Jan 28, 2021
The variety of presentations of a vast amount of knowledge made it engaging. Dr. Radner herself was engaging! The course provided a deep look into a civilization that is a bedrock to the modern world.
May 15, 2018
This is such an amazing course! Prof.Radner has done an excellent job at presenting topics and organizing materials. Highly recommend this course to anyone who's interested in ancient civilizations.
By José L U
•Dec 11, 2022
My impression of the course is quite good as I have learned a lot about the Assyrian Empire and about issues I did not know. But I was disappointed that at the end of the course I did not have the certificate of having done the course.
Mi impresión del curso es bastante buena pues he aprendido mucho sobre el Imperio Asirio y sobre cuestiones que desconocía. Pero me ha decepcionado que al finalizar el curso no haya contado con el certificado de haber realizado dicho curso.
By Lowell N
•Mar 16, 2021
I enjoyed learning about a part of history I knew nothing about. The history is a bit dry at times but they used lots of different methods of instruction to keep it interesting. I especially enjoyed the white-board history lessons! I would have liked to learn more about the archeological basis of the history that was presented, this was occasionally referred to but would have liked to have understood more how the have built the historical picture.
By Caelyn M
•Apr 5, 2022
I really wish I could give 4.5 stars. This was a really delightful course. Wonderful videos, engaging lecturers, lots of different ways to engage with the material, I really learned quite a bit!
But there were little issues here and there, some link rot, some weird whitespacing in the quizzes and a duplicated reading that was literally titled 'Copy of'. So, one star off my rating.
By Ramon v O
•Jan 16, 2022
Perfect course by Karen Radner. A lot of information, and educated and teached very well, in a clear and understandable way.
Only downside, and this is not the fault of Karen, is that the program (on internet and app) sometimes is lost, and the grades shown, don't compare with the material you are graded with.
Course is highly recommended.
By Syed H A
•Dec 19, 2018
I think this course is very well designed for the beginners in assyriology. Karen Radner & others have been excellent in their delivery of all important aspects of the Assyrian empire - from religion to culture, family to army and from internal & external influencers of this empire!
By Thomas d S
•May 4, 2021
Dank course. Loved the fish coat dudes. The expert opinions were also great--it was neat to hear from a variety of academics studying these topics. I would've liked to learn more about Assyrian deities and mythology though, even if lots of it was just copy pasted from Babylon.
By Christopher J M
•Feb 6, 2021
It was a fun and interesting course. There were many tests and sometimes they have been a bit specific andI will not remember the details of names and dates right after taking them. So, even though the tests were good, they may have focused on themes a bit more than facts.
By char M
•May 18, 2020
Karen is very knowledgeable, and mostly engaging. At first, I thought the student question and answer was not valuable, but I was wrong! Some of the most interesting tidbits came here. The experts section was not useful. Have one speak on his area of expertise.
By Giel B
•Sep 18, 2022
well-organized, clear, very interesting, great choice of subjects; added value of contributions of other experts doubtful; suggestion: more pictures of artwork, archeological remains etc with explanation about origin, meaning and discovery.
By Pranav B
•Jun 3, 2024
Lectures may be enhanced by adding some slow background music. The content is stimulating, and can be made even more so by possibly using mini-figurines to explain war sequences.
By Richard S
•Feb 14, 2021
The course was an interesting overview of a small but very important time and place history. I found the material interesting and the level of detail was what right for me.
By Hunter J
•May 13, 2023
Really enjoyed it! I wish there could've been a bit more content on Assyrian religion(s) and how Assyria affected its neighbors throughout the period discussed tho
By Niklas A
•Mar 22, 2021
Very interesting, in particular getting an understanding of what society looked like and what people experienced as citizens of this early empire.
By Jack C
•Jul 10, 2024
This course was interesting and I learned much about the Assyrian Empire, but I felt that the presentation of the information was quite tedious.
By Ken L
•Sep 2, 2020
The course was relatively short and succinct. It answered a number of questions, and opened up some new areas of interest. Well done. Thank you.
By Antonio D D S
•Oct 13, 2023
Estaría bien poder imprimir el PDF todas las páginas de los recursos. Solo de puede generar un PDF de una única página.
By Edward O T
•Jul 21, 2020
Its been very helpful in trying to understand a little more of other kingdoms outside of Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Rome
By Dan S
•Mar 14, 2022
Interesting. I also purchased her book 'Assyria an Introduction' to read a more indepth writing. Thank.s
By Jamison G
•Oct 7, 2023
Great learning material. Felt the quizzes were a bit too hard, but otherwise a wonderful course!
By Mariia A G
•Feb 6, 2021
I was inspired by the notion of "client-states" within Organising an Empire: The Assyrian Way.
By Varun N
•May 26, 2020
Had heard very little of this great civilization; the course gave a superb insight into it
By Joy S
•Apr 11, 2018
super interesting. I would give it a 5 stars except it has peer review in the final week
By J B
•Sep 26, 2020
Exactly what I needed: A quick insight into the Assyrians. Thank you so much.
By Abigail T
•Nov 8, 2023
Really enjoyed the course and thought it was very well structured.