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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Understanding Research Methods by University of London

8,154 ratings

About the Course

This MOOC is about demystifying research and research methods. It will outline the fundamentals of doing research, aimed primarily, but not
exclusively, at the postgraduate level. It places the student experience at the centre of our endeavours by engaging learners in a range of
robust and challenging discussions and exercises befitting SOAS, University of London's status as a research-intensive university and its rich
research heritage. The course will appeal to those of you who require an understanding of research approaches and skills, and importantly an
ability to deploy them in your studies or in your professional lives. In particular, this course will aid those of you who have to c...

Top reviews


Apr 29, 2021

The readings were excellent, and readable 0 which is a plus for a course such as this.The 1 or zero peer-review rating was 'rough' and maybe 0 to 5 to differentiate effort and results in the e-tivity.


Jul 27, 2017

This is wonderful course especially for research scholars, one suggestion is instead of giving articles from books, please provide a PPT which will be more effective ! thank you for wonderful session.

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251 - 275 of 2,585 Reviews for Understanding Research Methods

By Therese M

Oct 8, 2020

The timing of this course is so apt to what I need these days. I am part of a research team, and it has a different approach compared to what I have been used to, but, it is something I welcomed. Thanks so much.

By Trí N T (

Sep 23, 2018

This course is extremely helpful for researchers. I truly learned a lot. I have been impressed by learning approaches like peer reviews, video interviews. That's amazing to have a lot of ideas from many experts.


Mar 18, 2017

Cuando empezó el curso me doy cuenta que tengo una pregunta demasiado vaga, tengo la idea pero las ideas están volando en el aire, al final delimito hacia donde quiero llegar y por qué estoy haciendo las cosas .

By Evans F

Nov 9, 2024

The course has given basic knowledge about understanding Research Methods which research questions was one of the topics that I have really enjoyed on how to go about it. Thank you Coursera for this opportunity

By Harmony c

Jul 12, 2020

Thank you so much. It was an absolute pleasure to take this course and I'm so appreciative of everything I got to learn. Answered many of the questions I had regarding research before I took the course. Cheers.

By Debasish P

Aug 26, 2018

Excellent. In a very short time it can help you to understand how research work? Peer Review method is excellent and everybody is very cooperative. I will recommend this course to all young researchers like me.

By A. G

Aug 15, 2020

Really informative , I would recommend this for any new researcher (junior or otherwise). I like also that it provides perspective for research methods in various very different fields.

Kind regards

Adel Gougam


Sep 25, 2019

I had fun reading the research resources, watching the videos, responding in every week's e-tivity and reviewing my peersv assignments. I learned a lot from the reviews of my fellow classmates in this course.


Jun 9, 2020

It was well designed and paced. It gave meaningful insight and supported my need in revising my research plans. Thank you to the course instructors and to all the course mates who made the learning possible.

By Jemi L

May 26, 2022

Systematci in articulating the thought process of reasech; relevant reading for drilling into the framework and helpful real life feedback from professionals to share the research exerperience and takeaway.

By Sippee B 7

Jan 21, 2021

thank you so much for understanding my financial problem and issued me the the certificate for successful completion of the said course.I will be happy to be a part of any research related course in future.

By Mr. S S

Aug 6, 2023

Here they presented two materials: video lectures & papers. Reading the papers is a bit challenging for me. I prefer watching video lectures, which give practical insight & motivation, I guess. Thank you!


Jun 26, 2016

En este curso he aprendido de que la investigacion es una solucion al problema que nos rodea , y tambien ,como ser un buen planteamiento de una pregunta de investigacion y que un debate ayuda a mejorar ...

By Margaret M H

Sep 18, 2020

Very Enjoyable Course, Research is so important and this class really helped me understand the methods more deeply. Thank you and I look forward to more of these courses.

Meg Harlin, MSMT (ASCP), CLS (NCA)

By Brietta D

Mar 23, 2020

Very good and simple course. It gives plenty of written assignments and chapters to base them off. I feel like, after taking this course my ability to formulate a good research paper has greatly approved.


Sep 13, 2017

Me pareció un curso de mucha ayuda con los puntos de vista de los expertos en el tema; además que los comentarios de los compañeros te ayudan a aterrizar aún más la comprensión que se tuvo en cada módulo.

By Ashley F

Dec 8, 2022

Excellent content and great way to learn about research. I would recommend as an introductory course to anyone considering research and the process thereof. Thank you for the opportunity to gain insight!

By Carlos R P M

Mar 9, 2019

Es un muy buen curso, de verdad te deja buenas enseñanzas y sobre todo el cómo hacer o empezar a hacer tu búsqueda de información para un trabajo de tesis o en general cualquier trabajo de investigación.

By Balaji A

Mar 13, 2017

Its a wonderful course for all research students and beginners to have a good understanding of research methods and Review of Literature in general. I would endorse this course for all research scholars.

By Samrat P

Jun 5, 2022

The course is wonderfully desinged. It takes you to the next leavel of understanding the research. The course is good for beginners as well as for those who wants to refresh their knowldege of research.

By Delma O S M

Jun 28, 2020

Provee las herramientas para entender cuáles son los métodos de investigación y las recomendaciones para realizar una buena investigación. Los compañeros ofrecen sugerencias y comentarios muy valiosos.

By Reecha

Feb 10, 2020

Such a nice helped me to get a clear idea of how to do a research project. Videos have helped me to get perspectives from different lecturers. Feeling happy about the course. A great course by courseera

By John F V

Apr 29, 2021

The readings were excellent, and readable 0 which is a plus for a course such as this.

The 1 or zero peer-review rating was 'rough' and maybe 0 to 5 to differentiate effort and results in the e-tivity.

By Benali N

Jan 18, 2023

It was a high quality course with a practical dimension that helps the student-researcher understand the general foundations of research methodologies.

Thanks to Coursera and the University of London.

By Dauson M

Dec 16, 2022

It is worth to add research knowldge via different approaches like using these well framed Online courses. Congratulation to the team who designed and made it work for the majority of needy groups.