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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Data Science in Python by University of Michigan

27,134 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the learner to the basics of the python programming environment, including fundamental python programming techniques such as lambdas, reading and manipulating csv files, and the numpy library. The course will introduce data manipulation and cleaning techniques using the popular python pandas data science library and introduce the abstraction of the Series and DataFrame as the central data structures for data analysis, along with tutorials on how to use functions such as groupby, merge, and pivot tables effectively. By the end of this course, students will be able to take tabular data, clean it, manipulate it, and run basic inferential statistical analyses. This course should be taken before any of the other Applied Data Science with Python courses: Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python, Applied Machine Learning in Python, Applied Text Mining in Python, Applied Social Network Analysis in Python....

Top reviews


Feb 7, 2023

The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.


May 4, 2018

It's very useful specially for new learner because it only dives into the part of python that data science need. I strongly recommend to anyone even if you don't have experience in programming before.

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3951 - 3975 of 5,967 Reviews for Introduction to Data Science in Python

By Ващенко В А

Jul 17, 2020

It'd be easier to master the course with a trifle more instructions from the lecturers as to what constitutes a particular function, and what do its parameters refer to. Primarily, I did struggle with having to browse the Internet in search for these explications.

By Miller A Q G

Jun 15, 2020

It is the most difficult course I have ever taken at Coursera, but it is also the best course I have completed. It's a different level of Python than the one I learn at my university. The only thing that is neccesary to improve is the video examples of the topic.

By Gary S

Apr 24, 2018

While I learned a lot, it was mostly self taught. The projects were appropriate but the notebooks and videos were only marginally useful in completing the projects. I consider the course more of a directed study than a traditional classroom learning experience.

By Manuj A

Dec 12, 2017

A good course for the data preprocessing and getting used to the NumPy and Pandas library in python. An overview in provided in the contents and video lectures but the refrence books are very much helpful to understand the course.Also assignments are very good.

By Poppy H

Jun 15, 2022

The topics are useful and the videos are good, my one gripe is that in my experience the assignments take much longer to complete than the suggested time. I was completing the training alongside my fulltime job and had to push back my deadlines several times.

By scott m

Nov 2, 2018

I thought this course was very interesting. The assignments were a little more difficult to complete than I expected. I think a few more smaller assignments that highlighted the skills necessary to complete the final week's assignment would have been helpful.

By Anand K

Jan 6, 2018

Excellent material to get you quickly started in data-science with python. The course coverage is less, covers just a few topics. The assignment problems, at the end of each week, are of high quality, but the issue detection can be sometimes be daunting task.

By Dinesh D

Sep 9, 2017

Assignments are very good....the background of video's is distracting and explanation of examples just by talk and without proper slides is not so good.

Please adjust the time it takes to finish the assignments to at least twice the posted approximate time.

By Muti S

Jun 8, 2020

The materials are very limited here, most the learning is done from outside materials. While on one side it is good because we have to actively researching, it will be better if they provide a bit more of materials here. But the assignments are really good.

By Joseph D P

Oct 2, 2017

Very helpful for learning data science, but the videos go way too fast and don't cover nearly enough material to do the assignments. The assignments do force you to learn how to python, but through lots of googling, stack overflow and pandas documentation.

By Tahir M

May 22, 2017

They follow a practical approach and present you only the very relevant material so you do not stuck too much into theory. Note that this is an intermediate-level course and you need some experience, self-learning skills, and some patience to be successful.

By Gorripati p

Jan 9, 2021

This course will help us to get more knowledge on python & machine learning concepts thouroughly.

Also this cousera certificate gives benfits to us for semester usage and job point of view.

happy to learn so much of new concepts in online at our home


By hasan s

Aug 5, 2018

The exercises and content was very good but instructions/explanations were not very detailed with most of the concepts left for self study. But overall a great course in terms of getting you started with pandas for effective data analytics on tabular data.

By Jim E

Jan 17, 2017

The content and the instruction were great: just the right level for someone like me with experience in other programming languages a decent familiarity with stats.

There were a few glitches with the auto-grader for the assignments, but nothing to onerous.

By E. U

Nov 12, 2016

A great intro to pandas. Challenging even for those with experience using the library. There were some struggles with the autogravder, but they were being worked out, and the integration of the Jupyter notebook system directly into the class is fantastic.

By Pankaj

Feb 21, 2017

While the course was great, the Jupyter notebooks and the background shells gave me several unnecessary errors. While this was a smaller issue, I think the practice Notebooks should be somewhat in line with the assignments. I struggles on Assignment #3.

By Tom M

Sep 18, 2017

The course was a unnecessarily hard because of the lack of feedback from the grader, unclear requirements / function definition in the final project and difference in the file downloaded for the project and the one used in the Coursera python notebook.

By Joanna N

Jan 15, 2020

Good materials and videos, iteresting exercises - the only thing I would improve is the exercises description - not for all of the exerisises it was clear enough for me (especially as I'm not from the US and I'm not familiar with your census data :) )

By Christoph H

Aug 26, 2020

I learned a lot through the challenging assignments, but the course materials (videos) are not very useful. They only cover the very basics for the assignments, so be prepared to study a lot on your own. Knowing pandas beforehand helps a lot too IMO.

By Anup J

Apr 21, 2020

This is an exceptional undertaking by the university of Michigian for benefit of the students in the field of data science and Machine Learning.This is perhaps the only course which focuses on real world application of data science skills to practice

By Isabel O

Jan 18, 2018

Good explanations, well structured. However, I wish the weekly content would have prepared better for the assignments. If I have to add another 3h per week to find the right advice on stack overflow, that must be stated somewhere so I can plan ahead.

By Carlos A R R

Jul 5, 2017

Very good course with a lot of material and challenging assignments. Gave it only 4 stars because in some assignments is more difficult to agree with the autograder than to get the correct answer (e.g., data type mismatch between float and float64).

By Shailesh K

Sep 9, 2021

Excellent explanatory videos and lot is covered in just four week of course but it definitely need good grasp of pandas and numpy libraries for passing the assignnments. I definitely recommend this course as it will push you to learn and do more.

By Abhishek R

Mar 16, 2018

The content is really not good for novices. But the challenges I faced during assessments, did a lot of help. I can now understand the topics much better and at the least I am able to plan to clean the data and work on it much better than earlier.

By Nitesh R S

Mar 21, 2017

The course content is great. However, basic knowledge of python programming language is required. Since I didn't know python coding rules, I really struggled for a while. Maybe, basics of python in additional resources will help a lot of learners.