Apr 18, 2023
the best course for the beginner who is going to start his data science journey. This course tells you all options like tools, libraries, programming languages, etc. Highly recommended for beginners.
Apr 13, 2020
It serves perfecty its aim that is giving a first glance of the open course tools for data science. Of course each tool is briefly touched and it hands over the student the duty to deepen each tool.
By Sanaz N
•Jul 10, 2020
It was lots of new information that I think it was too much for someone who is a Data Science dummy. Also, the examples doesn't describe what is the point of the evaluation, only said put this code, put that code and see the results. I like to know a little bit about the set of the data and what is the target.
By Sarah B
•Dec 25, 2021
I found the course to be very difficult and had to copy all the video transcripts. I decided it just wasn't for me. The final exam was the last straw for sure and very difficult. I think I had to take it 6 times and that last try today I finally passed it with a 91% missing just one question. It was torture!
By christopher a e e
•May 18, 2023
Me gusta su introducción, lo que no me gusta es que no haya subtitulos y que sea innecesariamente largo, las herramientas para data sciences está bien saberlas y todo, pero no me sirve tener una tecnicidad en ellas por teoria, falta que el curso sea mas practico, que te sumerja, así uno aprende mejor y mas
By Tian l
•Jun 28, 2019
Thanks for this class, I learn a lot about "Skills Network Labs" and " IBM Data Science Experience". However, the version of tools and website page used in this video should be updated cause there are many differences from the real website and the website showed in video. This might make people confused.
By Yixuan
•Oct 25, 2021
Too many tools introduced in this class, but for each too little information. And a lot of IBM tools are introduced in this course, I encountered several technical issues while using them. Instead of using IBM cloud platform, what not let us download some useful tools in our own computer and practise?
By Leonardo I (
•Jun 5, 2019
Nice course with a gentle introduction to the tools used in data science. The videos need to be upgraded since the IBM tools introduced during the course have been upgraded. It took a while to figure out how to complete the last assignment because of this mismatch between the video and the IBM tool.
•Feb 2, 2022
For a beginner, I think it does the job at introducing me to the languages of programming (for data science), open source and commercial tools available. Some improvements would be to update the instructions for the hands on labs. But overall I think it is goooooood introduction. Thank You Teachers
By Michael S
•Jun 15, 2020
I learned a lot in this course and it was definitely worthwhile overall. A heads-up though: the explanation videos for using GitHub are not good. It is better to research how to do that on your own. And once again the quizzes are a bit of a waste of time and the course would be better without them.
By James W
•Jun 11, 2020
The content is very good, a lot of ground is covered in a short space of time. However, a few technical issues prevent 5 stars. The audio quality in some of the videos is awful, as if they were recorded underwater. Also, some of the video notations are missing completely or have no punctuation.
By Chaojie W
•Oct 21, 2019
Course is well structured and give a easier way to understand it. The reason why I don't give it a 5 star is that, the content in video is not up to date (like IBM' Cloud). Its platform has changed name to Watson Platform and UI has some differences from video. Hope it can be fixed in the future.
By Erika G
•Mar 17, 2022
The course structure is good. But please fix IBM Watson Studios' issues. It always doesn't load correctly and you always have to waste hours checking forums on how to fix it. The fixes don't usually work correctly. Even if you clear cache, cookies, use incognito, it still doesn't load correctly.
By Shinobi N
•May 22, 2021
it was a LOT of information
I wonder if there could be like a printout of background information, or like an index of things that are useful to know before/during the course.
also, if can, more labs to DO and USE the tools a bit more to get a good handle on it from experience
thanks for the course!
By Misty W
•May 1, 2021
Learning a little in a lot of various areas of data science, but lack of updates in some sections are the cause for labs and assignments taking much longer than necessary. Overall, it seems to be good introductory material in the first course for the IBM Data Science Professional Certification.
By Zezhou J
•Sep 24, 2018
Comprehensive but student-friendly introduction to common and popular open source tools for DS. Although tools are the most popular ones, the course relies too much on the IBM platforms, which kind of bind the students to the IBM products. Lectures in the first two weeks are a little bit dry.
By Emre C Ö
•May 15, 2020
Great course for getting knowledge of available open source tools for data science. Only thing is, it is sometimes hard to follow the videos since the IBM Watson Studio is updated since the course videos have been recorded. There can be update information after the videos for clarification.
By Cecilia A
•Apr 1, 2019
I think this course should be forward. Now that I'm doing the 3rd one (DS Methodology), it is more useful to understand what data science means and the process that involves. It gives you the big picture while the Open Source Tools course it more specific and more technical, in my opinion.
By Sema K
•Apr 11, 2020
Nice to give a headstart before furter exploring but some tools are never used throughout the course. For example apache spark. Besides if you are including the introduction here I think there is no need to put extra readings about how to obtain an IBM Watson account over and over again.
By Manthan M S
•Jun 11, 2019
IBM Studio's layout has changed and the videos in Week 3 explain using the previous layout. This led to much confusion in the peer graded assignment. It would really help future participants of the course if the videos in Week 3 can be re-shot using the updated IBM studio site. Thanks!
By Usman S
•Jul 15, 2019
i think it is better to have assignments which could give insight of using the technology. current assignments are barely touching the surface. Secondly, moving from AI experience to Watson studio has some visual options different which created an issue in finding some of the options.
By Joseph A V
•Jul 27, 2020
I enjoyed the course and overall it satisfied my expectations. There were confusing instructions that were duplicated and sometimes not clear which disrupted how the learner should scaffold their knowledge. Otherwise, the content covered sufficed to fulfill the learning objectives.
By Poornima P K
•Dec 19, 2019
It's a good introductory course, but the content needs to be updated esp. setting up IBM Watson Studio, though it is not so much of problem, you just need to explore a bit and you'll get it done in no time. I think that's the essence of online e-learning platforms, explore and learn!
By Mª J N C
•Dec 12, 2023
Good material and organization. The scheduled times are useless because, generally, it takes longer to complete the tasks. Note that some organizations do not allow for the display of the software in the their computers. Hence, there is a need to use two computers simultaneously.
By Tobías O
•Jul 5, 2022
I think its has too much information, i would prefer a good introduction and then center on only a few tools. Also, i think it would be beter if the course leans towards learning and understanding than besides memorising. On the other hand, the labs were great, i really enjoy them.
By elias e a
•Dec 9, 2024
The beginning was EXTREMELY information intensive and for anyone actually trying to memorize all of them it will make them discouraged to continue the course. HOWEVER the rest of the course concerning python, R, Markdown, Jupyter and Github it is VERY WELL MADE and easy to follow.
By Spyros A
•Nov 15, 2018
While this course is a very good introduction and generates and overview for the tools i would like to have some more fundamental information about for example what is spark and where is used (examples of real life scenarios etc etc.)
Maybe it will be covered in the next courses.