Jul 11, 2020
I am grateful to attend to Coursera classes. The data gives brief and simple explanation understandable to brain.Which we can practice in day to day life , to increase efficiency in work and life
Dec 2, 2020
Excellent presentation in a succinct, easily comprehended style. Loved the video links about multi-tasking. Wow! It totally makes sense that we've got that all wrong--even as it applies to computers.
By Tan J F
•Oct 9, 2018
This course helped me to be more effective professionally!
By mbclinton50
•Aug 20, 2015
it was direct to the point with very practical suggestions
By Nicole
•Mar 4, 2025
I enjoyed the course! I would recommend this to everyone.
By Diego C A
•Apr 22, 2022
Excelente curso. Ayuda a ordenar la cabeza y el día a día
By Fai A
•Dec 20, 2021
Great Course and Straight to the point and easy to Digest
By Faruk M
•Sep 3, 2020
Professional Productivity i Time Management for Personal
By haider a
•Aug 4, 2020
Brief course to understand about management of activities
By Carlos A A S
•Aug 3, 2020
Fue un verdadero placer! Nos vemos en el siguiente curso!
By Adrian C R
•Jul 23, 2020
Muy bueno, lo mejor es que no es tan pesado y se aprende.
By Rufino G R
•Jun 27, 2020
Excellent course, quick, value information and practical.
By Ranjith K R
•May 13, 2020
thank you so much and the contents were really supportive
By pravin m
•Apr 17, 2020
simple way to improve in time management. More effective.
By Bhanu k
•Feb 9, 2019
A wonderful course to enhance your time management skill.
By Rafat A
•Sep 11, 2017
It is very helpful course that increase my knowledge alot
By Lidia C
•Jun 8, 2016
Buenos tips, practicos faciles de seguir en la vida real.
By Marianela G
•Sep 16, 2015
Short but precise! Very useful information and resources.
By Анжелика
•Aug 31, 2015
Great course! Very short but very informative! Thank you!
By Patty O
•Dec 23, 2020
Lots of great suggestions to improve oneself! Thank you!
By Naisal A
•May 16, 2020
Good course to make ourself work smarter and not harder.
By Vincent S
•Mar 11, 2019
Very Good Course for who are all trying to work Smarter.
By rupu s
•Nov 15, 2018
Best one. Everyone should do it. Specially for begineers
By Dina A S
•Nov 11, 2018
its very important for every one to progress your career
By Candace B
•Oct 9, 2016
This was a very helpful and motivating class! Thank you!
By aman g
•Nov 2, 2015
Helped me to change my habits and become more productive
By Ngo T K
•Sep 18, 2015
Clearly and easy to apply this to my work and life time.