Nov 18, 2023
The course was incredibly informative. I am glad that I got the opportunity to study in a course on statistics from Stanford University itself. I thank the creators and participants of the course!
May 24, 2023
The lectures were clear and thorough, with a good amount of examples. The quizzes were excellent, and I learned a lot from the feedback. One of the best Coursera courses I have ever taken!
By Husanboy M
•Apr 24, 2023
It was an amazing course, but as a person who had never had strong background experience in algebra and statistics, I struggled a bit in understanding some parts. I also wish that the given examples were animated or illustrated in some way since we are visual beings and it makes things clearer to understand.
Overall, however, I like the way how the course was organized. I am planning to take more courses in statistics since I would like to discuss and understand statistical inferences and linear regressions in deeper.
By Sagar S
•Mar 26, 2022
Somewhere dissatistified from the course . At some specific points very little explation is given and you have to study on your own again and again. For example he didn't taught how to calculate Standard Deviation but using through the course. Conclusion: Course was informative but not worth the hype.
By 劉邦均
•Jul 12, 2023
I spent a lot of time looking for how the formulas were derived. I hope this class can spend more time explaining the formulas instead of just telling us when to use them. However, the first half of course is still suitable for beginner.
By Maya M
•May 18, 2021
A wonderful course. However, I don't think it's strictly a beginner course because several concepts could be better comprehended with a pre-existing knowledge of the subject. This course makes concepts clearer and enhances understanding.
By Nicolás E
•Oct 15, 2022
It is a great course, but in my opinion it is complimentary and you should also look for further information on your own. I wouldn't say it's a full course, but more of a companion course of sorts. It's still great though!
By Ahmed K
•Feb 23, 2023
I think everything is good in this course, the content, instructor, quizzes, and assessments. but the only thing that bothered me is there are not enough examples to explain the concepts in the videos.
By Alanoofedup
•Jul 24, 2023
Gives all the necessary and basic skills needed for a potential college level statistics course. Videos and lessons are a little hard to follow through major jumps in topics. 4/5 stars.
By Rachel L A
•Mar 5, 2024
Good for a refresher and overview of methods, although it is a fast paced course
By Fangyu Z
•Oct 27, 2024
course content is relatively simple. Would expect it to be deeper.
By Julia S
•Sep 5, 2024
some test questions' answers aren't correct, please check again.
By Shawn W
•Dec 23, 2018
Good material, very very dry instructor.
By Vlad B
•Sep 23, 2022
- there is enough material to be called Introduction to Statistics.
- lecture questions & quizzes for application of critical thinking.
- formulas are not complicated by symbols, which makes it easier for you to understand them and reread
- Normal Approximation is the best topic described here.
- lecture slides don't really complement intstructor's speech and vice versa. In fact, the instructor repeats the text on the slides in most cases
- lecture slides contain a lot of text which is not well structured. They also contain very few illustrative figures and tables, but where they are, you immediately understand what it is about ( e.g. Normal Approximation).
Due to the fact that most of the theory is presented in dry text, I advise you to use Excel (or similar tools) to understand what it is about.
By Javier D
•Aug 20, 2024
Un curso riguroso y mucho más exigente de lo que parece a primera vista para el que no conoce la materia. Me ha llevado un gran esfuerzo seguirlo y he buscado muchos materiales complementarios para entenderlo. La traducción al español, por ser automática, a veces dificulta el seguimiento. Agradezco mucho al profesor su profundo conocimiento del tema y a la universidad de Stanford que permitan su seguimiento. He sugerido en la encuesta que se aporten más ejercicios de práctica antes de los controles porque los contenidos son muy densos y abundantes.
By Piotr
•Dec 3, 2022
Very condensed course with a clear structure, intelligently designed quizzes, and a good lecturer.
However, I needed to do a lot of additional reading from other sources to understand the content. IMHO, the course could have much more explanations on the topics and provide much more practical exercises. I rather see the course as a basic framework for your own, deepened learning that as a self-sufficient training.
By Heybin J
•Nov 2, 2022
This is hard to say for beginners. Coming from a social science background without mathematical knowledge, I struggled a lot to keep up with the course content. Not very kind in defining the basic concepts and proving the formulas. I've always been lost in the middle of each lesson and had to google relevant materials.
By Zahid S
•Aug 18, 2022
Time and again, there were explanations missing for why certain things were done the way they were and theoretical foundations not completely set up. Decent course as an introduction but I have seen better and one does not necessarily need to skimp on the theoretical derivations to make an introductory course.
By gabriele g
•Sep 20, 2024
Some modules are really well made, others (eg module 5) are too fast and approximative. They introduce concepts without the aim of learning. Not more usefull than a wikipedia page
By Ginger d R
•Mar 20, 2024
Pretty quick overview. I recommend doing AP Stats on khan academy to get a better inderstanding.
By Allan G
•Jan 3, 2023
I recently tutored a student in an introduction to statistics course by reading the textbook and learning as he learned. While I gained a basis understanding of statistics, I found that the textbook (Statistics, Unlocking the Power of Data) somewhat confusing and I wanted to take another statistics course to try and clarify basic concepts that I felt were not explained well in that course, so I took this course. I found this course to be so formula - intense that the basic concepts were lost in the discussion of the formulae and many were not clearly explained. Another drawback was that the graphs in the videos were blurry and one could only read the designations on the x and y axes by referring to the slides separately, which was distracting. I kept moving through the course, determined to finish it and evaluate the concepts that were being discussed, but it was very disorienting to follow the formulae and try to glean their import as related to the concept being discussed. I passed the quizzes by keeping a list of the correct answers for each attempt (many of which I chose at random) and finally passing by the process of elimination. If I had not had previous knowledge of statistics, this course would have not been helpful. Even so, it did not significantly increase my knowledge of statistics.
By Said
•Dec 18, 2021
It took me two lessons to figure out this course is not for me. To give you a bit of context, I'm the type of person who needs to understand a concept from the inside – to such a depth that I'd be able to explain it to anyone, no matter their age or academic ability, in plain English. True, the lectures do give you all the definitions you need and show how you can apply a certain concept in practice, but I failed to understand the why of things. And to me, that's a deal-breaker. In the beginning, I thought the problem was with me, that is I was too thick to get it, so I started YouTubing and googling stuff to try to keep up. In the end, I found myself spending more time on Google than on this course, so I decided to cut the middle man and subscribe to a couple of YouTube channels. This course isn't for me.
By Japheth C
•Jan 11, 2023
This is more fitting to someone who has a background in mathematics and statistics and wants to refresh their knowledge (and potentially learn some additional topics in Statistica Analysis). If you have never done any statistics and probability before you will struggle or lose the motivation to complete the course.
The lecturer is clearly knowledgeable in the area, however, there needs to be a lot more content to practice. I think having more examples to explain concepts and more examples to practice will be a big plus.
Weeks 1 to 3 and maybe 4 will be a breeze through if you have some stats background. Otherwise, you struggle.
For me it was decent. I was able to refresh my knowledge but learnt of new concepts. Those concepts I will have to find other material to read in order to fully understand them.
By Jeremiah S
•Jan 4, 2025
A very poorly executed course. It rushed through all the important topics at a high level in a way that you would have had to already known the subject matter beforehand to understand and follow the videos well. The practice problems in the middle of the videos expected you to have previous numbers all memorized which was entirely unreasonable. Overall a very bad learning experience. I had to supplement this course with Grasple's probability and statistics courses to understand the material. I only completed this course to get the certificate. What a bad experience!
By Anna R
•May 7, 2024
The course is too rushed, there is not enough of everything: exercises, examples, tests. Better use another resources than this course. if you are somewhat familiar with the statistics, this course will not add to your knowledge, but if you're not, you'll be probably overwhelmed by formulas and a lack of explanation why and when to use them and where are they coming from. Do not recommend.
By Ben H
•Jul 11, 2023
This course covers a lot of relevant material. However much of the material is covered WAY too fast to be digested. For example the material on ANOVA is basically incomprehensible. Furthermore the course is glitchy, with questions popping up while the lecture is ongoing and often closing before you have a chance to answer. This course could definitely be improved.
By Seb G
•Dec 11, 2023
While the course covers a lot of material and gives a good overview, the explanations are often rushed and there's not emphasis on working through examples, especially in the later weeks (after week 4). It's also odd that there are no suggestions for extra reading, when extra reading is almost going to be required to really master any of the material.