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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Android App Components - Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers by Vanderbilt University

794 ratings

About the Course

This 4 week MOOC builds upon the overview of Java and Android covered in Course 1 by delving deeper into core Android app components,
such as intents, activities, and broadcast receivers. You will learn by example how to program these core Android components together with
Android concurrency frameworks and basic Java file I/O classes (such as File and InputStream) and Android storage mechanisms (such as
Shared Preferences). You'll also learn how to use the Git source code management system. Throughout this MOOC you'll work incrementally on
a project involving downloading, storing, and display images from remote websites. Each week you will add additional capabil...

Top reviews


Oct 8, 2018

Very good examples, I recomend taking the optional homework if you can. I couldn't take every but you can learn a lot from this course.


Jun 27, 2020

it was quit well, i have learned lot of the material thanks sukkur iba for sponsorship and coursera for this beautifull course

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201 - 208 of 208 Reviews for Android App Components - Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers

By AbdulAhad

May 9, 2023

This course is not much good for beginners who are trying to learn making android apps from scratch.

1. the discussions are almost dead.

2. Course focuses more on theory, rather than practice or practical.

3. This is not a tutorial at all. Sections (a few lines) of code are explained, rather than what each line does, or why are certain methods used, what the parameters given mean and do or what other arguments/ parameters these method use? and stuff like that, basically a lot of stuff is not explained, many questions are left unanswered.

By Yulim L

Aug 3, 2020

Very good at explaining and showing the high-level information.

Terrible at showing how to implement at the code level.

Their assignments are thankfully optional, as they are all out of date, filled with typos, and have vague instructions. I suggest reading the Android official guides on activities, intents and their documentation to complete these assignment and get a good idea how to actually do them. Also check out other tutorials for more thorough teaching on the code level information.

By Deleted A

Aug 17, 2022

Very disappointed. The code feels more like a show-and-tell than an explanation and doesn't make me feel confident with anything taught at all. Furthermore, AsyncTasks are depricated and the code hasn't been updated in 5 years. The theory can be useful, but you will need some other courses to actually be able to build any apps.

By sebastian t

Aug 24, 2020

This is a poorly structured course compared to the awesome first MOOC in this specialization. The first assignment, for example, arrives well before students are equipped to handle it. I would advise not attempting this MOOC until you've gotten a handle on these topics elsewhere first.

By James

May 29, 2020

not a fan

By Phindulo M

May 23, 2020

There is no evaluation in this class. I prefer classes with programming assignments that are machine unit tested on the server. It's possible to just take a quiz twice, and get 100% without knowing anything.


Jan 13, 2022

Very different from course 1. No forum response, no written material to download, deprecated content, sparse and optional practical content, with support programs 4-5 years old sometimes not even emulating.

By Srinidhi N

May 16, 2022

The code walkthrough is done which is less effective. Most of the stuffs are done in the assignmend programs. Hence learning is very limited.