Dec 1, 2019
I enjoyed while reading this course as similar situations I had faced in my work.excellent tutor for this course, clearly explained the real conditions as it happens in Industry and how to handle.
Apr 19, 2021
One of the parts of a project that is not usual to take part -a very important- as it should. We learn here to have them on mind, and have plans to avoid or take care of them in a planned way.
By Kaustubha A W
•May 10, 2021
This course was very to the point and gave some good information on how a project manager should deal with risks and changes.
By Daria S
•Dec 6, 2017
Not enough examples, no diagrams, charts. But, by the way, thank you for this opportunity to start understanding this field.
•Apr 4, 2020
It is second milestone for me with more insights in Project Management, kind of clarity for execution of my future projects.
By Renee D
•Mar 9, 2016
This instructor is one of the best! I have learned more in her online courses than any in-class instruction. Thanks much.
By Muhammad M M
•Mar 31, 2020
It is an excellent platform for learning. Beyond expectation. Salute to Team University of California Irvine and Coursera.
By Rahul D
•Mar 27, 2021
This was my first time taking a course in this format and it far exceeded my expectations, Overall I love all the classes
•Aug 5, 2020
|This course is exceptionally great. It is very eye-opening and was taught comprehensively. Well done to the facilitators
By Mark A L
•May 8, 2017
Excellent course. Risk and change management are key to a successful project, and this unit covers the topic very well.
By Asiyil A
•Apr 20, 2020
I enjoyed, and learnt so much. I have reached and went beyond my expectations. Dr. Margaret Meloni is a true educator.
By Zhen P W
•Mar 3, 2021
Great and Insightful Course! I am able to refresh a lot of project management knowledge related to risks and changes!
By Jyoti S P
•Jan 15, 2021
It was very excellent programmer which helps in understand the process, team and employee & improve our self as well.
By Dwi S S
•Aug 15, 2020
I have know-how to calm down if any risky situation to manage the project and change the plan with best consideration
By Julia A
•Apr 4, 2019
Clear instructions and easy to follow. Lots of material to read, which is very helpful to get a deeper understanding.
By Wiene A
•Mar 8, 2019
Excellent course material and practical tips in project management. Very relevant to the real-life working situations
By Piyush K
•Apr 15, 2017
It was a nice course and explanation was also awesome. I enjoyed it a lot and is very beneficial for corporate world.
By Wolfgang R
•Aug 8, 2024
Very good overview about PM and how its applied from small to huge projects. I am very satisfied about the learning.
By Oussama L
•Jun 18, 2020
i really appreciate this course and the quality of presentation, and the fascinating examples which are very helpful
•May 13, 2020
Great University, Great Instructor and Great course. Thank you very Much to California university and Margaret Melon
By Vivek S
•Mar 23, 2017
A complete guide to the project management risks and planning phase. Key is to implement the learning to real life.
By Sultan S
•Sep 21, 2016
Very good course that introduced me to key concepts on Project Risks and Changes that a Project Manager will face.
By Md R B
•Nov 11, 2020
I enjoy this course Very much . i think it brings my confidence high both academic and job plac. Thanks coursera
By Natalie S F
•Oct 15, 2020
I like the delivery of this course. The instructor is easy to follow and the readings provided are informational
By Osama M
•Aug 7, 2020
Excellent learning platform enjoyed a lot while learning this course hope this will help me in practical projects
By Cody N
•Jan 27, 2017
Great course outlining the risks and changes associated with Projects. Many useful skills and documentation metho
By Giovani F V L
•Apr 26, 2024
Excellent course that I highly recommend to those wanting to further their knowledge in managing Project Risks.