Jul 3, 2019
Good introductory course for setting a basis for knowledge of data science and data scientists for someone who may be a novice and seeking to learn more.Good quality in terms of presentation as well.
Sep 10, 2019
Very learning experience, I am a beginner in DS, but the instructors in this course simplified the contents that made me I could easily understand, tools and materials were very helpful to start with.
By Pranav T
•Mar 14, 2020
Just the course you need to begin with data science and the materials provided throughout is just amazing.Practical examples discussed throughout help alot in understanding topics.
By Mamadou A B
•Feb 24, 2020
Data science is an inter-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data.
By Dhiraj K B
•Feb 2, 2020
This course is really amazing. This helps you to know about the need for Data Scientists, what they do and what are the fields they work in and also how to prepare a proper report.
By Serhat S
•Jan 24, 2020
Very good starting point. Like it. Especially the reporting part is omitted almost all of the other courses. However, this course gave me a structure about that. I am very pleased.
By Guy L
•Dec 18, 2019
I would recommend this course to anyone who would like a well rounded intro into what data science is and what data science does. On complaint is the peer review process is flawed.
By Andrew S
•Nov 26, 2019
This gave a really good insight into the subject. It helped me understand the whole subject and what expectations I should have to train for and start my career as a Data Scientist
By Shoaib M Q
•Jan 4, 2025
An excellent course that introduces you into the field of data science, the progression of your career, and what is expected of you in the many disciplines/fields of data science.
By Ana C G L
•Sep 10, 2024
By Lautaro T
•Aug 2, 2023
Muy buen curso.
El unico comentario que tengo para hacer es sobre los videos de la voz no humana. A veces hace pausas en lugares de la oración que no van, y te hace perder un poco.
By Francisco J M R
•Aug 12, 2022
I think that the goal of this course is to get started in What is Data Science , goal that I have obtain easily by doing this course so I am glad I have enrolled in this course :)
By Dhanya T J
•May 24, 2022
Such a wonderful experience. Don´t miss the chance to know more about Data Science, it helps to understand more about why and what the purpose of data science in this modern world
•Jan 26, 2022
This course gives you the exposure to the people working in the data science field and clearly explains what is data science, and the process of it.
This course is well structured.
By suraj g
•Oct 1, 2021
Very helpful for beginners . if you have little bit knowledge about what is data science then this course will help you to understand much more about that. with a best professors.
By Tanuj K
•Oct 12, 2020
Excellent course for a rookie wanting to understand and know more about data sicence. Good course for those data scientists as well who want to have a business perspective as well
By Prathmesh P
•May 4, 2020
the best course for the ones who are interested in generating interest in the field of data science. This course ticks all the right boxes on how an introductory course should be.
By Hiệp P
•Apr 21, 2020
I have a great time of exploring new knowledge and thank you for provide a very good high quality of videos.
Contributions: please check the captions of some videos were not match!
By Ashique B Y
•Apr 2, 2020
This course gives an consolidated idea about what is Data Science. This will prepare you for the further courses which I am going to dive in soon. Hope those will be exciting too.
By Aman S
•Feb 11, 2020
An exceptionally well laid course. Introduced me to the key basics of data science, allowing me to choose and decide my path that I need to follow to become a good data scientist.
By Sumid D
•Dec 24, 2019
I always wanted to know about the data science, this course provides all the general information which one needs to know exactly what data science is. Thank you, loved it overall.
By Олег Я
•Oct 8, 2019
Очень полезный вводный курс, позволяет четко определить все плюсы и минусы данной профессии. А также помогает ответить на самый главный вопрос "Подходит ли Вам данная профессия?".
By Siripat W
•Oct 29, 2018
I learned from coursera about python for data science, but I don't understand a data science, so this course explain about meaning of data science, that made me love it. Thank you
By Junayd I
•Dec 19, 2024
Great insight into the world of data science and it's origins from industry experts as well as academic practitioners providing multiple backgrounds, opinions and points of view.
By Mary A
•Feb 9, 2024
The course was thorough and explanatory. I just hope the next one which involves web scrapping practicals and programming will be as explanatory. It was a good one though, Kudos!
By Anshuman P
•Apr 11, 2022
Amazing course, starting from the very scratch and keeps the interest of the person watching it by showing the practical use and the opportunities we can get through this course.
By Manuel W
•Jan 19, 2022
Especially like the when the videos have accompanied text below. The use cases are simple enough to understand and the exercises are appropriate to the level of beginner student.