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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,293 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


May 12, 2020

Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.


May 12, 2020

before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!

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4651 - 4675 of 4,744 Reviews for R Programming

By Joe C


Jun 7, 2020

The assignments used knowledge WAY above that taught in both Swirl and the lectures, i managed to complete through a lot of research but this has been incredibly tough!



Jun 10, 2020

The level of assignments does not match the level of the course. They are very hard on a beginner. Some practice in the right direction could do help the beginner.

By Alonso S N


Mar 18, 2018

It's too time consuming, not for a newbie. The classes are pointless, cause they are pretty easy and then the homework is ULTRA-DIFFICULT, classes are pointless.

By Sven S


Apr 27, 2021

The Gap between the Lectures and the Assignments is ridiculous. The Assignments are way to hard for Programming Beginners like me and they only frustrated me.

By Marion d


Oct 29, 2019

no help no seems we are not here to learn but only to pay and challenged!! very very disapointing for a course that it sells for begninner!!

By jiminkang


Aug 19, 2021

There is a Massive gap between lectures and assignments. The Instructor is not really engaging in this course, just reading class material is all he did

By Miguel I E


Jul 7, 2020

No se pone absoluto interesés en la progresión del alumno. Las explicaciones son extremadamente escuetas y las tares de una dificultad desproporcionada.

By Sailaja M


Feb 16, 2018

R training and coding is not good. Explanation is good but assignments are very different and one needs to self learn a lot of R coding by themselves.

By Mustafa A


May 8, 2020

the worst course for someone has no knowledge about programming, if you don't have experience in any programming language .. don't take that course

By Aharon C


Jun 17, 2018

Lecturer is very poor, explains very little and the assignments he give have no connection whatsoever to what was taught. waste of money and energy

By Xavier A R T


Nov 7, 2020

Es el curso más aburrido que he tomado, no puede ser que algo netamente práctico lo hagan netamente teórico. pésimo. no voy a terminar este curso.

By Ahsan K


May 27, 2020

Assignments were too difficult and totally not relevant to learning materials. I believe alot of work needs to be input on course structure.

By Janvi S


Apr 18, 2021

The bridge between the class lectures and assignment was too much for a beginner. Please give questions based on what is taught in class.

By Prutha L


Jul 14, 2019

insufficient study materials that dont cover quizzes and assignments content. had to give up after week 2.

do NOT recommend for beginners.

By Alhassan K H A


May 9, 2020

course need to be better organised. more information should be taught in videos.

more explanation should be given prior to assignments

By Mary R


May 5, 2020

This course was confusing, and the quizzes required knowledge outside of the readings and lectures. This is why I cannot learn online.

By Mahmoud M


May 13, 2018

im struggling for 10 days to resolve an assignment showing it should be started in some where where i have no idea where is that where

By praveen d


Mar 12, 2020

Very poor ,frustrating and so so tough assignments in respective of the knowlegde they give you in video lectures or swirl exercises.

By kaisar A


May 27, 2016

Lectures are very boring and designed in a weird way. He is simply reading the book that he wrote and no real practice was ever done.

By Myrsini I


Mar 21, 2017

Not the best course for beginners. Too much theory and no implementation. Also the assignments were impossible for a beginner.

By Jennifer R


Mar 13, 2016

Not for new programmers. The lecture material is also not logically organized and does not correspond to the assignments.

By Yann V


Apr 3, 2018

R tutorials and assignments are great - however, had to spend more time figuring out Git than I spent on R assignments...

By Dhaval P


Dec 6, 2021

this course is not as i was expecting it. There are several points that are not covered and it's not properly described.

By Alexandra G


Jan 15, 2016

They don't give enough inputs and instructions to complete the assignments, unless they could offer addicional material.

By Veerendra A


Jun 17, 2020

it was too fast for me and i was expecting to study R programming from scratch..and many things were very fast.