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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Development of Real-Time Systems by EIT Digital

540 ratings

About the Course

This course is all about practical programming and problem-solving! After completing this course, you will have the knowledge to plan and set up a real-time system both on paper and in practice. The course centers around the problem of achieving timing correctness in embedded systems, which means to guarantee that the system reacts within the real-time requirements. Examples of such systems include airbags, emergency breaks, avionics, and also multi-media systems like video playback and QoS in web servers. The course teaches how to plan real-time systems, in theory, using established mathematical proofs and how to implement them in practice by using the most common scheduling methods. We also learn and how to program the system in the C language using the FreeRTOS real-time kernel. Finally, we have a look at the future of real-time systems namely multi-core real-time systems! This course focus on the learn-by-doing approach with many examples and real-world programming assignments. We have 5 modules, each with a gentle graded quiz in the end and one peer-reviewed programming assignment. In case you have no experience with C programming, please check you a practical course like: The course is actually quite fun! -Simon Holmbacka / Ã…bo Akademi University Ideate. Innovate. Iterate with EIT Digital...

Top reviews


Feb 19, 2021

That course is really helpful for intermediate embedded systems students who already know about microcontrollers but wants to take his skills to the next level. I really recommend such a course!


Jul 12, 2017

Real-Time systems are very demanded nowadays. Excellent course to review some aspects in this field or to learn everything from the beginning.

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76 - 100 of 117 Reviews for Development of Real-Time Systems

By Ralph W


Aug 25, 2017

I thought the course did a good job of helping me to learn about RTOS scheduling and the Simso simulator. It would have been nice to have more detail about the specifics of context switching and what happens to the CPU stack when switching from one task to another. There were a few times where the homework wasn’t coupled with the video lectures. There were very few explanations about how to use FreeRTOS and I think the basic assumption is that an intermediate C programming could pick that up pretty fast. There were also a few mistakes in the video lectures. Overall, I thought it was a good course and I have not found very many online courses that offer information about real time systems.

By Akhilesh S


Dec 4, 2017

It is a great course to understand the fundamentals of real time systems. However more hands-on programming assignments are required to have a better understanding of FreeRTOS. Also, the mathematical equations involved in the design of schedulers should be explained with their underlying proofs. Putting the equations simply on slides doesn't convey the idea behind the concepts. The course introduces you to good reference materials where the concepts are explained in a very simple and lucid way. Overall the course has great content and is worth attending for master students and working professionals.

By BOGGIA,Fulvio


Jun 6, 2022

The course was interesting, although I understood that it could not have covered all aspects of RTOS. The teacher spoke at good pace.

Considering that the course is quite old, the teacher moved away from Abo University (so it's not clear who should give support), what I did not like is th peer review mechanism. Sometimes you need to wait a long while to get feedbacks or to give some, considering that the population taking this course is quite small.

By Elyasin S


Jul 17, 2016

The course is very good in my opinion. There are some little drawbacks though. The assignments are not very difficult but expect you to be autonomous in setting up the environments; this was a bit of a hurdle for some students. Also the reviews could be better. The review feedback depends on how well the reviewer understood the subject; more concrete instructions would be good as well as more precise criterias for the grading of the peer review.

By Prasiddh T


Jun 1, 2020

The course focuses only on the part of real-time systems called task schedulers. The content is perfect for a course on real-time task schedulers. The programming and simuliation assignments are designed perfectly to complement the concepts. Some instructions about seting up simulation and programming environment in Linux would be nice.

By Sohier L


Nov 23, 2018

I recommend this course to developers who want to get understanding about RTOS and work with it .. the videos is so short that you can get boring like other courses and the assigments are really hlpfull.

thanks so much to EIT Digital online university

and special thanks to Dr. Simon who gave a brief explaination to the topics

By Jose E L


Nov 5, 2017

The course is quite focused on schedulers and more lectures on FreeRTOS would be welcome. Although deeper and more extensive explanations about queues, mutexes, semaphores... and many other RTOS features, would be necessary, on average the course is interesting because you learn to understand how the core of any RTOS work.

By Mahesh K


Jan 30, 2018

It was really helpful course, thanks for providing such course.

+ Points - Nice arrangements of the topics, quiz , videos and assignments etc. Good help on the administrative queries etc.

Can be improved in terms of the coding assignments . We can provide some more coding assignments with different schedulers.

By Karol P


Jan 28, 2019

If you don't know how to start with RTOS, this course will be OK for you. I think it was overly theoretical and I wish there were more "real-life" programming assignments/lectures. Also adding "model" responses after you send out your work would be beneficial. Despite those drawbacks, I still recommend it.

By Emmanuel D


Dec 5, 2017

Strongly focused on the scheduling methods. Good introduction to freertos. I think it could be really helpful to have written notes along with the videos. I know it is a lot work to prepare this kind of document for a MOOC, but it would be a big benefit.

By Mikhail B


May 24, 2021

Nice overview of the task schedulers for RT-OSes, but nothing more. A bit sad that the quizzes are not great and that problems with programming tasks are not fixed.

Still it's the best course in the speciality.

By Facundo Z


Jan 26, 2022

Excellent introductory course to RTOS. Although the course is very theoretical, it is very clear and gives you the tools to continue learning on your own or to take more advanced courses.

By siddharth s


Dec 15, 2016

Good introduction to RTOS concepts. A little theoretical, there could have been a project to do in the end which would have made the course objectives more clear.

By Gunjan B


Sep 12, 2019

It was good amount of leaning new things related to RTOS. This course gives you knowledge to design and choose the RTOS based on your requirement of the project.

By Nicholas L


Oct 4, 2020

Good mixture of theoretical and practical applications. Could use access to course slides, and maybe a larger practical assignment.

By Shivam S


Oct 1, 2020

Course is good. The only point is some more help should be provided with the tools that are being told for the assignment.



Jun 4, 2020

Concepts of Real Time Systems explained nicely.Though FreeRTOS software needs to be explained in little depth.

By Michael G


May 6, 2021

It is a very good course but in practical tasks a better accompaniment and clearer instructions are necessary

By Durgesh K


Apr 19, 2020

More Tutorial for Programming should have been given. Otherwise, the course was very nice and informative.

By Werner O F S


Sep 18, 2017

Great course, sometimes hard to follow for newbies. Some instructions are a bit ambiguous or unclear.

By Yash S P


May 9, 2020

It was indeed a very good course, but it would be best if it taught coding from basics too!!

By Saurabh S


Dec 9, 2021

Where is my certificate? I cannot see my certificate for this course, I have completed it

By Phuc M


Sep 20, 2020

Some details are not updated, but the content and practice exercises are very informative.

By Roger.Qea


Aug 14, 2017

It would be helpful if there are PDF slides which summarize all knowledge to download.

By Prodromos K


Mar 4, 2021

The course is pretty useful to get familiar with a few basic concepts of the RTOS.