May 4, 2018
It's very useful specially for new learner because it only dives into the part of python that data science need. I strongly recommend to anyone even if you don't have experience in programming before.
Feb 7, 2023
The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.
By Joe R
•Jul 25, 2020
The course itself is not so bad. But tasks are frustrating! Solving them gives some value but they are mixed with tons of meaningless problems. Some tasks are not clear and autograder gives little information. But I need to say that I learnt more about Python and Pandas library.
By Rishab M
•Mar 21, 2020
I personally feel that this course should had been divided into a 8 week course instead of 4 and material should be added on that ,
eg: the problems asked in the exercise
The exercises are way too difficult and require the use of many functions not taught in the video lectures
By John B
•Jan 8, 2017
Classes moved very fast, especially in the video materials. Functions were introduced briefly without time to digest. While I ultimately did learn the topics through my own research, I feel the class would have been much more beneficial with slower, more indepth explanations.
By Denisa P
•Sep 3, 2021
A lot of question in assignment are not clear. I saw that in forum a lot of people have the same problem as me. The assignment Week 3 is to long, It took so far more than 6 hours for me to complete it. A lot of materials are not in video, we have to read them by ourselves.
By Ignacio
•Feb 14, 2020
Los ejercicios son muy dificiles y hay que hacer mucho reaserch en los foros para lograr llegar al resultado. Las pruebas son diagramadas de tal forma que a veces es dificil llegar por errores pavos al minimo resultado esperable para aprobar los assignments (ej run_ttest)
By Nick R
•Dec 9, 2018
Content was well paced and well presented but the auto grading submissions took a long time to get used to and were very stressful. The recommended time to complete the assessments was also very optimistic, most assessments took me easily double the time suggested.
By Pierre D
•Sep 21, 2019
A bit surprised by the low volume of teaching material, and the energy required for completing each assignment.
But a posteriori, it forced me to really engage in the learning. I will probably remember more this way, than if I had listened to dozens of video...
By Daniel E
•Sep 18, 2017
I found some assignment questions quite unclear. This, together with the grader sometimes marking answers as correct even though they were wrong, forced me to spend many hours trying to find the underlying problem to incorrectly answered questions down the line.
By Hitesh G
•Apr 22, 2020
The professor is going too fast and the concept isn't getting cleared. I wish he used some digital board to write atleast what is trying to say or write how the different functions in pandas,series,numpy works.
Although, the assignments were of high quality.
By Bharat T
•Apr 18, 2020
Although the course helped me learn about Data Science. the session taken and the assignment were different and had to understand the expectation in the output.
But overall it helped me understand how can we proceed with studying Data Science through Python
By Ji W P
•Aug 27, 2017
Lectures were OK. The pace moved really fast, and I thought the hardest part was that the directions for some of the questions weren't really clear (and I spent sometime trying to figure it out but gave up --- still passed though!!). Thanks for the course.
By Mohammad S R
•May 13, 2020
For the beginners, It's little bit hard to cope up with the submission according to the lectures. Lectures seems easy but when I go for submission, it seems much difficult and requires more study than the lectures which are not mentioned in the lectures.
By G V S J
•Jul 15, 2020
this course is definitely not for beginners, I as a beginner had a hard time completing the assignments as I had to read most of the functions used from pandas documentation and it took me a lot of time. please introduce a more beginner-friendly course.
By Alberto E C
•Feb 26, 2017
From my poitn of view more lessons are needed, achieving exercises require a deep search on stackoverflow and other courses. That shouldn´t be the goal of the course, I expected the lessons to give enough knowledge to fullfil the questions of the exams
By Margarita S
•May 1, 2022
The tasks were longer than stated. The emphasis should be more on the skills than on heavy tables. I found the data too complicated. Especially the last assignment makes it very difficult to accomplish the course.
There should be more smaller tasks.
By Leyla H
•Sep 28, 2018
Too much information to absorb within 4 weeks course, requires to spend lots of time offline in learning and researching the Python codes to resolve problems in the Assignments. WOud recommend for hte proficient programmers but not for the beginners .
•Apr 7, 2018
The teaching process is too fast, especially the assistant teacher who appear at the end.
The assignment is 40% related to the course. And a little bit hard.
The first week assignment is related to the week two, but i did not study week two at that time
By sai s P
•Sep 14, 2017
The explanation provided and the expertise needed to complete the assignments were way apart. People with great grip on python and having basic knowledge of pandas library will find this relatively easy. The assignments are challenging and hence good.
By Carlos M P
•Jan 2, 2023
The selection of topics is pretty good. Besides that, the videos are more boring and less friendly than similar free material available in Youtube. Also, some of the graded assignments have bugs, so you will spend some time trying to get around them.
By Dhruvin S
•Jul 10, 2020
The instructor is nice and course content is very good. But with respect to what he explains, the coding is way too fast to catch up! Also, not all for beginners. One should have intermediate knowledge in python and at least beginner level in Pandas.
By david A
•Nov 23, 2017
Good course but the assignment grader can be annoying as it is very sensitive to data types and data formatting. I get that this is one one of the constraints of auto graders but on a course that is centered around data it can become very frustrating
By Tracy S
•May 25, 2017
The course was easy to understand. The reason i'm giving 3 stars is more on the preparation of the entire set of courses. They kinda develop as the course goes. The other 4 courses of the specialization were not even ready after this course was done.
By Samuel A
•Sep 19, 2018
I spent over 150 pounds on this course which is suppose to be less than 40 and last for a month. I work and studied this course at the same time, I would advice to check your price policy because it is definitively not for those in full employment.
By Marko D
•Dec 21, 2017
I found the assignments strangely difficult, and their difficulty wasn't sourced in the right place . For example, when solving assignments I never went back to see the lectures, but spent most of the time googling syntax, method signatures, etc.
By Paul J
•Sep 29, 2020
I felt that the lectures could have been more helpful. There was a lot of talking without actually writing down and explaining the concepts. Even when there were demonstrations, he breezed through them without explaining what each part meant.