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Learner Reviews & Feedback for COVID-19 Contact Tracing by Johns Hopkins University

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About the Course

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across the country, requiring thousands of people to learn key skills quickly. The job qualifications for contact tracing positions differ throughout the country and the world, with some new positions open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent. In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and the evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person-to-person and why contact tracing can be such an effective public health intervention. Students will learn about how contact tracing is done, including how to build rapport with cases, identify their contacts, and support both cases and their contacts to stop transmission in their communities. The course will also cover several important ethical considerations around contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. Finally, the course will identify some of the most common barriers to contact tracing efforts -- along with strategies to overcome them....

Top reviews


Jul 24, 2020

Very insightful and enlightening on how contact tracers manage the battle against COVID-19! Hopefully when this pandemic is over, we will remember this method in the many generations yet to come. ;)


Jun 25, 2020

Mejor imposible, muy didáctico, sobre todo con los videos explicativos donde las personas simulaban los casos. La explicación por parte de la Dra. Gurley fue sencillamente maravilloso. Muy recomendado

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126 - 150 of 10,000 Reviews for COVID-19 Contact Tracing

By Juan J M


May 30, 2020

Totally required for any person interested to be the change we want to see in the world.

THANK YOU very much to Dr. Emily Gurley for ALL the knowledge and time invested for sharing this important information

THANK YOU very much to Cousera and the Bloomberg Donors

THANK YOU very much to Amy, Annette, Larry and Drew for their great example videos.

I was applying the knowledge of this course since my second day watching the videos and reading the files because here in México COVID-19 has been a common matter. I'm so thankful with Coursera for this great opportunity to help and serve to my people. God bless you all.

By Jose F G


Jun 18, 2020

An excellent course indeed !

Just one suggestion to make it even more useful for a global audience. It is focused on the USA context and interactions contact tracing interactions are exclusively based on phone & video calls. The contents could be easily adapted - or at least adding an extra module tackling this issue- to the situation in low and medium income countries where most of the contact tracing is doing in person at the community level in a rather successful way for other diseases. Happy to collaborate in doing so if I can be of any help! Best regards and congratulations again / JFGG

By Sarath B M G


Jun 2, 2020

#COVID19 is the biggest crisis faced by our generation. In early stages of dealing with the pandemic, quick and effective contact tracing is invaluable to curb the spread. In the data intensive world of 2020, #data and frontier technologies has become key instrument to contact tracing, identify common barriers, and possible strategies to overcome them. I have #successfullycompleted the #course offered by #johnshopkinsuniversity on #COVID19 #contacttracing. This course helped me to understand about the basics of COVID 19 and ethical considerations round contact tracing.

By Daniel W


May 17, 2020

The sources in the video for how to handle infectious cases are bountiful. I thought the course was well organized with great video logs, with many examples on how to identify certain constraints when dealing with the reality of the situation. I think what is necessary for this discussion is having an open dialog of the NGO's that are spreading misinformation (i.e WWO, January 4th, stating that COVD-19 is not transmittable with human-to-human contact), and education people what portal they should receive there information regarding how each state is dealing with it.

By Frederick G M


May 20, 2020

I found the course to be very informative and comprehensive. I learned quite a bit about the Corona Virus 19 that I had not heard in newscasts and articles about the disease.

Calling cases and contacts was well covered, especially the need for reaching contacts before they might spread the disease themselves. The examples showed willing, conscientious subjects. I would have liked some guidance about how to handle more difficult cases. Also how to create a plan for someone to isolate/quarantine that would be helpful and doable for them.

By William O


May 19, 2020

I thought the videos were informative and that the sample phone interviews with cases and contacts were helpful. I think the description of a contact tracer as a combination detective, investigator, social worker, and therapist is spot on. Beyond these basics, if someone wants tos pursue this seriously, I hope that public health agencies offer not only familiarization with local processes and protocols but perhaps some role-playing training that mimics the sample phone calls in the videos.

By Mind A C A M P


May 17, 2020

I am so glad that I have the opportunity to successfully complete the contact tracing course with your noble institution. I will also like to say you are doing a wonderful and great work see that the worlds is safe for all of us. my special comment will be please keep up the great work even if this course is not the best it is one of the best and is enough to save the world. I promise that I will make the best use of my knowledge support in the fight against coronavirus SARS-2 COVID 19.

By Kevin R


May 14, 2020

This is potentially a great learning tool, with (it seems to me) applications and value beyond the training and educational goal specific to public health management workers. The course provides a foundation of information and skills that could be used to develop endogenous organizational strategies to keep employees safe; clients safe; and businesses operational in the event of a CoVid-19 outbreak. This of course will in turn further support the public health effort to contain CoVid-19.

By Jennifer S M


May 17, 2020

This was an excellent course, though I wish there were more video examples of the issues a contact tracer might encounter and a few more complicated scenarios, like how to help someone who lives and cares for others so cannot completely isolate or quarantine, if other resources prove unavailable, or those who's work places have different protocols than the local health department has. I understand specific remedies may be difficult to relate, but some general examples might be helpful.

By Harriet H K


May 16, 2020

It was really pretty good. One suggestion is the graphics part. If the graphics part could move along with the narration because I like to read as she narrates but I also like to look at the graphics to get a snapshot of what she is talking about. I had to move back and forth between the graphics and text sometimes. Some of us can learn by listening and seeing and others by reading and seeing. Just a suggestion but overall I think the course was very comprehensive and well thought out.

By Paulette S


May 20, 2020

I certainly gained valuable information from this COVID - 19 Contact Tracing course and I am grateful for the presentation. It gave me an eye-opener on how critical this tool is in keeping our communities safe, in ensuring a healthy environment globally. The course was well written, easy to follow and the length of time to complete was far from taxing. I must say I enjoyed the course and will recommend to colleagues. With Gratitude

P. S-Weir

By Dennis S


May 21, 2020

Very useful information presented concerning the virus, infection and disease progression. A solid, fact-filled class to counter the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic and disease. Reinforced the why of this response not just the how. The first couple of lessons did a good job setting up the remainder of the course covering the mechanics of tracing and tracking. Recommended to family and friends to learn beyond the news reporting.

By Jewell V H


May 21, 2020

This was very informative. Even at the end I can sense the feeling of sincere empathy needed for contact tracing. I feel with learning these skills along with the skills I had will make me an effective contact tracer.

There is a lot of important information needed to be a contact tracer, which I was able to learn through this course. I know this course was well worth my time to take and learn about COIVID-19 for contract tracing.

By Nancy B


May 17, 2020

It started out with basics and then built on the basics which was good. There were not "trick" questions. You have to read them carefully and then if you did the course you will know the answer. I did the quiz's as I went and then I did each quiz over again after I finished the whole course to study and identify if I had to redo a section or if I had retained it. Also, the voice teaching the course was pleasant to listen to.

By Kristine J


May 19, 2020

This class provided a clear and informative introduction to contact tracing that does not require a previous knowledge in medical termination or practice. I especially enjoyed the emphasis on developing a rapport that was clearly presented in the videos. Thank you for making this class available without a fee for those interested in completing an application for a job in contact tracing. This was a public good decision!

By Deirdre M


May 19, 2020

Informative, thorough and mostly easy to follow along with the narrator. Appreciated having the text of the lecture below the video to reinforce the topic being addressed. Good power point slides. Calculating dates for onset of disease and then determining the time a non-symptomatic contact a little fuzzy. All in all I feel prepared to do contact tracing with some support and on-the-job learning.

By C.L. C


May 19, 2020

Excellent introduction to contact tracing! I love that the videos were broken down into segments instead of one continuous one. I also love that immediately after each video lesson, you get to take quiz to test your knowledge. The course is organized, easy to understand concepts are presented professionally and the substance is exceptional - I expect nothing less from Johns Hopkins! CK in DC

By Joan B


May 18, 2020

This is an excellent course on contact tracing. The content is well designed and delivered by Dr. Gurley. The course did a great job of mixing factual content such as infectious period, incubation period, signs, symptoms etc with actual video of mock phone calls. Developing rapport with the the case/contact and balancing confidentiality are stressed. I would highly recommend this course.

By Susan L K


May 21, 2020

Thank you for making this course available to anyone. I wanted to complete it to become a more responsible individual by knowing what Contact Tracing is all about. That goal was met, but I have learned so much about the virus, about the essential role of Public Health in today's world, about communication skills, and, most of all, about the inportance of Contact Tracing. Thank you.

By Brian L


May 16, 2020

This is an essential course for anyone looking to work as a COVID-19 contact tracer or case investigator. It covers all the necessary components required to be successful in these endeavors. The course also provides valuable information for anyone who wants to learn all about one of the most important public health tools available to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Highly recommended.

By Lori


May 21, 2020

I really enjoyed this course! I learned so much and the instructor was so easy to listen to. She didn't talk so fast, she clearly is used to teaching students and wants them to understand the information. She paced her self just so when she was lecturing. I enjoyed the demonstrations of what a live call would be like as well. The folks in the video were pretty good actors as well!

By Steve A


May 21, 2020

This was an excellent training. I have been through many online trainings in the corporate world, and they are obviously designed to limit corporate liability - not foster learning.

How fast to go is a dilemma I'm sure you grappled with. The speaker had excellent natural pace, but could have been 10-15% faster. That is still a win. You may get other feedback you went too fast.

By Frank B G I


May 17, 2020

Good Course. Early sections informative and pretty straight forward facts with clear discussion. The final module required most time and thought. The technology section would benefit from a brief discussion of methods potential hackers may use to gain access to information or insert false information; and clues to look for that might reveal attempts at unauthorized access.

By April T


Jun 17, 2020

Great course. I think everyone should take the course even if they aren't intending to be a contact tracer. The information about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 could help everyone be safer and understand the current situations. I also think the section on communication is valuable for everyone in their everyday lives. Highly recommend.