Feb 28, 2021
Excellent instructor who has a lot of practical knowledge of network security. I would certainly enroll in another course if it were offered through the same instructor.
May 13, 2018
Truly enlightening course. Can be taken by novices who want to get started with Enterprise Linux and also by professionals looking to up their skills. Highly recommended.
By MD. R I
•Jan 31, 2021
This Vary Helpful Course. I am get Linux Server management and Security and using the red hat server.
Thank you vary much coursera and Bangladesh Computer Council for give me permission the free of cost this course.
By Hooman A
•Apr 5, 2020
One of the best Linux tutorials that someone could present. Instructor covers lots of important materials and also he gives you some hints and insights that helps you to search for and learn more, if you want.
By Yash P
•Oct 23, 2018
Its an awesome course for security enthusiasts a big thanks to the lecturer for taking us through this course making it look quite simple
•Jun 7, 2020
It Help me a lot that how to manage the server and I like the explanation which was given by Grey Williams thanks you so much......
By Dvir R
•May 10, 2018
Overall excellent way to build a foundation, informative with good examples to follow... wish there were more practical examples.
By Karzhass
•Dec 9, 2020
Отличный курс, который даёт понятие основ безопасности и вообщем работы в линуксе, объясняет как работать в жизни с линуксом.
•Jan 2, 2019
Good explanation.as a admin how manage the security and implement security here learned.thanks for providing this course
By Lucas A
•Mar 23, 2018
Great, I knew most of the content but was really good to remember and learn new ways to understand the environment !
By Aravinda D
•Apr 7, 2020
This course teaches me a lot of things about Linux server security. I think that I have got maximum out of it.
By Sizo D
•Dec 6, 2018
Very intense course on Linux Installation, enterprise setup, management and practical security implementation.
By Pavel S
•Nov 19, 2018
It Is a very interested course. This course helped me to understand Linux deeper and use it more effectively.
•Nov 11, 2021
Great course, very updated material, and with practical examples. Thank you University of Colorado and Greg!
By Stephen G
•Sep 11, 2020
Very good! excellent & clear instruction detailing all aspects of securing a Linux server Operating Systems.
By Diego C
•Aug 30, 2020
This is a good course. The content is vevry useful and very important to apply in managment system linux.
By Cristofer P
•Jun 27, 2023
muy completo el curso y diseño del contenido, seria mas agradable si hubieran mas ejercicios tecnicos
By Jeremie F
•May 5, 2021
Excellent way of teaching. I was very amazed by the pause he had into order to clarify certain points.
By Varad K
•Jun 19, 2020
This course is so useful for beginners, and i have understood all the concept very easily.
Thank you...
By Robert P I
•Mar 15, 2018
Thank you very much. I really enjoyed this well structured course with challenging quizzes as a bonus.
By Mahantesh H
•Aug 6, 2020
Awesome course learnt many things and I would like to say give some QUICKALBS on practical sessions.
By Jorge A A V
•Dec 28, 2018
Tiene todas las herramientas para defender los conceptos básicos de LINUX y su seguridad .
By MIchael K
•Oct 19, 2023
its an exciting course to go through, I especially like the resources documentation given
By mahendra m
•Apr 22, 2020
Amazing course to guide you through the security postures of Linux Operating system.
By Jose A M A
•Jan 7, 2019
This is a great linux server security course! Just what I expected from Colorado U.
By niraj t 2
•Dec 7, 2018
give you overview how security work in linux but gaining deep knowledge is upto you
By wondwossen a
•Jun 3, 2021
well thought, well presented, best-practice gaining experience and lesson I had.