Jun 16, 2020
It was a very good short course. Was very useful and informative. The videos were very creatively made. The shorter duration of each videos was an added plus to get the solid attention of the viewers
Jul 18, 2017
This course is good for engineers. It illustrated many fundemental and important concept in materials science. The teacher is great who explain nearly everthings in details with words and experiments.
By Rajiv K
•May 10, 2020
By Stian N
•Sep 1, 2021
With a title like 'ten things every engineer should know' I expected a bit more 'sazz' / pop delivery than this course delivered. Most of the subjects were discussed very well and concisely, but I'd like more examples and visuals.
What it lacks in examples it makes up for in conciseness and the instructor is clearly very experienced. All in all a good little course, and I recommend it.
You have to do a few exercises and rub off the old algebra but which is otherwise very quick and straightforward. But pay attention or you may just miss the quick half sentence that's used on a test.
I have had some mechanical engineering courses and knew about a third of what the course taught, but it was a long time ago so the brush up was well worth it. I learned a lot from this course, especially about the relationship between the microstructure and macro behaviour of metals (this course is 90% about metals), and the ubiquitous relationship between temperature and chemical reactions of all sorts.
Engineering knowledge needs most of all to be practical and actionable.
This course makes that a little too hard I think, and the dry, graph-heavy form really isn't suited to giving a conceptual overview for engineers. That's my only gripe with the course – that the material is dense and obtuse, and we are shown graphs to try to understand behavior of nature and systems. I had to stop the course many times to try and make sense of the graphs. There are so many powerful examples to draw from to anchor the teaching in the concrete. You have a screen to show, show some examples. The few ones that are used are terrific, and really help elevate the course.
Oh, yeah, a second gripe – the last 'thing' is about semiconductors and a good idea. But it was completely unactionable. Bewilderingly, we are told that doping semiconductors increases their conductivity at low temperatures, however, such doping is temporary as the dopant is exhausted. I have almost no answers from that and so many questions. What temperature range are we talking about where dopants are useful? How useful? How long does the dopants last? What other types of dopants are used? Why are semiconductors uniquely good for electronics? I get that that is a huge topic, but this covering of semiconductors didn't even give me an idea of how the semiconductor is produced, or how much dopant is typically used, or what they look like.
By karl h
•May 3, 2021
Excellent topics. Good discussion, Lectures are informative.
Obviously, Professor Shackleford has a wealth of knowledge and is a very capable speaker.
The Arrhenius equation was front and center throughout the lectures -- a profound concept in chemistry and in engineering.
Throughout the course, we saw the labs at UC Davis -- as if we might be seeing: engineering tests, scientific samples under the electron microscope, lab behavior of semiconductors, micrographs of failed materials, failure of materials, actual examples of material flaws shown in detail -- turns out we only saw a tensile test and some materials placed in a furnace.
Graphs on the screen were often quite small. The available technical resources were plentiful it appears but underused.
Thank you.
A very good free course.
By Anton M
•Jun 10, 2021
Dr. Shakelford has a remarkable knowledge of the material, but he could greatly improve his ability to convey this knowledge to his students by spending a little time in Toastmasters. Toastmasters will teach you to be more concise in your descriptions and to eliminate crutch words such as "uh", "um", etc. These little things add up as distractions from the subject. They represent a pause in thinking, which interupts the listener from understanding the concepts you are trying to convey. I know your mission is to share your knowledge - you would do that so much better with a little coaching. All the best to you! Anton B. Mogilevsky, P.E.
By Sajib K N
•Sep 7, 2020
This course will help to know the stress, strain,ductility,fatigue, semiconductor and any other topic. Also help to know the eutectic and eutectoid point.That will be help me go ahead in the engineering sector. My teacher also be great.The system of teaching process also interesting.
By Bryan H
•Dec 19, 2016
Good use of figures and graphs. I like the input of historical references to help understand the material. Lectures can be disengaging at times, the professor uses a lot of pauses which makes it hard to follow. Overall, it's a good introduction and overview to material science.
By Samet G
•Nov 27, 2017
This course consists of beneficial topics for all engineers. The topics are explained in briefly and the quizes contains the relavent terms about the topics. I hope to take the new courses about material science in Coursera.Thanks UC Davis and Mr James Shackelford.
By Jis N G
•Jul 23, 2020
Lectures by Prof.Shackelford is not very clear as it lacks details but his book is excellent.Places where he takes the lectures is also very good-just the right place that has applications of the subject.
By Bhaumik U P
•Dec 12, 2017
I would say that the lectures delivered by the Prof. James were not loud and clear as he was taking so many pauses in between the speech. Else, the material data illustrated was good !
By Padraig C
•Jul 15, 2017
Very informative course but professor Shackleford was quite sterile and unengaging. He also tended to brush over things without explaining them
By Ahmad J A
•Jun 30, 2021
it is not bad, but the course should be more detailed, the more information that have been obtained the better.
By Ramesh K
•Apr 22, 2020
content is good but more number of experiments need to be added to understand the concepts clearly.
By Mike B
•Jul 11, 2023
A lot of the answers on the tests are incorrect per data from other institutions.
By Istiak U S
•Jul 3, 2020
Poorly designed course. But has some great information with a good explanation.
By muhamed m e
•Jan 29, 2017
It's good but depend only save informations than understand it
By Anthony S
•Nov 19, 2017
Not what I thought, but a good introduction to the material.
By Arup D
•Apr 22, 2020
Poorly Designed course. Not much information to understand.
By Frankie L
•Oct 7, 2017
More in depth explanations w have was omitted.
By Kishor S
•Mar 22, 2019
Though good but less content.
By Chinmay J
•Sep 20, 2019
Basic introductory course
•Jun 21, 2020
Please add more content.
By Marcin G
•Aug 15, 2017
It was OK, I guess...
By Rushikesh K J
•May 27, 2020
Nice coures
By smit p
•Dec 18, 2020
By John M D
•Nov 16, 2023
The lectures were not all at the introductory level. Most of the explanations seemed to be the Professor circling and underlining parts of charts or formulas while reciting basic definitions, rather than going into examples or more in-depth explanations. I found myself going to youtube on several topics for better understanding.