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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being by University of Pennsylvania

832 ratings

About the Course

You are encouraged to take the first four courses of the Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization before starting this course and completing the Specialization Project. This course, taught by Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman brings all the key concepts from the first four courses to practice as you develop and test a new positive intervention for an audience of your choice. You identify opportunities in your daily life to increase the wellbeing by using knowledge you developed in the first four courses of the Specialization. In this final project, you evaluate the efficacy of a positive intervention based on subjective and objective measures. Then, you compare how empirical and non-empirically-based positive interventions can be applied to influence a person's wellbeing. Lastly, you reflect on how the fundamental elements of research methods are important in the everyday application of positive psychology. After completing all five courses, learners earn a certificate signed by Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman, Dr. James Pawelski, Dr. Angela Duckworth, Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft and Dr. Karen Reivich....

Top reviews


Mar 11, 2018

A thought provoking workshop. How mental illness can be the lack, opposite or excess of our strengths. I enjoyed delving more into strengths and also having to come up with a positive intervention.


May 7, 2018

To all the lecturers and moderators thank you, thank you, thank you. I have found purpose and resilience and now I will start working on areas that I need to deve

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76 - 100 of 202 Reviews for Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being

By Maryna

Apr 29, 2021

I loved it so much! There were so many insights on my way, so many discoveries! Thank you for an amazing course!


Jul 30, 2019

Beautiful masterpiece by dr seligman and others. I am looking forward to pursuing learning positivity with you

By Jim J

Jan 21, 2023

Outstanding experience. I wish I could have completed this course and five program specialization decades ago.

By Cirlene B

Jul 31, 2020

Este curso conecta todo o aprendizado anterior. Descobertas incriveis e embasamento perfeito para aplicação.

By Sir N J

Jul 29, 2017

An excellent course, well presented and made applicable and accessible to all. Don't delay; get into it !!


Mar 7, 2019

It's a very excellent and useful course. All staff is very professional. Thanks a lot for your great work!

By Mrudula R J

Sep 23, 2019

Brilliant and helps me reflect on how i can work on myself. Uses data and makes us use our own techniques.

By haiyan w

Dec 9, 2019

I love this specification. I really learned so much practically and theatrically. I hope to learn more.

By Hiltrud K S

Jul 5, 2018

for me the whole course, but specifically this specialization project, was a life-changing experience!

By Sarah E

May 27, 2020

I have learned a lot and I am excited to learn more about it and be able to apply it in my classroom.

By Rabia K

Dec 4, 2017

excellent course i learnt alot from this course and i am very thankful to all the course intructors

By Alan P

Jul 11, 2017

An excellent course and specialisation. I benefited greatly for completing this series of courses.

By TyAnn S R

Dec 8, 2021

So nice they had a part that you apply to your own life. Very good, I loved this Specialization!

By Sathish K T

Dec 16, 2019

Fantastic! This was more a revision and application of what I had learnt in the former courses.

By Eric T

Sep 29, 2018

added value to my life. we can find our happiness in many things, but i believe only one lasts.

By Uzma S

Apr 12, 2018

Great learning opportunity. I loved all the courses in the Positive Psychology Specialization.

By Carolyn C

Jan 9, 2020

love it and it was fun and great experience for me .I LOVE WHAT I have learned from it a lot.

By Thaseen Y

Oct 15, 2018

I cant describe the experience of this course it is simply amazing, motivating and resilient


Mar 18, 2018

I loved this entire specialization. It changed my perspective on so many things. Loved it.

By Sunita D

Jan 8, 2018

Very well designed course. Very happy to learn and would definitely suggest others as well

By Cayetano G O

Dec 4, 2021

I have received many insights and with the positive intervention I received a good tool.

By Dewi P

Feb 18, 2019

It's a very good course to accompli everything you learned in the first four courses.

By cressida c

Jul 22, 2020

brilliant course - leanrt so much, gained so much and made mea better person - wow!

By Shilpa L

Feb 7, 2025

The course changed my outlook towards life. I now have better control over myself.

By Allison S

Feb 9, 2018

Life-changing course/specialization. I recommend this specialization to everyone!