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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Design Thinking for Innovation by University of Virginia

8,995 ratings

About the Course

Today innovation is everyone's business. Whether you are a manager in a global corporation, an entrepreneur starting up, in a government role, or a teacher in an elementary school, everyone is expected to get lean – to do better with less. And that is why we all need design thinking. At every level in every kind of organization, design thinking provides the tools you need to become an innovative thinker and uncover creative opportunities that are there – you're just not seeing them yet. In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and taught by top-ranked faculty, we provide an overview of design thinking and work with a model containing four key questions and several tools to help you understand design thinking as a problem solving approach. We also look at several stories from different organizations that used design thinking to uncover compelling solutions....

Top reviews


Aug 16, 2020

Excellent program to learn lots of tools towards Design Thinking !! Thanks a lot! Very interactive and the last activity of completing the assignment was very thought provoking !! thanks to all pears!


Dec 1, 2016

As a design manager I should say this course actually opened my eyes to a new world. I hope be able to make good changes in my world by using this knowledge more and more in my life. Thanks to All :)

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101 - 125 of 2,740 Reviews for Design Thinking for Innovation

By Salvador M H


Sep 8, 2016

Great course!

By James K


Dec 27, 2018

Lecturer is un-engaging, very little emotion shown and monotonous, just your run off the mill reading-off teleprompter with a poor background.

Slides look like they were created in one of the earlier version of powerpoint so not engaging

By Dawn J


May 26, 2020

Pros: Real life examples of design thinking applied globally.

Cons: I signed up for the course expecting practical frameworks of how to apply design thinking but unfortunately did not receive that as a takeaway. The course materials also failed to define the term design thinking in a succinct way, which alone tells me that the rest of the course is going to be vague and barely sweeping the surface of real-life applications.

By Federico C


Aug 14, 2019

Good Step description, poor description of tools, no testing at all.

It should be more hands on, and may be more practical. Some videos were too long. No quizzes for following up and capstone was really poor.

Reading the book is way more useful than attending this course.

Week 4 learning launch class was the best one.

By Atefeh H


Mar 23, 2020

Content of the course is so basic comparing to the final work that is expected from the student.

By Wasim D


Aug 3, 2021

I am giving it a one star because my work needs to be reviewed by peers instead of quizzed and I have yet to have my work corected and there was only one out of three assignments available for correction, it makes it hard to obtain the certificate even though you complete the tasks very disappointed

By Felipe S d B


Nov 9, 2016

muito bla bla bla, pouco resultado, pouca comprovacão de funcionamento.

By Louis S D


Nov 11, 2017

This is a wonderful course and I applaud Prof Liedtka on her teaching methodology combining structure with creativity. Each of the tools listed are really useful in expressing the design thought process in action and every one of the experts have lent their unique perspectives, which have been really helpful in outlining the idea that Design Thinking tries to convey. My only gripe if any would be the assignment rubric, which shackles the author within a very walled framework and defeats the purpose of thinking out of the box. While it offers a precious guideline for the peer to evaluate, it more or less mandates the author to stick within this and it applies some sort of unwritten pressure on the peer to rate only on those defined yardsticks, which again effectively brings down the scope for the writer of the reflection to bring in fresh approaches into their piece. Design Thinking in spirit has to involve a level of creative thinking within a structured framework, but if the structure takes precedence, then in all probability creativity would take an uncomplimentary second position. Please take this for what it is, but be sure that the course and the material have been totally outstanding, and I commend the Darden team for putting this out on Coursera.

By Aaron P


Oct 12, 2020

Gracias por la forma en la que está construido el curso, realmente tener ejemplos reales en donde se aplica la metodología hace fácil de incluirla en nuestro quehacer diario, si bien esta metodología se ha desarrollado desde hace mucho tiempo, los abordajes de cada persona e institución varían, y al conocerlos, agregan valor para implementarlos dentro de los proyectos de niveles económicos, sociales, políticos y tecnológicos que se pueden desarrollar en nuestra institución. Si bien un servidor ya había tenido algún tipo de capacitación en esta metodología, la que presentan aquí tiene nuevas formas de aplicación. Agradezco a los instructores por su entusiasmo y compromiso con este tipo de iniciativas. Gracias.

By Pinaki B


Aug 1, 2019

This empowers the though process end to end. This provided the style to approach any new or existing problem to think through by the means of its core pain point. Then the transition towards solution quadrant in correspondence to each pain point before sketching the High Level picture of any Design topic. This makes the design mind map discrete per step, visibility of approach becomes distinct. Visualization approach has been followed to make the traversal of whole path end to end with less chances of disputes at later point of time; and the same provides a wider spectrum to think deeper with more features and facilities to get adopted. Thank you so much for constructing this course so nicely!

By Tanguy D L


May 10, 2019

This course should be mandatory in the unlearning process of 20st century management habits that no longer fit to the current societal challenges . It took me over 1,5 year to 'process' the course; I dived in the videos, listened to them in the car and during holidays back and forth, got lost, rescheduled, gave up, and finally came back in a focused way, what a journey, I am very proud of. The insights have changed my way of viewing the world challenges, have made me discover new patters, and provided my both a peace of mind between left and right brain thinking (you have to trust and be 'in the moment') as well as reconnecting to this random childhood creativity.

By Alcibiades R


Aug 1, 2020

Muy buen curso, da una explicación general pero bastante completa de los conceptos fundamentales de Design Thinking. Todas las explicaciones hacen uso de ejemplos de casos reales para complementar las clases. Además de esto se enseñan herramientas prácticas, relacionadas con el tema pero que tienen aplicación en cualquier tipo de negocio./Very good course, it gives a general but quite complete explanation of the fundamental concepts of Design Thinking. All the explanations make use of real case examples to complement the classes. In addition to this, practical tools are taught, related to the subject but that have application in any type of business.

By Chak M A Y


Oct 10, 2020

I have gone through quite a lot of design thinking training both online and in person. I have to say the Design Thinking for Innovation course by Jeanne is by far the most practical and relatable process to apply at a normal workplace where processes and working are dominated by conventional business analysis driven approaches. The 4-question framework brings design down to earth for the rest of us and I especially recommend the discussions on learning launches in Week 4. It is something that everyone can practice at a manageable scale without the need to part the Red Sea.

By Rashmi L


Jul 12, 2018

Design thinking for Innovation tool is excellent and it has absoultely gained with me the all different aspects of design thinking, Course is very well presented, explained with fanstastic examples.Those who really wish to have a deep knowledge/want to improve thier design thinking skills should opt for this course. The lectures and the materials used adds a valuable input to our knowledge base.Thanks to Jeanne Liedtka,all instructors and co-ordinator for thier efforts to present this topic and for sharing thier experience.

By Troy E


Dec 16, 2019

This was my first-ever course on design thinking. A great introduction. I didn't realise how much design thinking I was sort of doing in my day-to-day job. Taking this course and applying the tools and skills to one my current projects, I was able to critically reflect & evaluate with a new set of tools and vocabulary that gave me more specific & focused feedback I would not have gotten otherwise. This means, I am more informed moving forward on the next project. I'm going to look into more courses like this.

By Luigi P


Oct 13, 2020

This course was the first I attended with Coursera and was very interesting. The design thinking approach gives you a new approach to problem analisys and solving. The professor uses a plain english and so lessons are very clear. I appreciated the interaction with other students with forum and above all peer to peer correction to enhance learners autonomy, cooperation, interaction and involvement. The result was not only a certification but also the possibility to use what I learned in my daily activities.

By Maheshkumar M


May 2, 2020

The Design Thinking for Innovation course has helped me in implementing many tools which are useful in our day to day activities and has given me insights to the principles of Design Thinking. These tools have helped me in executing my office meetings to discuss and gather information on overcoming problem's through innovation.

Thanks a lot for the Instructors for making the subject crystal clear and simple to understand. Thanks Coursera for providing world wide programs within reach of everyone.

By Pilar D


Nov 29, 2020

Design Thinking for Innovation Course is full of useful tools; includes a powerful methodology to accomplish human-center projects engulfed in uncertainty; study case that helped me to ground the concepts and; taught by professor Liedtka who uses her profound knowledge of the matter to present concepts and methodologies in a comprehensive way that make the learning process more effective, combined with her enthusiastic and energetic personality that keeps you very motivated from the beginning.

By Biju


Feb 4, 2018

In today's competitive world its all the more important to update our knowledge and skill sets to compete against the Young & dynamic next generation managers likely to take over from us..I strongly believe that this platform would help us to learn many new things, ideas, solutions, skills & knowledge which were not been possible in the past.. Its a fantastic opportunity given to me to by our organisation to re brush our ideas and skill set to be learned to be relevant in the job market.

By gemi h


Sep 18, 2019

This is such an amazing course. I can't get enough of this. Apparently, I have been doing versions of this throughout my career and work. I have championed the essence of this but didn't know how to put into an understandable framework for those who couldn't see it. Yes, I hope to take the full course offered by UVA this coming January 2020 :) Thank you Professor Liedtka. Thank you for the work you do and how you teach us to think and reflect on these different yet simple frameworks.

By Suneet S


Mar 7, 2023

I liked the simplicity in the framework based on the 4 questions which was easy to understand and also communicate to non-designers that I interacted with. I also loved the case study of the Good Kitchen. It was interesting to learn how powerful a technique such as visualisation can be that is generally overlooked. At the end of the course, I went on to buy 2 books written by Jeanne. This is my first earned certificate from Coursera, and I am extremely happy to have done this course!

By Ioana C


Mar 5, 2018

It gives a theoretical base for innovation in companies and organizations. I think managers can take a lot of value from this course expecially in knowing how to present the need of innovation and innovative ideas. It is great for people who think they are not creative as you can learn to be creative. I liked a lot that it was clear and short (4/5 weeks) and it gave a good overview over the design thinking process. I can recommend it for anyone working in marketing or development.

By Joël N


Dec 9, 2015

Thanks a lot Jeanne for making available this course on Design Thinking.

It was a clear materialisation of the process for exploring opportunities for innovation.

i also love the slides with great formalisations of some concepts.

Maybe one more thing, it was very useful to have a short overview of previous week at the beginning of a new module. it is coherent with how we manage our MOOC learning behavior, with sometime a lack of time and long periods away from tje course.


By Marika J


Jun 22, 2020

Great course! This course provided so many tools for future projects. It will provide lasting impact to the way I approach teamwork and innovation. I purchased the recommended project guide and management book. It is amazing the diversity of application of knowledge gained in this course. Cannot wait to apply the principles. Thank you for untangling complex issues and creating such an easy way to digest the content. This course will be very useful to my daily work.