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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Transformation of the Global Food System by University of Copenhagen

979 ratings

About the Course

The UN predicts we will be 9-10 billion people on Earth in 2050. Providing so many people with nutritious foods is a massive challenge and one that cannot be met by simply upscaling current practices regarding food production and consumption. Providing humanity with nutritional food is at the center of all decisions related to sustainable development. Agriculture is responsible for 80% of global deforestation. The food systems release 29% of global greenhouse gasses. We use an area equivalent to North and South America combined for the production of meat for consumption or to produce the food necessary to feed the animals we eat. 70% of fresh water use is related to agriculture. These figures are staggering, and they show us, that we need to rethink and transform the way we produce, distribute and consume food worldwide. This course focuses on how food systems can become more sustainable. It consists of four modules where each focuses on an essential ingredient towards developing more sustainable food systems: (1) Boosting the small, (2) Transforming the big, (3) Losing less and (4) Eating smarter. In each of these key areas, we will meet people from different countries around the world, who labor every day to find and spread solutions that work. Connecting the challenges that must be overcome to develop a sustainable global food system with the solutions being developed by the amazing group of people you meet in this course has been a huge source of inspiration for me. I truly believe that the global food system can be transformed to sustainably meet the needs of 9-10 billion people and, with this course, I dare you to join me!...

Top reviews


Oct 30, 2020

This was a fantastic course and along with the other course in the sustainable development goals has only highlighted my interest in continuing this on after my masters research into a PhD. Thank you!


Jan 4, 2022

This course has enlightened me about the global food system and how we all as individuals can help to improve and produce sustainable and resilient food systems that can withstand any shock.

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26 - 50 of 255 Reviews for Transformation of the Global Food System

By Helen C

Aug 23, 2022

Ths has been a particularly inspiring learning journey! I am merely an interested ex- Englsh teacher, but naturally very concerned about our earthly predicament. Information is accessible and both general and specific (!). The structure of the course is motivating: goal-driven without being pressured. I am sorry it s only a 6-week course. Thank you to everyone who was involved in offering this course.

By Karishma

Jul 19, 2022

This Course is very fantastic and aware about how important Transformation of Global Food Safety This course also enlightened me about how important to switch less meat and move on plant based protein. its need to transfrom more Sustainable food product and organic agriculture and how we all as individual can help to improve and produce sustainable food System.

By Aweke M G

May 30, 2022

The course was so insightful that I learned a lot about how transforming the global food system is possible through context specific local innovations. I recommend to many people to take this insightful course and create awareness on the current challenges of the global food system and the ways to transform it through collective action.

By Mercedes C

Sep 1, 2022

We learn that when we combine all the big and small actions of people who change their habits, their work and their way of thinking, we can be sure that the transformation of the global food system is possible, but we need political action, technological innovation, financing systems have also improved. and we need behavior changes

By Thomas A

Feb 8, 2023

Excellent class. Does a great job exploring many incremental areas of progress required to feed the world's population in the coming years. Really interesting exploration of many regionally-led innovations and programs, all designed to get after some of the largest issues in transforming the global food system. Highly recommed!

By Fernando E C B

Sep 4, 2020

Very good overview of the global food system situation, backed with research and different examples from around the world of what is being done. The supplemental readings are very insightful and I really enjoyed how Katherine lectured the course. You feel her passion for the subject and for making a change.

By Nigesh V

Jul 11, 2020

From the course Transformation of the global food system I clearly got the point what actually a transformation is,how should it be & is it a possible story.Thank you for the course team & add more datas & informations up-to-date.Thankyou for the course team & the course instructor Katherine Richardson.

By Irene H

Jan 3, 2021

The course was very informative and gave me a better understanding of what needs to happen if we want to feed 10 billion people sustainably. It provided examples from around the world which is very fitting as our food comes from everywhere and the choices we make have global consequences.

By Minah M

Mar 10, 2021

It gives insight to which direction agriculture and food systems are shifting to in the future. What type of research is then necessary and how should it be financed. It also gives insight to what products entrepreneurs should be focusing on and which business innovations are a priority.

By Nestor N N

Nov 1, 2021

A very helpfull trainning. All sujects are quite interesting.... we need to move the world, no plan B available. For sure, the best of the course are 2 videos: the first and the last one; really encouraging and powerfull, especially the 1st (amazing, Catherie Richardson). THANKS!

By Fortune M

Aug 20, 2020

It was an eye opener on how to stop degrading the earth and start focusing on proper use of resources without damaging the earth. I am highly honored to participate in this course I learnt a lot of stuff which i am going to use in my everyday life indeed i have been transformed.

By Belén C

Feb 10, 2021

This course has been a great opportunity to approach the current state of the art in terms of sustainable food systems. The way the modules are organised and the research, scientific papers and cases shown are perfectly picked. It has been very interesting and open-minding.

By Josip K

Feb 10, 2021

This is a very good course, I learned a lot of new information and got a new perspective on the world around me and a way to improve my quality of life, improve eating habits and how to help improve the world and the sustainability of life on Earth in which I participate

By Francis D

Aug 10, 2020

Extremely well organized and presented. Thoughtful and thought-provoking. An important subject for which all individuals should have some basic understanding. I feel I have a much better comprehension of this topic. One of the best done online courses that I have taken.

By Mario C

Jul 12, 2021

The content of this course was an eye-opener for me. It drove home the urgency of transforming our global food systems, while providing a strong sense of optimism for the possibility of making the required changes to sustainably feed 10 billion people by 2050.

By Mary

Apr 14, 2021

This was an excellent course. I especially liked the final module. It was very informative and inspiring. I would recommend only to balance the message of Module 4 by spending more time on the value of Green proteins and less on insects. Thank you so much.

By Nils I

Aug 13, 2020

Very interesting course, providing an overview of the complexities of the food systems and the required paradigm shift to transform them, to make them more sustainable. The quiz section could have been more challenging, nevertheless, a great course!!

By Novelia A F

Sep 18, 2023

I am glad that I took this such an "opening eyes" course, not only for my personal interest, but also it evokes my motivation to get involved in behavioural change to make contribution in order to transform our food system to be more sustainable

By Vandana T

Jul 22, 2021

This course provides a very good introduction into the global food systems and provides learning material for enabling stakeholders to take concrete actions to reduce GHG emissions, while keeping an eye on the nine planetary boundaries.

By adelbert e

Jun 21, 2022

Great learning opportunity. There are modules in the course in which I was not able to access the references. Otherwise, the course is excellent. I hope our new Secretary of Agriculture of the Philippines will attend this course.

By Merlyn C

Jun 4, 2022

The course is very useful with what weare currently faced with and it gives insights on how we can rethink for the better and still achieve our goal to eradicate hunger and malnutrition on our coninents. It is very practical.

By Dora B

Aug 26, 2020

This is a well structured course which provides a great overview of the challenges and emerging solutions for the global food system. I found the Danish/Scandinavian and Nigerian company case studies particularly interesting.

By Lucía T

Jan 16, 2021

Excelente pero habría que considerar la importancia de los océanos, que son la cloaca del mundo , y son la clave de la vida en el planeta así también que toda la información brindada esté al alcance de todos. Muchas gracias

By Douglas H

Mar 2, 2021

The course presented a good overview of the problems facing the Global Food System and presented some interesting feasible options to work toward a more sustainable system that can feed the increasing world population.