Jul 14, 2020
The course provides a very good overview of the basics if the bash shell and goes from simple commands such as handling directories to automating backup tasks using Crontab. Really good experience!
Oct 4, 2020
It was great course, I was familiar with shell commands but now like I have seen that there are much more capabilities to do. So thanks to the teacher, it was interesting!
By Kristi N A
•Jul 2, 2020
By Doss D
•Jun 20, 2020
Thank you
By Juan C O B
•Sep 1, 2020
•Oct 25, 2023
By Bhupendra V Y
•Jul 9, 2023
By Sejo J
•Nov 3, 2022
By Mohammed S 4
•Sep 15, 2020
•Sep 5, 2020
By Mohsin H
•Aug 15, 2020
By Omkar b
•Aug 5, 2020
By Akshayreddy
•Jul 17, 2020
•Jul 7, 2020
By tale p
•Jun 28, 2020
By p s
•Jun 23, 2020
By sourabh k
•Jun 19, 2020
By Vaibhav J
•Jun 14, 2020
By naveen r
•Jun 12, 2020
By Korrakot T
•Jul 7, 2020
By Ei T S
•Oct 5, 2020
By Matthew G
•Sep 6, 2023
The course provides a high level overview of some common commands and how to create shell scripts with Bash. I highly recommend pausing the video frequently and exploring the commands in more depth in a shell outside of the browser. Take your time to read up on the commands, explore how you can combine them, create additional aliases for yourself (this was one of my favorite things to do), and create an additional script or two. The instructor moves through commands at a fairly rapid pace, often not spending more than a sentence or two to explain some of what they are demonstrating. It is up to the learner at this point to decide that they need to put in the extra effort to learn more about what is being taught. This may not be relevant if you have experience in this area, but I can see this being a bit of a hang up for individuals brand new to the subject matter. Overall, this gave me a nice refresher on some basic commands, reminded me about how useful aliases are, and got me curious about what kinds of scripts I could create and automate to improve my work flow or quality of life. A worthwhile effort that I would recommend to others who are also curious.
By David A M C
•Jun 28, 2020
I know this is an introduction, but it really goes over the surface. Some important things as downloading and installing packages are missing. I tried this in my computer using Ubuntu LTS 20.04 on Windows Subsystem for Linux v2 and couldn't send the email. Didn't quite understand why.
I also have issues with the chmod command (it didn't change any permissions on my files). Some people on StackOverflow talked about this being a problem of the file system NTFS or FAT32. I think this exceptions are important to handle. Especially cause after the course we leave the Rhyme platform where everything works, and may get dissapointed when tryng this things on our local computers,
This may be problems of the WSL, but a think many more students will come here to try it.
But over all, It is a good starting point to the Bash Terminal.
By Dheeraja K
•Oct 27, 2020
The content of the course is great. You will get to learn a lot of things within a short duration. But the course instructor sounds very monotonous, boring, disinterested and dull. She also speaks quite fast, which makes it difficult to follow along as she performs operations on the screen. I suggest taking notes along by slowing down the speed of the videos and practising on your own system to be fully benefitted.
By ali i
•Jul 30, 2020
the time period that this course has is not enough for learning and practicing at the same time but the content is good and also the instructor should give some more examples or give some assignments to make us learn better or otherwise all will be in vain.
By Ali H
•Jun 24, 2020
It is really a good course for all the beginners who just started linux and don't know the basic commnands, but for me it was too basic except the script part. As it was just an hour course so i guess it did fair within that time.
By Dhruv W
•Jul 14, 2020
More number of scripts should be added this will the help the student to have better understanding. Overall course content is good.