Mar 19, 2019
Though it might not seem imminently useful, the course notes I've referred back to the most come from this class. This course is could be summarized as a machine learning master giving useful advice.
Mar 31, 2020
It is very nice to have a very experienced deep learning practitioner showing you the "magic" of making DNN works. That is usually passed from Professor to graduate student, but is available here now.
By Dr. M E J I
•Sep 1, 2017
This is an excellent course for anyone in Deep Learning, Data Science, or Machine Learning. It is a little on the short side, but packed with good ideas about how to structure your projects when considering various differing data scenarios.
By Prerana H B
•Apr 16, 2020
Exceptionally good course.It gives brief idea of how and what strategies should be used while approaching any problem or building the system .Also gives idea about how to improve the efficiency of already build system and upto what extend.
By rahul m
•Apr 10, 2020
Excellent course that discusses a lot of details and nuances about machine learning and deep learning that are drawn from Andrew's own experience as a prominent researcher and pioneer in the field . I feel I gained a lot from this course .
By Madagama G B S
•Jan 25, 2020
This course helped me to systematically analyze errors in deep learning implementations. The machine learning flight simulator is a great way quickly learn how to address issues you would face in making practical machine learning problems.
By Fawad H
•Nov 8, 2019
This Course is best for all level and it teaches in the best way to how to make your project to do well and how to suggest solution and how to detect problems in the training of the neural network. Thank you Andrew for making this course.
By Yingxiang Z
•Jul 11, 2019
Very useful introduction to the real applied machine learning procedures. This course enables us to know exactly what steps to take in different phases of a project, and could potentially saves us a lot of time by avoiding useless efforts.
By Wong C H
•Feb 18, 2018
"Experience can only be learnt by practicing" This course showed us some useful scenario which I think is very likely to be encountered in future projects. I think this will help to save time to develop deep learning model in the future.
By yugandhar n
•Aug 29, 2017
Initially I thought It would be boring. But after taking the course, I feel the difference. Once again, Andrew Ng rocked it with composition of this course and quiz. I feel this is must course in deep learning, who is working in industry.
By Daniel
•Mar 14, 2020
It's a theoretical approach of Machine Learning projects that gives a lot of awesome insights of many real world problems that you face when building your model. It's a short course with great insights ! I definitely recommend taking it.
By Khaled J
•May 20, 2019
Excellent class with practical advise to accelerate the application of best practices based on Andrew's experience. I would highly recommend this to practitioners wanting to save a lot of time learning these best practices the hard way.
By sujith
•Oct 28, 2018
Excellent course on understanding how and what to prioritise in ML projects. Not just helpful for people leading ML teams, but also for people who are doing some independent projects. ML is a lot of fun when you do experiments for fun :)
By Mohamed C S
•Jul 19, 2018
Excellent Course, though it is an optional course, it is really worth taking it!
The Use case studies are just excellent! You can really have a taste of the problems encountered when you have to manage a deep learning project. Great work!
By Omid M
•Jan 21, 2018
Great tips!
Minor issue: often the request for feedback for a lecture came right at the beginning of the lecture, covering big portion of the video ('was this video helpful'! ). It was annoying (I couldn't figure out how to minimize it).
By Ashish P
•Jul 20, 2020
Amazing course. This course is really a practical understanding of what DL is. Apart from learning the algorithms practical aspects are very necessary for DL and this course provided me with the same.
Thanks to ANDREW NG for this course.
By Long C
•Jun 27, 2020
Great and detailed strategies especially for people working on a machine learning projects. With good strategies, time and money may be saved. A really good complimentary material to Andrew's new digital book: Machine Learning Yearning.
By Aditya G
•Dec 23, 2019
Highly recommended as it helps one think how to improve their ML models. Just do a 60/40 split and hoping for the best result is not the way to go, and this course definitely helps unveiling how to remove bias and variance from a model.
By Chulhoon J
•Oct 15, 2018
this course has very practical and helpful advices to solve problems related to the deep learning algorithms. I believe those valuable advices and tips will be able to reduce tremendous times and efforts when you stuck with the problem.
By Alfred D
•Jan 19, 2018
One of the best tips to use in real ML consulting projects; Prof Andrew Ng is an awesome teacher
and keeps you engaged , by giving relevant industry use cases for each topic being taught; This
brings objectivity and motivation to learn.
By ketan
•Aug 16, 2020
Best course so far in specialization as technical stuff you can google and get tons of books and blogs for . But for real world insight into how to solve problems is a great thing to know and not easy to find out from other resources .
By Marcin S
•Feb 20, 2018
If it were possible I would give 6 stars! The most valuable deep learning course I'v ever seen. There many more technical courses but related knowledge can be found in books/on lectures. Knowledge learn from this course is exceptional.
By Hisham R
•Dec 21, 2019
Actually, the information in this course were very valuable since they could be only gained after long time of real practical experience. Transfer learning, multitask learning and error analysis topics are priceless. Great course IMO.
By 谢志文
•Dec 5, 2017
I think it will be more helpful for those who have actually worked on real ML project,for me, it's still kinda abstract and a little boring except for the week 2 ,so it's worthwhile to learn it again once I get some experience in ML.
By Ihor F
•Oct 12, 2017
Course is time-consuming because it with high concentration with information. Would be maximum useful for those who have some experience in machine learning.
I am very excited! Quizzes are so interesting and close to real life project.
By Michael O
•Jul 27, 2022
This is a very good course if you want to have a real-life sense when approaching machine learning problems. It is one of those skills that is hard to get in a regular classroom, and takes several mistakes to realise in the industry.
By Brian D
•Jul 21, 2021
This course was not what I had thought it would be. It helps to bring back the human dimension into the side of coding. Shines light on the importance of the process, and how decisions will impact the ultimate success of the project.