Mar 15, 2021
Great for the intermediate learner. You would find new terminologies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The materials are easy to be understood and the teachers are communicative.
Sep 26, 2020
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to our instructors, Mr Jack and Ms Alyssa for an enjoyable course on STEM! It was a very good learning experience! Thank you!
By miguel a g g
•May 22, 2019
It's a course where you can learn many words else what are the causes of the climate change, differences between climate change and global warming, how help to the environment etc. I'm very satisifed with this course. A great greeting everyone.
By César S H
•Nov 11, 2020
Fue un curso que me ayudo con mi ingles, ya que me aprendí de un tema que es de interés por mi carrera, así que en resumen, es un gran curso, no solo si estudias alguna carrera de ciencas básicas, sino también, si es de tu interés estos temas
By maha s
•Mar 4, 2019
This course is very useful ,added to my knowledge a lot , made me aware of the changes which are happening around us and encouraged me to make change in my lifestyle and be a part of the solution to help our environment to get better. Thanks
By Angélica J S C
•Jul 31, 2019
Es un curso muy completo, en el cual pude aprender una gran cantidad de vocabulario relacionado con el tema STEM y mejorar mucho mi inglés en cuanto a pronunciación, lectura y escritura. Los profesores son muy buenos también, muchas gracias!
By Bianca B
•May 13, 2020
Great course for beginner students of English. Also it s a oportunity to study two topics and the same time: English and Science. The topic about Climate Change is actual and demand discussions and understood about consequence for our world
By Purevjargal D
•Dec 3, 2020
This is my first online course and it was amazing. I am a non-native speaker so firstly it was hard then slightly adjusting it. Now I can know about the greenhouse effect and global warming besides my English have improved a lot. Thank you
By Sergio M
•May 9, 2018
This course has helped me very much to improve my English communication skills, because an English learner I need interesting themes like this to continue practice. I will definitely take some other courses of University of Pennsylvania.
By Gilles B C
•Dec 7, 2021
O Curso enriqueceu meu vocabulário e me ajudou em várias questões gramaticais. No curso que for desenvolvido no futuro, sugiro introduzir temas variados com relação a tecnologia, com isso o curso será mais rico em vocabulário e cultura.
By Maria E
•Dec 7, 2019
This course has favored me a lot to learn in the English language, and what better, taking it with the subject of my interest, renewable energies and the damages that we cause in the environment!
Thanks for everything, very good course!
•May 21, 2020
The course is intense compared to others on this platform (double or triple content, homework and tests) for the same reason you learn a lot. It is very pedagogical, scientific, interesting and strategic. I love it! 100% recommended!
By S Y
•Jan 1, 2018
It's very helpful course to understand some scientific terms, both the instructors are very good. It helped to increase my knowledge about current major issues and how to use English to explain scientific terms more effectively.
•May 22, 2023
Really A Fantastic Course. Before I enroll I thought it is only an English course, but the contents used made the course very informative. I sincerely thank the Professors for their commitment in this course. Thank You one again.
By Lourdes I S B
•Aug 28, 2020
It's a great opportunity to improve your reading comprehension and listening skills. This course is easy to follow and it will help you to understand some of the most current environmental problems. I really enjoy all the topics.
By Gigi T
•May 21, 2021
Great and understanding course which provides all basic information that a person must know about in present. Learned a lot and gave me motivation to learn even more. thanks to everyone who participated in creating this course.
By Tatiana K
•Jul 19, 2022
"English for STEM" is not only about English. It is really complex lessons with many different sources of information, entertaining motivation and even interviews. Highly recommend, even if you think you already know English.
•Jan 16, 2020
It´s a really good course where you can find a lot of techniques and vocabulary to learn English and improve your English if you have already a level of this language. I´m from Mexico and this course for me was soo useful
By Huy T
•Sep 15, 2021
I learn a lot from this course. It brought me a new insight into the world of science and technology. I have learnt not only new English grammars and new words but also useful knowledge about climate and the environment.
By Alfe M M
•Aug 19, 2022
Thanks to this course, I was able to learn more about climate change globally. This has supplemented y knowledge on this matter. The course was comprehensive and informative for an aspiring leader like me! Thank you!!!
By cleto l
•May 18, 2022
It is very good course that combine STEM and GRAMMAR. It is possible learn about new technologies about renewable energy. Also, everybody can learn about climate change, greenhouse effects and its consequences on earth.
By Betty T
•Aug 20, 2019
The tips are very helpful. The pronunciation in the video is easy to listen. I think the video illustrations are nicely made. This course is amazing, everything is systematically arranged and well prepared. Thank you
By Sarah J F
•Jul 3, 2022
A very engaging and interactive course , i have learned alot on climate change as well as steps to mitigate the problems now being faced- its a steping stone to my interest in Enviromental Sustainability.
Thank you!
By Roman N
•Dec 13, 2020
Thank you so much! It was my first Coursera course that I had finished) I hope you will create more courses because it was absolutely interesting and informative! Don't wanna say u "Goodbye", just say u "See you:)"
By Метелица Ю
•Dec 4, 2017
Хороший курс. Из лекций и текстов почерпнула для себя много новых слов, идиом и устойчивых выражений. Задания по грамматике рассчитаны на не очень высокий уровень, но повторить пройденное никогда не будет лишним.
By Ladislav Č
•Apr 24, 2020
This course is really well designed. It gave me useful information on how to work with a scientific text and vocabulary/grammar which should be used in the STEM field. Authors of the course did a brilliant job!
By Ghani J
•Mar 31, 2018
It is a very informative course and has developed my knowledge about global warning and its consequences along with English Language structures. I would definitely recommend you to join this informative course.