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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Technical Support Fundamentals by Google

157,485 ratings

About the Course

This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● understand how the binary system works ● assemble a computer from scratch ● choose and install an operating system on a computer ● understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world ● learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of a computer ● utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting...

Top reviews


Aug 2, 2020

excellent, the content contemplates fundamental concepts in many areas, allowing participants to have a clear and general view of the world of it support regardless of prior knowledge. Congratulations


Mar 6, 2018

Awesome course designed by google. Thank you very much. Knowledge gained in just introductery leactures started burning desire in me to complete whole syllabus. Every bit of program is worth the time.

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551 - 575 of 10,000 Reviews for Technical Support Fundamentals

By Vijay k K

Nov 25, 2020

This course has took me through all the basics in the IT Support field which includes networking, beginner, software and also contains Interview experiences of many experts and they have demo for everything to make sure we learn it easily. Simply speaking this is the best course for every beginner who wants to learn about technology. SECURITY IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL and this course can help us to take the first step in that for sure.

By Jorel T

Aug 16, 2020

It was an interesting journey. This course exposed me to the world of IT, and gingered my desire to seek more answers to some questions about IT I have long thought about. It was a very good experience for me. All the instructors, and folks who role played were so awesome and amazing. I'd like to express my thanks and appreciations for their time and hard word put in the planning, development, and the instruction of this course. It was rewarding......

By Brenda T R d S

Feb 19, 2020

Eu amei fazer esse curso, expandiu muito meu conhecimento, não fazia ideia de quase nada sobre a internet, foi a parte mais difícil pra mim e a que fiquei mais feliz e ansiosa para concluir foi um desafio e tanto. Me mostrou o quanto eu ainda não sei e isso me impulsiona a querer saber mais e mais, descobri em 2019 que quero trabalhar com TI e esse curso só me provou que é isso mesmo que quero fazer. Muito obrigada Google & Coursera pela oportunidade!

By Cherima S M

Feb 28, 2023

I enjoyed taking these courses and I learned a lot about the program. Some tasks were a little difficult, for example converting decimal numbers to binary code but I kept being persistent, did three attempts and passed the third attempted. I will continue to take more courses from google because they fit within my busy schedule.

I would recommend everyone to take the technical support fundamentals course. It's a great program and you won't regret it!

By Mustapha S

Oct 25, 2020

I have learnt a lot about IT support and I look forward to learn more in the future and put the knowledge into practice by working in an IT industry, thanks to all the instructors that took of of their time to step down part of their knowledge and special thanks to Google for this brilliant idea for bringing up courses like this. Last but not the list special thanks to coursera for excellent coordination of this course, may god almighty bless you all

By olutayo b

Mar 13, 2022

I never knew an online course will be this expressive and so understandable. I love every bit of the course. I say a big thank you ot Coursera and Google for this opportunity. And I will not fail to acknowledge the good effort of my instructors, I love you guys, you're the best. I hope to be able to give out my knowledge to the world as much as i can possibly can. Once again, thank you to everyone who make this course a success for me. More to come!

By Ayodeji O O

Apr 15, 2020

I can't give this course a rating of anything less than the best (5 star).

The layout of each course/teachings are super impressive. The teachers are world class(non gender/race/ethnical biase), making you feel welcome and confident with encouragements and less pressure, sharing their own background stories/personal experience. Which in turn makes a learner to dare to believe, and to me; that's the very 1st step towards a great future.

Well done guys

By Kaleb A

Mar 9, 2020

very good starting content -- helps you see what areas you're familiar with (if any) and what areas are new and will require more of your focus -- gives very good 'broad strokes' to introduce you to the areas of content that will be covered more in-depth in later lessons -- some issues with the instructions for the labs, but click on the chat option and get them to tell you what to do if you get lost the first time -- after that you'll have it down

By Shurmation S

Mar 25, 2021

Well thought out program that has such a easy flow to follow. The videos and Google staff reenacted the experience in a real world environment. The confident instilled in the course allows someone like me with not much tech experience comfortable in the uncharted territory. I thank you and your entire organization. Im abit sadden now because its not so clear on how I can continue in this program but I'm not giving up on learning new tech things.

By Nicole

Jan 10, 2021

This was an incredibly informative but easy to follow course. I have zero IT experience past setting up my own phone or pc apps and I was able to follow along with this content. It's wonderful to be able to go back and rewatch or restudy videos and notes when I wasn't sure about something or I just needed to refresh my memory. I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone interested in getting into the IT field! Thank you Google and Coursera!

By JC o

Oct 26, 2020

This was a great course I really learned a lot I refreshed my mind with all the words and phrases of a technical career it really opened my mind to learn more and be more specific on how computers work like knowing how each component connect to each other like hardware to a software or the processes needed to be done in order to send an email or to create a website. I am definitely eager to learn more about Linux which I had no experienced at all.

By Alexis G

Jun 1, 2020

This course took me a lot longer than I originally thought it would take! There were so many fundamentals that I didn't know that I didn't know. This was a great course to catch everyone up to get beginners onto the same level as other people. I have already filled almost an entire composition notebook with notes only from this course! There is a lot of independent reading, and I do highly recommend bookmarking them for future references as well.

By Rizwan R

Apr 5, 2023

This course may cover topics such as troubleshooting techniques, customer service skills, communication strategies, and how to use technical support tools. Overall, the Technical Support Fundamentals course may be beneficial for those who are interested in pursuing a career in technical support or who need to provide technical support as part of their job responsibilities.

I learned the new world by completing this course. Highly recommended.

By C L

Dec 20, 2023

This was a wonderful intro course. I took notes and read my notes and was completly hooked on the information that I recieved. there were a couple of gotcha questions that i over looked at first, but this was my own fault for not going over my notes before starting the questions. I plan to study this course one more time before continueing to the next. I am confident that this course is a great stepping stone to further my career. Thank you.

By Albert B

Apr 25, 2022

The course has exceeded my expectation. This is not just a usual learning platform, the course offers a holistic approach on learning and developing one's self passion. I like the role playing videos, motivational interviews, and career tips. It helps me develop my confidence, pushes myself to learn more, and understand the IT world as it evolves. I highly recommend this course to everybody, either for career development or personal growth.

By Ben O

Jun 14, 2021

This fundamental course on Technical Support really was worth every while i devoted to it, to new learners, it might seem daunting but with a mind made up, you can scale through and trust me you would not regret your actions. This course would widen your Horizon as to matters pertaining to IT and how to deal with clients in the course of your day to day interaction with them, either virtual or in person. Thank you Coursera for the opportunity

By Elvio G C

Dec 9, 2020

Excelente curso, compacto, pero bien explicado todo, te mantiene pegado a la pantalla deseando aprender mas, los talleres interactivos son geniales y realmente se siente que uno esta progresando y aprendiendo mucho, a pesar que yo tenia conocimientos muy básicos, el haber realizado este curso me hizo sentirme mucho mas cómodo con mis conocimientos y me brindo muchos tips y material para seguir avanzando en mi carrera, simplemente maravilloso.

By John M

Feb 1, 2019

I feel that his course has opened a whole new digital world to learn about. I never thought that I would be interested in the various technologies due to my way of thinking. I've always thought that this field involves a lot of difficult mathematical formulas and some deep scientific algorithms. This is on of the reasons I have always worked in contracts, sales, and logistics. This is an opportunity that everyone should consider. Thank you.

By Clenilson F P

Feb 26, 2025

Gostaria de expressar minha gratidão pela oportunidade de concluir o curso The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking no Coursera. A jornada foi enriquecedora, proporcionando uma compreensão sólida sobre os fundamentos das redes de computadores, desde os protocolos até a segurança e o roteamento de dados. Agradeço aos instrutores e à plataforma pelo conteúdo de alta qualidade, que certamente agregará valor ao meu desenvolvimento profissional.


Dec 28, 2024

I have had time learning IT with many other Platforms: Udemy, How To,, CBT Nugt. On my humble point of view, it's better to learn IT from direct Veders Teaching through COURSERA. Why:1) Learning Platform that gives students all necessary tools needed to finich and succeed. 2) Courses Credit students may use for College which is an opportunity for us who didn't do IT at a college and have a degree in IT using those credits.

By Lisa G

May 6, 2022

This was a wonderful introduction to set the course for tech support. Thank you to all of the course instructors and to all of the people behind the scenes making this possible. To be able to take this type of training at such a low cost is truly unbelievable. I can change everything in short order. This will change my life and then I can change others. That I can do this from my phone and from my home is nothing short of miraculous. Thanks!

By Proudmum O

Feb 19, 2021

This has been an eyeopener course for me and it has also boost my confidence when it comes to IT. I have been able to identify and understand IT terms like Trouble shooting, Operating system and BIOS. I now know the differences between Hardware and software and how to effectively communicate anywhere, be it in an organisation or online. I definitely recommend this course and promise you will not regret it if you are looking for a carer in IT

By Esteban B L

Aug 10, 2020

Excelente curso para refrescar conceptos IT... también lo veo apropiado para aquellos que tienen nociones básicas o que no tienen conocimientos previos. La parte de atención al cliente me ha resultado muy interesante pese a ser un campo que, a priori, no me llama mucho la atención. He aprendido técnicas y conceptos que hasta ahora no llegaba a entender. Muy buen curso, lo recomiendo a todo aquel que tenga contacto con las nuevas tecnologías.


May 3, 2020

I want to say I'm glad taking a bore step to do this course, the subject or material were very update,professional and very educational. And I think one of the best decision i have made sitting home ,looking for job, and quarantine COVID19 is taken the Google IT Technical Support Fundamentals. My success here allow me to proof my passion, my dreams and show those who didn't believe me . I want to say thanks to all my Google instructors!.

By Lisa J B

Feb 23, 2019

This course was very well designed, and I thoroughly enjoyed taking it. The instructors were well chosen and all were able to explain more complex concepts so people with little or no technical background can understand.

I'm very thankful for courses such as this one, as it makes it possible for almost anyone to further their knowledge or change careers and gain the necessary skills to do that.

Looking forward to the next course in the series!