Dec 1, 2019
I enjoyed while reading this course as similar situations I had faced in my work.excellent tutor for this course, clearly explained the real conditions as it happens in Industry and how to handle.
Apr 19, 2021
One of the parts of a project that is not usual to take part -a very important- as it should. We learn here to have them on mind, and have plans to avoid or take care of them in a planned way.
By Jason t
•Aug 23, 2019
Very helpful in giving a basic understanding of project risks and how to manage them.
By Claudia B
•Mar 24, 2019
Good to understand some basics in this topics!! The last interviews are very helpful!
By Abdelatif A
•Oct 23, 2017
The course helped me become wiser anticipating and dealing with the inevitable risks.
By Ju M
•Nov 26, 2019
Materials are not necessarily matching with lectures. Specially the Reading Lessons.
By Yona A
•Jan 5, 2019
Contents are very much related to my works and would help my knowledge development.
By Joaquim S L
•Jul 4, 2020
Muito bom! explicativo , dinâmico e objetivo tarefas diretas sobre o curso ......
By Pierre C
•Jan 30, 2024
Some mistakes in french subtitles, but content is pretty clear and interesting
By José C N M
•Apr 20, 2018
The course help us with a clear pespective about the general knowledge we need
By Charles J D
•May 1, 2018
Very informative and very user friendly in terms of interface interaction
By Vishram S
•Jul 6, 2019
love the materials but need a few more tests and question or assignments
•Jul 4, 2020
Its very useful for a leader. I learnt about the skills of management.
By Jorge A A G
•Jun 10, 2016
Una mirada teorica a la gestión de riesgos y del cambio en proyectos
By Ranjithkumar
•Sep 16, 2022
good course for managers to handle risk and project management
By Vasudha H
•Jul 2, 2020
Excellent course for beginners to understand the Project risks
By Mohamed I
•Jan 7, 2021
A very good and well rounded course about project management.
By Chris J
•Dec 2, 2017
Excellent course with a good mix of lectures and activities.
By Braulio R
•Oct 21, 2020
no es tan intuitivo como los anteriores cursos del programa
By Paula S
•Feb 28, 2016
This course was helpful, and presented in an efficient way.
By Akbar F
•Dec 2, 2019
In week 3 & 4 couldnt find what Im looking & expecting for
By Jithin T
•Sep 6, 2020
Better medium to learn about project management skills
By Franky A
•Apr 15, 2021
This was an exceptional journey. Thank you, Coursera.
•May 11, 2020
very informative and knowledge increasing endevaour
By Siraj M
•Nov 3, 2019
Good course with examples on scope changes and le
By Bobby M
•Sep 7, 2017
Serait-il possible d'avoir ce cours en français?
By Donna
•Feb 17, 2017
Interesting about to know about the scope creep