Jan 17, 2021
This was my first online course. In a crazy year, the flexibiilty to reset deadlines was much appreciated. I enjoyed the grading system, especially when your peers are from all around the world.
Mar 9, 2016
Good intro to early Greek philosophy. Dr Meyer has a simple and subtly humorous approach to the material. Dr Meyer makes the subject approachable so that the student wants to do further reading.
By C
•May 26, 2020
I knew nothing about Philosophy and wanted to learn. This is a great place to start. The professor is an awesome lecturer and gives great interpretations for the subject matter. I will be back for part 2!
By Emanuela Z
•Aug 3, 2019
It was very instructive to study Greek philosophy starting from documents.
The lessons were clear and effective, I will continue with the next course
Thank you for the study opportunity you are giving
By Noemi M
•Jul 27, 2020
I have never studied Philosophy before at school or on my own, but Professor Meyer made it very clear, interesting and fascinating for me to understand. Following this course has been a pleasure!
By ivan l a
•Jun 9, 2020
I loved the course. Excelent teacher and materials. Motivate to continue studying philosophy.
Me gusto mucho el curso. Excelente la profesora y los materiales. Motiva seguir estudiando filosofía.
By Yashika
•Apr 2, 2019
I was always wanted to know things on Ancient Philosophy, This course has an over all understanding for Plato's work and his students with their different prospective on him and his philosophy.
By Matthew A
•Oct 19, 2019
Well taught and a very reasonable course load. Though I've studied some of the writings from this period, the class provided good structure and new insights, especially on the pre-Socratics.
By Alberto H
•Mar 17, 2016
Highly recommended. This course was a great guide to understand to pre socratic philosophers. Professor Susan Sauvé Meyer is very clear in her explanations. Thanks a lot. I enjoy the course.
By Mar B
•Jul 2, 2024
Muy buen curso. Me encantó la forma de enseñar de la mentora, si algo no me quedaba muy claro con las lecturas, con los videos lo entendía completamente. Sin duda haré el siguiente curso.
By Alejandra F M
•Nov 2, 2020
I have never studied ancient philosophy before, but I really enjoyed this course. I thought the video lectures really explained the key ideas well. I will look forward to the second part.
By Bruna F
•Jul 26, 2020
I absolutely loved the whole experience available in this course! I've learned a lot, and I'm already beginning the second part! Great professor, thanks to all involved in the project!
By Rey N
•Jan 3, 2022
Me pareció un curso muy motivador, con una estructura clara pero flexible. Ideal para los tiempos de hoy donde necesitamos compatibilizar nuestro tiempos de trabajo con los estudios.
By hezil k
•Sep 28, 2017
wow i have enjoyed every single moment with the teacher , she was incredibly awesome and she had a way of explaining that made me really appreciating the whole topic and the course ♥
By Oscar A R A
•Sep 11, 2020
Un curso muy completo y muy detallado sobre el pensamiento platónico inicial. Excelentes apartados para dar una buena dinámica al curso y una excelente docente conocedora del tema.
By ademilton j d o
•Jul 16, 2019
Para mim foi muito bom pois me deu oportunidade de estudar essa ciencia da qual eu amo muito que é a Filosofia muito obrigado e quando eu estiver com tempo quero pode fazer outros.
By Deleted A
•Feb 14, 2022
Well-organized, very helpful videos with instructor commentary on readings. I also enjoyed the opportunity to read commentary / analysis of other students regarding the material.
By Sebastiao O
•Dec 2, 2021
The course was very well conducted by Susan, who managed to cover very important aspects of the work of Plato and his predecessors. The course really lived up to my expectations!
By J R P
•Feb 15, 2019
This is a brilliant course. Professionally designed and very well structured. I have enjoyed it thoroughly and more importantly I have learnt significantly. I highly recommen
By Alison O
•Oct 28, 2018
Although I do not have the time (or inclination, I guess) to write answers to the provocative questions, I found the lectures and the reading material fascinating. Thank you!
By Langlen C
•Aug 4, 2023
Its short duration course but so much new knowledge and conceptual. Really like the way of Socrates questioning and moreover their analysis argument is whole new best ever.
By Nickson U
•Sep 4, 2020
I really like this course, because it is well structured and explained to the point which made it easy to understand Socrates and his interlocutors many complex dialogues.
By David Y
•Jun 3, 2017
Insightful and informative course. Prof Meyer has managed to break down difficult concepts into simple, bite-sized knowledge for any lay person to understand effectively.
By Nick
•Aug 13, 2024
Fantastic course. Video lectures were of high quality and the reading was manageable. I definitely learned alot and am looking forward to the second part of this course.
By François S
•Aug 25, 2017
Good, interesting introduction to the cosmology and ethics of Plato and presocratic thinkers. The reading material is good and the lectures are pleasant and interesting!
By Camilo G
•Feb 28, 2016
The course give us an excellent understanding of Ancient philosophers's thoughts with clear explanations and all this is made with an extraodinary order and conciseness.
By Mihai S
•Aug 27, 2022
Excellent course! One of the best courses made by me ever. A great combination of essence and examples captures the pre-socratic philosophers' key concepts. Loved it!