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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Marketing by University of Pennsylvania

13,112 ratings

About the Course

Taught by three of Wharton's top faculty in the marketing department, consistently ranked as the #1 marketing department in the world, this course covers three core topics in customer loyalty: branding, customer centricity, and practical, go-to-market strategies. You’ll learn key principles in - Branding: brand equity is one of the key elements of keeping customers in a dynamic world in which new startups are emerging constantly. - Customer centricity: not synonymous with customer service, customer centricity starts with customer focus and need-gathering. - Go-to-market strategies: understand the drivers that influence customers and see how these are implemented prior to making an investment. Complete this course as part of Wharton's Business Foundations Specialization, and you'll have the opportunity to take the Capstone Project and prepare a strategic analysis and proposed solution to a real business challenge from Wharton-governed companies like Shazam and SnapDeal or to a challenge faced by your own company or organization. Wharton-trained staff will evaluate the top submissions, and leadership teams at Shazam and SnapDeal will review the highest scoring projects prepared for their companies....

Top reviews


Mar 22, 2016

This course was excellent - the professors were incredible as well as the subject material. I felt I learned a comparable amount from this short MOOC vs what I learned in some of my MBA courses!Mike


Dec 6, 2015

I am really enjoying this course and the lessons are easy to follow. The instructor gives great examples to sum up each lesson and her explanations really hone in on what marketing actually entails.

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51 - 75 of 2,496 Reviews for Introduction to Marketing

By Alameen R

Jul 8, 2019

I loved it.

By Rimma T

Jun 9, 2020

Thank you!

By 陈浩天

Jul 9, 2019


By Yness M

Sep 27, 2020

The teachers are very knowledgeable and good but there is more finesse needed in delivery via a platform like this. They teach as if it is a classroom where you would have the slides printer or on comp to take notes. Here you highlight their actual words which don't reflect the slides precisely as they are more narrative. This makes for messy notes and hard to highlight. I would prefer that the teacher speak scripted as per slides.. This would also save reduce the amount of interrupted sentences that teachers naturally speak out in a conversational tone. In literally transcript notes this leaves for headless sentences . I found that the test it self mentions some things I think are on the slides but not spoken. Ideally the slides could be downloaded with the notes made matching the slides. This would in my opinion make classroom experience and Coursera equal if not make course better in quality than real life classrooms.

By Case C

Jul 7, 2019

I thought the course was excellent. Some of the reviews complained about the professors... they were all easy to understand. Another complaint I saw was about questions. They were complaining info was introduced after questions, this did not happen in quizzes just in lectures much like when a professor might ask if anyone knows an answer before introducing the idea.


Sep 30, 2023

Great overall course. That said, later in the course they referenced a key framework (7Cs) earlier in the course that was never taught. This framework is actually a super important one and leaving it out of the course but teaching related material seems like a large oversight, but beyond that the course is good.

By Tanmay S

Jun 21, 2019

It was great. It will give me a kick-start in my business management career.

By Shivam M

Jun 30, 2019

Good course. Recommended for learning the basics in marketing.

By Mario F

Jul 6, 2016

Slides used during the course were quite boring (too much text), not captivating and were not handed over to the students. That made preparing for the final exam extremely tricky.

The content was basic but good enough for people with no prior marketing knowledge.

Although teachers are skilled and extremely clear in introducing the concepts, the depth of the content did not convince me. I expected a more “solid” introduction.

By Vidya K

May 23, 2020

The course covered most topics related to the foundations of marketing as I have come across in my IB higher-level Business and Management course, however, the questions on the quizzes are often phrased confusingly in my opinion, and often the course videos aren't very engaging.

By Andrés F

Apr 1, 2020

System is easy to use but resources are outdated and marketing has changed a lot in the past 9 years.


Apr 9, 2018

Absolute vapid bullshit. All you business people are nauseating. Jargon, hot air and pseudo-science crap.

By sruthi k

May 23, 2016


By Amol T

Apr 29, 2020

This was an outstanding course and I recommend it highly to anyone in marketing, junior or senior. I have 20 years in marketing roles with increasing responsibility so its not just for beginners. Wharton School is the premier marketing educational institution. No question. You are learning from the best of the best at a such a low cost.

My advice: I like to learn slowly so I suggest you take your time. A module a week or more. Do some outside research on the topics. The videos were of very high quality, I was so impressed with their teaching styles and their perspectives that I purchased Raju's Smart Pricing book and Kahn's Branding book as supporting material, and watched several of Fader's lectures. Further, I found the final exam to be challenging actually.

I'm inspired to learn all I can from these experts now, and am focusing my continuing education on content from University of Pennsylvania marketing department, both inside and outside of Coursera.

Well done to Wharton and Coursera. I'm wow'd.

By Nhung T N

Apr 10, 2020

I was new to MOOC platforms and English is not my first language. Therefore, I found myself struggling a bit in the beginning of the course to focus and be disciplined. As time went by, thanks to the expertise and passion from the teachers in their area, each section just got absorbed more easily. My favorite part, I would say, is absolutely the examples and case studies. Since I have moved into the working world 6 years now ( I got my bachelor in International Economics in 2014), real scenarios and tried out solutions are much more relatable. At the same time, the course does not fail to provide the basics of Marketing principles and strategies in a systematic and informative way so that you can always dig in and expand it with your own research. Thank you for putting this together and inspire me to be a Marketer myself!

By Shivani B

Feb 6, 2022

This course is truly one of the very few good courses you need to take for Marketing. The said course with modules from Professor(s) Barbara, Fader and Raju are packed with loads of relevant information and pivotal case studies (out of which some might be a bit old but still holds significance).

The course develops a broader perspective about traditional marketing which teaches nuances and abilities to gel well with digital marketing. If you are from the field, you will relate and develop a better picture in your mind and examples given throughout are vivid and very well-thought.

Coming from an Ivy League college, do get to see (a little) lectures like format with a sole aim to provide better learning experience and knowledge absorption.

By Karan S

Aug 25, 2021

This course is beautifully designed to impart knowledge about the world of marketing. Though its an introduction course but still manages to teach much more than that. Special mentions for the three professors in this course, they are all amazing and teach in the most intriguing manner with all kinds of practical examples to make you understand the complicated technical terms in the easiest way possible. I am glad i came across this course and had opportunity to learn from such great teachers. In the end would like to thank Coursera for bringing this course in association with University of Pennsylvania, and making this learning experience so comfortable such that everyone has the access to this from their own homes around the world.

By Alex G

May 19, 2020

I'd like to start off by saying that this is not at all a fake review or one that was paid for by any means. This course provided me with an obscene amount of knowledge and skills that I am going to turn around and apply to my business in every day life now. It was evident that each professor knew exactly what they were talking about as they even knew the fundamentals, efficiencies and intricacies of digital marketing. The examples used were spot on, the english was perfect and easy to understand, it was perfectly paced and I honestly don't think that this could have been done better if they tried. Brilliant job to all of the professors AND the production/design team behind the camera. Thank you very much.

By Sonya L

Nov 4, 2020

I did not know what was marketing until I took this course. I finished the course having a very good understanding of what is marketing, why it is important, how to put it to work and, what are some of the benefits. The course was concise and yet detailed enough for me to walkaway knowing and appreciating marketing. It was challenging but not intimidating. I am really glad I took this course from Wharton. I do not think I could have found a better suited course for me anywhere else. I strongly recommend this course to every student, entrepreneur, or business person who does not already have an MBA.

By Sena H

May 3, 2020

I have been working as a Medical Sales Representative in one the most renowned pharmaceutical company. My aim is to have a marketing career in the future. For this reason, I decided to take this course in order to take the initiative. I conceived what a marketing department does, how is crucial to build a customer satisfaction, how to analyze pricing and how it is vital to build a strong brand. It was very useful for me to comprehend the real meaning of 'what is marketing' really mean. I strongly advice this course to whom desires to have a marketing career in the future.

By Boris

Jan 30, 2021

This course was extremely beneficial! As a person who works in marketing but hasn't completed formal education in it, I was able to link a lot of elements from this course to my work. In fact, information from the course gave me a lot of insight to the world of marketing and how to go about doing certain tasks in my work. Although this course is focused on B2C marketing, even though I work in the B2B sphere, I was still able to get a lot out of it, since many of the principles are are relevant in both areas of marketing.

By Mary R D

Sep 7, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this short course. I also appreciate the different lecture styles of each professor. It cuts the monotony of having just one teaching style. It was also great to see that each of them reference lectures from previous topics to establish a point. There are topics that might need its own week, i.e. pricing, as I believe we can learn more. Nonetheless, I wish each topic would end with key takeaways or summary points as what Professor Raju has done. Great energy from Professors Kahn and Fader, too!

By Kate A S

Jun 10, 2020

Here's a review from an incoming freshman:

I used to have minimal knowledge about marketing but this course is WAY MORE THAN CONCEPTS! It gives you insights about the past and current trends of marketing and how that relates to the future direction of the business. At first, I am hesitant to take this course because I have little to no interest in marketing because I used to think it's all about promotion and boring stuffs but NO. This course is way more than that. I highly recommend you take this course!

By Timothy W

Apr 2, 2020

Very informational and easy to follow, especially for someone who has zero prior knowledge in marketing. Loved the contents and teachings from all 3 professors, and as someone with a mechanical engineering background, I find that professor Fader's quantitative methods on analyzing the performance and health of a business using a bottom-up approach resonates most with me. Will definitely be doing more of my own research on CLV and the variables we can control to maximize it for my own business. Thank you!

By maria i l

Feb 5, 2018

excelente introduction course!! Marketing was an unknown area in my professional life and this course made me realized all the aspects that are involves in a market. This course active my needs for information and reasearch in my area and see all markest around me. Help me to evaluate my personal and intitutional perform and what I did right and wrong. I have new ideas to improved my professional life and motivation to develop (in future) a brand.

... And motivation to keep in this formation.
