Oct 8, 2018
Very good examples, I recomend taking the optional homework if you can. I couldn't take every but you can learn a lot from this course.
Jun 27, 2020
it was quit well, i have learned lot of the material thanks sukkur iba for sponsorship and coursera for this beautifull course
By Ryan C
•Nov 27, 2017
I missed having the required programming assignments from the Java for Android course. I feel like I learned more (even though I did the optional assignments). Also feel like the videos barely teach some critical basics that come up in the programming assigment
By Isabelle D
•Aug 14, 2019
What happened to the basics of Android development, like how to create a UI and interact with it? Receiving input and so on? I am glad I had those basics down beforehand, but someone new to android would have trouble following along
By greg a
•Jul 27, 2020
There were no required programming assignments, therefore the optional assignments were not properly updated, i.e. their testing units failed to compile. I saw little evidence that the instructor responds to any student questions.
By Mandy
•Nov 1, 2016
Overall it is OK, but the example framework is more like created for teach purpose which is not practical in industry. Moreover, it seems there are many incorrect part in the assignment especially optional code assignments.
By Ilham
•Dec 20, 2020
The content is fantastic but I would've liked more graded assignments with intents and broadcast receivers. Furthermore, the optional assignments have several build issues unlike MOOC1
By Nafi S
•Aug 17, 2020
Codes provided were buggy. Could not run in Android Studio. There was no good work-around this issue in forums either. Other than that, a good course. Made a lot of topics clearer.
By Henock A
•Nov 29, 2022
I like this course and am planning to stick with it till the end but i rather find the app review sessions boring I prefer when instructors writes the code not reading it.
By Kristopher G
•Oct 8, 2017
Great conceptual overview of the topics, although a bit too immersive. The module would benefit from simpler exercises to consolidate a student's understanding
By Margerite B
•Jun 25, 2017
I good a overview of the topics but I don't understand them well enough to implement them. For me the course is too fast.
By Ilia K
•Jul 30, 2021
I would like to get more detailed information about intent, broadcast recievers and activities. I need more code tasks.
By Lukas B Z
•Jul 26, 2022
The presentations are good, but I need more instructions to actually know what to do in the programming assignments.
By Balazs B
•Aug 19, 2017
The second part of the course was developing overly complicated apps, for downloading imageges.
By Rajatendu D
•Dec 17, 2018
Understanding this course was really difficult.Should have used easier techniques to teach students.
By Bavlly m
•Jul 7, 2020
i could understand some parts of the sample code and the explanation wasn't good enough
By Jordi G
•Jan 28, 2021
I think it should cover more basic examples before increasing difficulty
By Jay K
•Aug 20, 2021
good for learning concept. but the practice projects are just way off.
•May 3, 2020
the codes provided for practice are a sudden jump in complexity
By madalv
•Aug 16, 2022
Too much boring theoretical stuff.
By Scott W
•Jan 31, 2017
Not enough coding opportunities.
By Vasu D S
•Jul 3, 2019
Please try to include more code
By Ada_rash
•Jul 6, 2020
Not good explanation of codes
By Dhananjay S
•Jul 5, 2021
good but not satisfactory
•Aug 25, 2021
excellent cours
By Rashi S
•Oct 9, 2022
It is good
By Christopher E
•Jan 16, 2022
I had very high expectations after taking the preceding course in the "Android App Development Specialization" - however, I'm afraid that I had a somewhat poor experience with this one. Giving the course two stars was a difficult decision. There's definitely a lot of useful information here, and I think the course left me with a solid conceptual understanding of how Android intents, activities, and broadcasts receivers work. The main problem I had is that the course felt somewhat disjointed: There's a brief module on git, which seems a little out of place with regard to the rest of the material - especially since there's no real application for it in the rest of the course (except perhaps cloning demo repositories). I don't feel like the lectures provided adequate preparation for the programming assignments (granted, the assignments were optional). Most of the time I spent working on them wasn't spent designing, implementing, or reading documentation - it was spent trying to figure out which pieces of documentation I should be looking for to get started. This was an issue I struggled with particularly in the first assignment, which as far as I could tell involved method calls that weren't addressed until the following week.