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Learner Reviews & Feedback for COVID-19 Contact Tracing by Johns Hopkins University

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About the Course

The COVID-19 crisis has created an unprecedented need for contact tracing across the country, requiring thousands of people to learn key skills quickly. The job qualifications for contact tracing positions differ throughout the country and the world, with some new positions open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent. In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and the evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person-to-person and why contact tracing can be such an effective public health intervention. Students will learn about how contact tracing is done, including how to build rapport with cases, identify their contacts, and support both cases and their contacts to stop transmission in their communities. The course will also cover several important ethical considerations around contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. Finally, the course will identify some of the most common barriers to contact tracing efforts -- along with strategies to overcome them....

Top reviews


Jul 24, 2020

Very insightful and enlightening on how contact tracers manage the battle against COVID-19! Hopefully when this pandemic is over, we will remember this method in the many generations yet to come. ;)


Jun 25, 2020

Mejor imposible, muy didáctico, sobre todo con los videos explicativos donde las personas simulaban los casos. La explicación por parte de la Dra. Gurley fue sencillamente maravilloso. Muy recomendado

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251 - 275 of 10,000 Reviews for COVID-19 Contact Tracing

By Maribel J P V


Sep 8, 2020

Muy bien estructurado y explicado, inicia con conceptos clave del virus, forma de transmisión, métodos preventivos, periodo de acción, definiciones como caso y contacto entre otros. Luego se enfoca en prepararnos para el trabajo de campo, desarrollando las habilidades blandas de comunicación efectiva, dando útiles consejos para generar el lazo de respeto y confianza para obtener la mayor cantidad de datos y ayudar a la salud pública respetando la confidencialidad y privacidad de los mismos y acorde la legislación local. En suma muy provechoso y muy bien explicado. Gracias!

Very well structured and explained. It begins with basic concepts of the virus, mode of transmission, preventive and corrective methods, period of action and key words. Focuses on preparing us for real interviews, showing cases and identifying mistakes. Develops in students soft skills of effective communication step by step. Give us useful advices to generate a bond of respect and trust to obtain the greatest amount of data and help public health. Teach us how to respect the confidential and private data and the difference between them. Than you very much, I'm glad to did the course!!

By Joe F


Jun 29, 2020

Course was very good - clear and easy to follow.

I found the graphic for "Timeline of Infection" challenging - I thought it difficult to grasp the various day-counts from the Case to the Contact(s). Perhaps the addition of earliest to longest time-frames would help

I also found some of the definitions in the 'Effective Communication' section to be a bit tedious/ pedantic, particularly as it relates to questions being "Leading" AND "Open" OR comments being "Reflective" vs. "Confirming" - Otherwise, good communication skills/suggestions.

I did have trouble with the PDF for this section, which I downloaded - several pages appear to have errors - particularly pp 34 & 35 (not sure if I can get back to attempt a re-download).

Finally, one of the FINAL test questions has an Agreement issue (sorry, I don't recall the #) - the example is about an individual ("Eric", for example), while the question asks how "they" will deal with the issue ...

One last thing - I signed-up to do this class for the $50 fee, waived through a 'certificate' from Bloomberg ... not sure if I got the appropriate certification accordingly. I shall attempt to follow-up separately on that.



Jun 11, 2020

Very informative. Necessary information as a health care worker and for sharing with family and friends. The information was clear and concise. The course setup was a bit confusing as I ended up going through all the videos before I realized that there was more to the sign up process that gave me access to the quizzes and test. But it did not pose a problem in the end. A few of the final test questions were a bit unclear. The one on technology may need adjustment. Apple phones have a way of testing a person's temp through the earbuds, which technically could be worn at night. So it could be a correct choice though I understand it's not necessary to check your temp at night. But that was not what was asked. I also agree with the reviewer about the question on how the virus can spread on the soles of shoes. Not enough information given about transmission in this way in the lecture...does it survive in this way...and it has been suggested we don't wear our shoes in the house. Neither question was an issue for me but I agree they should be looked at. Otherwise a very good intro to understanding the virus and the process of contact tracing.

By Elizabeth C


Dec 18, 2020

This was an excellent learning opportunity regarding the COVID -19 virus, its origin and and the various components involved in contact tracing. There are so many parts to this concept and this course was able to walk the learner through the various steps involved in the process.

The only regret that I experienced was the fact that I accidentally took the final assessment before completing the course. I really don't know how I got to that point, but thankfully, I have the opportunity of retaking the test at some point. I hope that I get to score 100%. Not everyone gets an opportunity to correct mistakes in life and I am grateful for this. My goal is to have a perfect score. As a teacher, I have always encouraged my students to learn and strive for the best. I am retired now, but my goals have not changed.

Dr. Gurley did a marvelous job to clearly present the important aspects of contact trcing. Thanks for this opportunity. I hope that the skills that I have acquired will be of service to others, especially in these uncertain times.

By Erin F


Jun 3, 2020

I have experience in speaking with people regarding public health issues but this course was good for the specific objections you'll be hearing from people who are either infected or have been exposed to SARS COV 2 and how to overcome those objections in a compassionate manner and get them to quarantine/isolate successfully. I thought the skills presented to successfully interview cases/contacts was very well done and thought it was interesting to learn the basics of the disease and the many variances you'll encounter as a contact tracer. The mock interviews and different scenarios that a contact tracer would encounter were the most helpful for practical purposes. It was great for brushing up on skills I haven't used in a while and I am deeply grateful I was able to take the course and that my information will help those who are ill. I believe in this mission and look forward to assisting those in need.

By Matthew W


May 14, 2020

Maybe it's partly being cooped up under stay-at-home orders for COVID, maybe my decades of full-time work as an IT analyst and computer support professional solving a problem, maybe a bit as social science major in college, and certainly a bit related to being an elected official for 16 years and chair of my local health district governing board--but taking this course was particularly helpful to me to see what I knew was an important public health function. And to pass a basic course on the subject generated even more confidence in my public health professionals and eagerness to help possibly as a volunteer contact tracer in the future.

Finally, thank you Dr. Gurley for a well-presented online experience, complex scenarios to think about, and empathetic style. You made this course fun and worthwhile.

By Clarissa G


May 28, 2020

The various scenarios were very helpful. The details on common signs & symptoms, and the differences between isolation and quarantine helped inform and clarify the ways that I can support other staff during this time. I found it rather concerning that there is no mention of race or racism throughout this course. Given the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on Black and Native communities specifically, and communities of color generally, I was hoping this course would address this & the reasons why this may be the case (redlining, access to hospitals, etc). I would like for future courses on this topic to have a section that helps unpack the racist impacts of Covid-19 on Black, Indigenous, and people of color, and ways to make sure that all communities are supported during this time.

By Sabine B


May 24, 2020

This course taught me to talk about SARS - COV 2 virus with knowledge. Identify symptoms and what they indicate. Severity of symptoms and such. I learned about how the virus spreads. I learned to effectively communicate with a case after the person tests positive for the virus and I become the contact tracer. I learned great skills how to effectively communicate to find out everything possible from a case in order to find all the contacts and by tracing these contacts to ensure to prevent further spread of the disease. I learned how to help and assist cases and contacts with isolation and quarantine. This is an excellent course to to learn and understand the skills to help during this global pandemic in one area to be helpful to stop transmission and help end the global crisis.

By Vanessa R


May 26, 2020

This course was one of the most in-depth; life altering; 'call to action' assignments I've ever embarked upon! I think it's because the material explains what we're facing right now as a nation 'real-time' with this COVID-19 pandemic; so the instructional material, video tutorials and scenarios felt personal & real; because we actually know and hear about people who are effected everyday! And honestly, I could literally feel and hear, Dr. Emily Gurley's confidence, expertise and most importantly, her compassion for all our communities during these modules! Her lectures are so engaging & specific as if she's preparing and equipping us for a battle, she knows we will ultimately WIN! I feel more motivated & empowered than ever to get to work for the lives of all our people!

By flavio o


Jun 8, 2020

I am an engineer and occupational safety trainer based in Italy (exactly in northern Italy, the most affected by the epidemic). At this time, the Fase 3 post epidemic, it is important for us - trainers- who come into contact with many workers and students, to provide clear, scientific and easily executable information and instructions on workplace to stop the contagion and reduce the COVID19 pandemic.

The course provided me, especially in the first part (Module 1-2-3) all the basic information to understand what this disease is and what is the state of the art in the fight against it. The second part (Modules 5-6), more specific, were however useful to understand how correct communication, also applicable in the preventive phase during the training of workers, can be important

By Diane L C


Aug 9, 2020

I appreciated this course immensely. I am very interested in the material, and was eager to acquire information. This is the first online course I have ever taken (I'm 75years old!), and that became a hindrance for me, because I was not able to easily access the material, including the notes and the visuals. I would have preferred an actual textbook, or any easier way to page through the material and have it readily accessible. I could quibble with certain other aspects, but most of all, I'm extremely interested in the subject, and thrilled to have assimilated so much information. I am looking at it as a possible next career - I don't know how I'm going to find more work as a musician while Covid-19 is out of control in America! So thanks for this great opportunity!

By Carol S


Aug 25, 2020

Overall a good solid course, clearly presented and worthwhile. That said, some considerations are: Some of the videos are less than believable. Moreover none of the political controversy is addressed. This is something contact tracers will doubtless have to encounter. There are no hints or suggestions on countering, dealing or dispensing with the anti-COVID propaganda aspect of contact tracing. On a more personal note, the presenter, though clearly competent and well-meaning, seems to have adopted a trendy frying voice, so that at times she sounds as if she were croaking out the information. This got old for me. My partner also commented on the voice in passing. Overall though, I was pleased with the course and grateful for the opportunity to learn about contact tracing.

By Tim & C H


Aug 22, 2020

I was already enrolled/monthly paying in Coursera so it didn't feel free when $49 came out of my account during Covid-19. It is nice to have this information even if I don't gain employment from the certificate and training.

How can you stop spread if you have secure checkpoints & porous rural borders along the border of a country? Also how do you get a country to come together when 1 side will not work for a common goal unless they get ALL their demands that don't relate to the financial crisis at hand. As $180 Billion would be enough money for "we the people" but a total of 2.3 trillion equals special interest monies for the Democrats, they are holding up help for ALL of Americans as they refuse to address the immediate emergency needs of "we the people".

By Deborah L


Jun 6, 2020

I learned many things from the COVID-19 Contact Tracing course. Some of these things include the following: 1) The difference between a Case and a Contact; 2) The difference between Isolation and Quarantine; 3) How to identify Contacts; 4) How to Listen and respond to Cases and Contacts; 5) How to work cooperatively with a Case/Contact to identify and secure needed resources to support Isolation/Self-Quarantine; 6) How to calculate the incubation and contageous period; 7) Symptoms that require immediate medical attention, 8) the importance to maintain positive, open, communication with the Case/Contact throughout the Tracing process; Using Supervisory support appropriately, etc. In summary, the course was quite thorough for traing for the task at hand.

By Michelle R


Jun 18, 2020

I am a Dental Hygienist in the UK currently working as a Contact Tracer. I enrolled on the John Hopkins Covid -19 course as I thought it would help improve my skills and I would learn more about my new role. Apart from a few things which are dealt with in slightly different ways between the UK and the USA, I thought this course was fantastic. It provided background details of the disease in general and went through step by step guide lines to Contact Tracing. I loved watching the role play videos and overall I feel that I will be more confident at my job now. I would throughly recommend this course to anyone who considers becoming a Contact Tracer. Thank you Dr.Gurley for creating a clear, easy to follow course. I loved it ! Michelle Robinson

By Anefiok A


Jul 2, 2020

The most important thing I learnt during this course is the role of rapport in the fight against Covid -19. This is important because communication is so vital, it’s the bridge between where we are in the fight against the Corona Virus and where we want to be, and rapport is a fundamental aspect of effective communication. I am in Nigeria, and I know the impact information- both accurate and inaccurate has had on the effort to curtain the virus here. The course itself is well packaged, easy to understand and taught accurately, especially the acted videos. I would like to commend all involve for this- especially at a time when we are all in need of all the training and information we need in this fight against the pandemic.

Anefiok Akpan,


By Carol H


May 31, 2020

I really liked the way this course was put together with short descriptive video, auditory and with nice visual charts to go with the auditory lecture. I really like the short quizes that focused you on the main most important points and the freedom to make mistakes and retake quizzes. I liked the thoroughness of the course with the origins of the disease, purpose and history of contact tracing, definitions of case, contact, incubation, infectious periods, and isolation and quarantine. I really liked the communications section with the active listening, reflective, paraphrasing, different types of questions, and reference to Marshall Rosenburg's work. Thank you. I hope I can be a part of the community that helps stop the spread of this disease.

By Susan S


May 14, 2020

I thought this course was well organized and offered the right amount of information needed to be a contact tracer. Dr. Gurley has some amazing slides and facts included in these modules. I loved the scenarios to show us how to work with cases and contacts. Very helpful background information to give us an idea of how serious this virus is and what's being done. I especially like the fact that she cautioned to have participants refer to their supervisors and their state health departments, since there might be variations used throughout the country. The entire course held me interest and I always like the fact that I can retake a test again, just for my own satisfaction. Thank you, Dr. Gurley, for a most educational and informative course.

By Alice A T


Jul 5, 2020

Actually and to be very honest; I enjoyed the course and it was so much fun to answer the questions and be 100% right 90% of the time. The only changes I think needs to be made if you really feel this course needs to be 6 hours long; then I suggest you install a guide as to where you left off. I stayed up to 2 am on Thursday night because I was stuck on one question. I closed my laptop and went to bed. Friday when I went back to the course, I had to start over; I kept pressing next and I only found the course because I saw test results. In the end, I could not find this review which put me in the correct window for pulling my certificate because upon clicking to go to the lesson I left on Thursday night; I forgot to do a review.

By Khikmatillo


Aug 2, 2020

The recent pandemic has definitely made it very clear that wellness and safety at work place can impact the overall well being of a person other than their homes . There needs to be long term guidelines and protocols in place in the national and local level to ensure safety and wellness at work place on physical , mental and emotional levels as even though we have testing, contact tracing and may be treatment soon , the bottom line is to maintain a high level of well being to fight virus, bacterias or other pathogens that are apart of our daily life. Endemics , epidemics and pandemics and just a collective result of such vulnerability and proneness to illness in our society at large other than the obvious causes of such outbreaks.

By Gabriel E


May 29, 2020

This course was actually not as bad as I had originally anticipated. The number of videos I had to watch was startling, but once I started, I began to adjust to them and go at my own pace. I found myself enjoying them. The mini-quizzes at the end of each video were good ways of testing my ability to memorize important information and key concepts. Other videos had little skits that were fun to watch and very insightful. I never found this course boring or intimidating. Quizzes can be taken multiple times, you can always go back to previous videos, and most importantly you can go at your own pace. Nice to learn about this subject and this course and professor were excellent at teaching it. Definitely recommend to anyone interested.

By Charles D


May 16, 2020

In these difficult global pandemic times, the importance of saving lives and preventing greater spread of Covid-19 is paramount to national recoveries. The spread of illness is in the millions already, daily deaths per nation is astronomical, and without tracing the pathogen routes person-to-person to at least give warning and to educate how the virus spreads, the future is dim healthwise and financially. This course educates us to a high degree and is needed for substantial action in our communities if we are to minimize the disastrous impacts of it to our families, friends, communities and nation. Whether taking the course FYI or to be a health worked doing tracking...enroll asap. You will not regret a moment of it.

By Diane R


May 30, 2020

This was a thorough explanation of COVID-19 and the role and responsibilities of the contact tracer. There is some confusing/conflicting information, and some information which could have been explained more thoroughly. Specifically, the infectious period is not treated consistently throughout all the questions. Also, preparing answers for questions like "what if I get symptoms? What if I live with roommates?" and a few others are not emphasized enough, and there is some conflicting information there too. However, overall it's a great introduction and I would imagine that each state / county will have its own training for potential contact tracers, so it's a good preparation for additional training and the job itself.

By Debra C


May 17, 2020

Excellent course...concepts were defined and explained clearly and concisely...slides were very effective. As a result of this course, I have gained a greater understanding of the virus and how people become infected. I have learned the importance of contact tracing and appreciate the review in rapport, questions types and active listening. I would like to become a contact tracer. I hold an LCSW-R in NY and FL, and have earned a PH.D. in counseling, an M.Ed in Counseling and Psychology and an MSW in clinical social work. I would appreciate if you might offer me some suggestions regarding volunteer or employment positions as a contact tracer. Thank you for offering this course free of charge. Stay safe and healthy.

By missteanus


Aug 11, 2020

It was an easy class , especially if you know a little bit about Covid-19 already, but it does teach you about the spread and how to easily determine how long a person has been infectious. The course also teaches you really effective communication skills. Especially regarding sensitive subjects, and how to approach them without being pushy or insensitive while still being able to get information from people. The only downfall is that it is a little time consuming. I almost found that by reading the transcript of the video I was able to get through some of them quicker while still retaining the information. However, I know some people are more visual learners and watching the video would be more beneficial.