kids with foods which are so harmful for their health. More often than not it is because we are not aware of the high risk of packaged and fast food.

This course has helped me to really rethink the food that we have at home.

Thank you.

By Liliana M B B

Mar 22, 2022

Efectivamente es un curso de introduccion. Me hubiese gustado un enfoque mas "plant based", considerando que los lacteos son buenos para el ternero pero NO para el humano ( ademas de las toxinas como el pus),la cantidad exagerada de azucar por la lactosa y el colesterol, etc; el pollo esta cargado de hormonas y antobioticos y la carne de res... bueno tiene tantisimos problemas ademas de hormonas y antibioticos... me decepciona un poco que aun pensemos en alimentacion saludable sin considerar que esos ingredientes deben salir o moderarse significativamente... no lacteos, no carnes=nocolesterol!!! e incluirse opciones vegetales de calidad. Mas recetas con leguminosas y tofu... mas semillas como marañones y semillas de girasol!

By gen p

Jun 26, 2023

I really wanted to give this course 5 stars. It updates me with more knowledge about nutrients and how to control obesity and diabetes. I am proud of attending this course. But regretfully, I have found that the course certificate is kind of downgrading the value of this course and its students. At the bottom of certificate, there is a statement that it does not affirm this participant was enrolled as a student at Stanford University etc. I would rather have a simple certificate from Coursera than from Stanford. What is the point of having a big letterhead of Stanford on the top of certificate as I do not even want my friends to know the course is authorized by Stanford but with this downgrade statement?

By Anne M P

Feb 3, 2020

This course contained sensible, basic advice in an easy to follow format that makes it easy for the viewer to adopt a few or all of the suggestions in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I was very impressed. It is definitely geared towards a student with a novice level of knowledge about nutrition and healthy planning and eating and although I am at a more advanced level, the course was reinforcing and I did learn a couple of new facts.

Both the host, Maya, (her friendly demeanor makes me think of her by her first name), and Michael Pollan were professional and credible while maintaining my interest.

I will recommend this course to people I know.

AM Porturas

By Su J “ K

Dec 5, 2022

It is not only helpful as a mom to be aware of my backstage healthy life but also getting to be more professionally knowledgeable for my 10 year's old son's healthy nutrition challenge as his pediatrics recommended.

I chose this way rather than the pediatrics' reference to the nutritionist which requested of paying for around $300.00. I couldn't choose the way upon my husband's Do-It-Yourself 's request.

It was tough at the beginning, but it has been working the DIY and this course was added up better ideas.

Overall, my 10 year's old son who has been in weight watch challenge is back to normal and staying on the right track!

By Visi A

Apr 17, 2022

This course is great for moms and anyone who wants to have a healthier eating habit. The materials are easy to learn and the practical examples are plenty. The recipes in the video are also great. It could be better to add a project at the end of the course, such as sharing a healthy recipe based on what has been learnt so that there will also be healthy recipes from all over the world. The communication between the course taker and the lecturer or mentors could be more interactive too; there are many questions that have not been answered. Overall it is a wonderful course for beginners in learning nutrition and health.

By Zainab J D

Aug 8, 2019

this course is very simplified and easy to understand, it is short which makes me feel motivated to continue the course. The only thing i didn't like about the course in week 5 there were using ingredients that could be avoided like butter and refined flours if i remember correctly. also you need to mention that olive oil has a low burning point, so one needs to be careful when using it while cooking ( especially virgin olive oil) while cooking, mention nutrition facts about the ingredients and their appropriate substitutions like butter.. etc.. thank you for your efforts in making this wonderful course.

By Rebekah H

Mar 17, 2022

If you've never taken Home Ec or didn't learn to cook or meal plan as a child, then this is a good course for you but if you've had any kind of basic nutritional education, then it might be a bit too basic. It was very nice though, to see food being discussed as a WHOLE, without the all-or-nothing black and white mindset that Western culture has towards food. It was really refreshing to hear geniunely sustainable and healthy recommendations and is much better than a lot of terrible advice I've received from dieticians over the years (like being told to cut out fruit and starches completely from my diet)


Nov 8, 2022

This course is well paced, very informative and quite enjoyable (the tutor's presentation is captivating and her guest's sense of humor retains attention, while the background music on the course material is appealing).

Yet, what I have liked the most, is the practical aspect of the course: the takeaways served during each module can be right away applied to daily life for better and healthier relation with food.

However, the quality of the information provided could seemingly be enhanced through the provision, where relevant, of up to date or more recent information (data, figures, statistics).

By Neha N

Oct 17, 2017

The course was really helpful in getting insights about what we eat and how it affects our body and health. There are some basic things about food which everyone should query upon like the food which we are eating is made up of what basic elements, how its excess and deficiency is going to affect our health, what are the basic nutrients we want and which food item is having that. This course was able to comprehend each aspect of food very well.

I just felt that the course should have been a little more detailed carrying a bit more stuff about different food items. Overall I enjoyed the course.

By Роман

Feb 20, 2016

I really enjoyed the course, but i found out that there is not enough information about such aspects as vitamins, minerals and what happens to them while cooking, what methods of cooking are healthier, which helps most to preserve most of the nutritions and why, etc...

Nevertheless, I really appreciate your job and it was amazing feeling to spend some time with you because it was helpful and i enjoyed listening to your speech, voices and the culture overall. The knowledge will certainly be useful! Will suggest this course to my friends :)

Kind regards from your russian student!


Jan 13, 2022

I personally feel that Stanford Introduction to Food and Health was a lovely learning experience where I got to know about nutrition, diet, and eating habits. Now, I am able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food and try to incorporate more vegetables and plant-based products into my diet. I am well aware of the long-lasting effects of consuming dietary fats and sugars like cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. In the future, I will make sure to teach my kids to involve in the making of home-cooked food and teach them the benefits of acquiring such habits.

By Milda Z

Jan 16, 2021

It was quite useful, although I must say that I haven't found so much of a new information. I think the reason is that I, who live in Europe have a bit different and somewhat healthier choice of foods in our supermarkets and we are used to do home cooking daily. I wish the course was a bit longer with a deeper approach and maybe a bit more scientific information as well. I'm looking forward to doing an advanced course on nutrition. However, I feel like many people will learn a lot from this course and will get a better understanding on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

By Christine W

Jan 4, 2018

This course is a good starter course for people who are interested in making better dietary choices. It is not a band-wagon attempt to suade the student into following any one particular diet (i.e., Keto, Atkins, , Paleo, Weight Watchers, Mediterranean, Nordic, WFPB, vegan, vegetarian, etc.). The focus is on cooking at home, avoiding processed foods, using smaller plates, eating until satisfied (rather than "full" or "stuffed"), planning meals around vegetables first (instead of protein centered meals), and using better quality ingredients to be enjoyed by everyone.

By Monir B

Dec 11, 2016

Too easy. The biology, history and sociology of food was the part most beneficial to me. Since I am a vegan from Sweden I tend to cook food everyday. The course seems to be mostly for people born in the USA. In Sweden, there are some problems with obesity and people buying higly processed food. However, the problem seems to be more alarming in the USA. Discussing the differences between how the average person in the USA eats with how the average person in e.g. Sweden, Greece, Japan, Brazil and Ethopia eats, would, I think, make for an interesting additional lecture.

By Kripa T

Sep 21, 2019

Thank you so much for teaching us regarding of healthy life. I have learned many skills which will be beneficial and helpful for me. As I am interested in cooking and about health, I have learned different ideas and get an opportunity to know more about food and health with the help of this site. I hope the knowledge that I learn from here will be helpful on my coming days. And hope to be join other courses related to this. I will share health information with my family, friends and relatives. Once again Heartily thanks to Maya Adam and Michael Pollan.

By June S

Oct 1, 2018

I think it is a useful course for people who are starting to get information about nutrition and how to eat well. It gives a good overview of what kind of food you should eat and why (with scientific reasons). It also gives great tips to eat better, eat healthier, and lose weight, so even it is really helpful to anyone who wants to do one of these things.

The only reason why I gaves "only" four stars is that I would have liked more detailed about, for example, good food combination for a healthy diet, especially if you are a vegetarian or a vegan.

By Olesya S

May 24, 2017

Very helpful and usable course for those of us who want to understand how to eat more healthy.

There are too many videos, articles and opinions about diets that often work for a really short period of time or do not work at all.

Understanding how our body works and what works for it - that is the key to healthier lifestyle.

I was so inspired after the last week of the course that I just got up and went to the supermarket to get the basic ingredients and also try to cook my first stir fry with veggies.

Thank you so much for (I'm sure) changing my life!

By Rutvin

Aug 4, 2020

I like the pragmatic solution-focused approach of this course, but the density of information is a little low. I was looking for more specific things like an overview of the current research on types of fats and cholesterol; research on meat consumption; specific fads like the high-calorie/high-protein "bulking" diets, keto diet, paleo diet, etc.; and usefulness of alternative cooking strategies like meal prep, smoothies, etc. Still, I would highly recommend to the layperson who is looking for a broad introduction on developing a healthier diet.

By JuNai Z

Apr 12, 2020

Course gives an overview about the food habits and what is best practice to be followed. Very beautifully narrated about the food habits and what is best healthy one for long term. Also described about potential flaws on present trends of food consumption.

But it would have been better if following information regarding food and health are discussed: Nutritional value in various type of Vegetable, Meat, Sea food, Fruits. Also a discussion on food requirement for different category of people like: children, teenagers and old aged would be great.

By Nikolay A

Jul 26, 2020

Добрый день. Данный курс проходить было интересно и познавательно. Однако для себя могу отметить, что придерживаться данных рекомендаций достаточно сложно, т.к. требует волевых усилий. Для большинства людей это не работает. Чувство голода, это древнейший и мощнейший рефлекс, который отключит ваш мозг, какой бы умный он не был. В то же время для себя нашёл интересную информацию по диетам безуглеводным. Это для меня работает. Чувство голода возникает плавно и не сильное. Можно обходиться меньшими порциями и питаться реже.

By Denisse L M

Aug 15, 2018

I would have benefited more from other practical examples on what to substitute for typical unhealthy habits or examples to ' find the time' to make the best choices. I also think there needs to be a broader explanation of what the ' recommended parameters of healthy eating are' (like the 2,000 calorie diet). But in general this course helped me a lot to make more conscious choices to support long term health. I particularly loved the quick way to calculate how make table spoons of sugar any package may have. Thanks!!

By Militsa T

Aug 1, 2016

I strongly recommend. If you don't have any knowledge about food - this course is for you. However, if you know some basic stuff you won't learn anything new, but still it is good reminder and very strucured. It is very short, could be completed in about an hour and a half. What I didn't like during the lectures - Maya (the lector) was not talking with her normal voice, but kind of slow and unnatural, which for me was extremely anoying. At the end, when she is showing some recepies it is so much better.

By Martin O

Nov 10, 2020

A good thorough course that has many good tips on what healthy food and nutrition is. A good down-to-earth Michael Pollan is the expert interviewed and give good additional feedback to the stunning and charismatic Dr. Maya Adam. There are some points that some other nutritionalists and scholars see in a slighly more polarized fashion, but this course definately is helpful. A bit more references to studies and empirical data would have made me give five stars, but after all it was a beginner`s course.

By Emma M

Mar 14, 2016

This was my first course, and I hope all future courses are exactly like this one! Maya has such a nice way of talking. The videos were easy to understand, without compromising substance. I also enjoyed the overall high-quality of the course. My only complaint is that some of the topics seemed a little bit irrelevant, such as the case study of a middle-aged, pre-diabetic man. I feel like that video should've been shortened by sevety-five percent and tacked onto the end of another video as an example.