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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra by Imperial College London

12,288 ratings

About the Course

In this course on Linear Algebra we look at what linear algebra is and how it relates to vectors and matrices. Then we look through what vectors and matrices are and how to work with them, including the knotty problem of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and how to use these to solve problems. Finally we look at how to use these to do fun things with datasets - like how to rotate images of faces and how to extract eigenvectors to look at how the Pagerank algorithm works. Since we're aiming at data-driven applications, we'll be implementing some of these ideas in code, not just on pencil and paper. Towards the end of the course, you'll write code blocks and encounter Jupyter notebooks in Python, but don't worry, these will be quite short, focussed on the concepts, and will guide you through if you’ve not coded before. At the end of this course you will have an intuitive understanding of vectors and matrices that will help you bridge the gap into linear algebra problems, and how to apply these concepts to machine learning....

Top reviews


May 31, 2020

A great course covering key aspects of Linear Algebra with the lecturers giving a good intuition about what's going on with the subjects.(PS. I loved the sense of humor of Prof.Dye it was really fun!)


Aug 9, 2021

the instrutors were too good and their explination for the concepts was to the point and it made me realize things in linear algebra I didn't know before although I studied it in school of engineering

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176 - 200 of 2,434 Reviews for Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra

By Sertan A

Jul 12, 2020

It's a very fundamental necessity for getting a hold on vectors and functions within a big programs. I have finished Mr. David Dye's part and he is an extraordinary teacher! I know Mr. Samuel Cooper from the calculus course and I assume his course will be quite awesome as well!! Thank you for making this available for people who need to upgrade their understanding, I respect this global mission!!!

By Mohiddin S

May 1, 2020

I am very grateful to the in structures and the platform providers who designed the the course to enrich the knowledge of mathematics in good manor. From this course I learned a lot. Being a mathematician I feel that there is a need to change form traditional teaching to technological oriented teaching. This course helped me in finding such a path.

Thanking you


Dr.Shaik Mohiddin Shaw

By Edisson A

Apr 29, 2020

Great course as a starter to understand the basis of linear algebra in machine learning. I had already taken a course of linear algebra as an undergrad but this course really opened my view of the applications and importance of some concepts I understood in a merely abstract way. The instructors are not only excellent in their explanations but you can also feel their interest for the subject.

By Lisa M

Apr 7, 2018

This was a fantastic course. I'm new to linear algebra, so it was bit intimidating even signing up (!) - but the lecturers were really, really good about explaining all concepts from the ground up so it was always possible to visualize and extrapolate from solid foundations. For me it was a stretch each week, but in a good way: very challenging, but achievable with enough planning and effort.

By Wasif S (

Aug 3, 2020

This course for me was meant to be a habit-refiner but ended up being thinking of more into the depths of the world around. Very good course. The quiz & assignments are really good. Although some of the details are missing from particular sections, I think it will grow over time. As a Machine Learner's intro to perspective, this is really been a decent exercise to flex yourself. Goodluck.

By Amanda A

May 26, 2021

I absolutely loved this course - who would have thought math could be so fascinating! The lecturers were really engaging and passionate about the subject, which made the videos a pleasure to watch. This is not an area that I previously had any background in, but I found the lectures easy to understand with the way they were presented and explained. Looking forward to the next module!

By Eddie T

Mar 9, 2018

An awesome course with high quality video lectures!! I will recommend this course to anyone who's looking for a refresher or quick pick-up on linear algebra. The homework's compatible with the materials and is quite interesting. The lecturer also did a good job on explaining critical concepts with easy but good examples. I'm looking forward to more similar courses from Imperial College.

By Jayant V

Mar 29, 2018

I have taken a course on linear algebra during my graduate program and must admit that it was not one of my more comfortable ones! Coming back to this course online, it really did help me get a much better understanding of concepts like dimensionality, basis, eigen values and eigen vectors. I intend to go over the lectures at least a few more times to be sure I have understood it well.


Jul 12, 2020

I personally loved this course as it changed my outlook and perspective towards Mathematics in computing and as a whole. I really enjoyed taking this course. It got me into some difficult assignments but the joy of solving it after lots of brainstorming and discussing with peers was awesome experience. I look forward towards developing myself and gaining knowledge with these courses.

By Stefan R

Apr 28, 2020

It is usefull and good course. It does require at least some familiarity with the concept or otherwise you will spend hours trying to understand how things happen, but lecturers have overall given great insights in how things work and tried to simpliify as much as possible.

Maybe would be usefull for course creator to add some optional basics tests on the topic, for total beginers.

By Mert A D

Feb 23, 2021

I had no prior knowledge of this course. I knew about mathematical narratives, but it was certainly very instructive for me in the ways of interpretation and application contained in his narrative in the course. It is also a basic building block in Machine Learning. I'll definitely sign up for a continuation of the course. I recommend it to everyone. I hope you enjoy it is in you.

By Huy M

Mar 11, 2019

I've only done half of the course but I already know this course is one of the best on Coursera! Complex concepts in mathematics are broken down into simple terms. The professor also clearly stated what those concepts are used for in practical, which certainly help learners have a clear idea of why they are learning this course. Very exciting every time I click onto new lessons!

By Juan C D S

Apr 19, 2021

In general is a great course. The geometric explanations are, in my opinion, excellent and you have different tools to develop your knowledge. I do believe that you can get an understanding of linear algebra from this course even if you have never seen the subject before, but you will most likely have to study seriously, taking notes and considering this as a college course.

By Hardik S

Jun 20, 2020

Not being from a Mathematics Background, one surely need best tutor I guess for understanding Mathematics that's required in Machine Learning/ Data Science. Both the tutor Sam Cooper and David Dye amazingly Explained the topics and I'm happy to have completed the Linear Algerbra Course and now moving towards other part of the course i.e Course 2 Multivariate Calculus.

By Ramon M T

Aug 20, 2019

Excellent Course, I remembered the linear algebra that I saw in school more than 26 years ago (I studied applied mathematics and switched to Actuaria), but now with examples related to DataScience.

As observation.

For someone who has not programmed in some language the exercises can be challenging, but they are always very intuitive if the example steps are performed.

By Shani R

Apr 26, 2024

This course is great and it is challenging. I think you need a bit more than high school math and you should probably be pretty comfortable with Python or coding in general. I had to do brush up on algebra and a bit of trig, but it was great working through the problems and figuring out how to do it programmically. One of the best courses I've taken on this platform.


Dec 27, 2021

Interesting and intuitive course, presented by highly articulate and passionate experts. The focus is building an intuitive understanding of the mathematical concepts which allow us to come away with some insight and understanding the power of the Eigen theory, specially by exploring the concept of Google’s famous PageRank algorithm for presenting web search results.

By Eric H

Nov 13, 2020

Getting back into math after taking about 12 years off, and this was a great dive back in. I got a lot out of working the math out by hand for a few examples. There were some gaps in my understanding (when calculating eigenvectors, we need to solve for x1 and x2, but they don't have to be 0). Overall it was a great course and I'll be referring to my notes regularly!

By Badri A

May 1, 2020

At first, I was kinda of afraid of Math in general and Linear algebra in particular, but after taking this course, I am satisfied with it.

A special thanks to the instructors and all the people behind this course, for making thing simple and comprehensible, and at the same time, hit the target. Looking forward to keep learning and carry on with this specialization !

By Callum M

Jun 9, 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed this and made studying Machine Learning at the side of this a lot less of a guessing game when it came to the maths. The quizzes and programming assignments are tough but once you figure them out you feel confident with your understanding going forward, so I guess they do the job! Both lecturers are brilliant too - really clean presentations.


May 20, 2020

This course was very informative . Having learnt to solve most of this problems by hand in under-graduation , this course helped me to code these hand-worked problems . Additionally I was able to understand and visualize what the problems actually do . I highly recommend this course for anyone who is looking to learn or advance their career in machine learning .

By Art P

Jun 8, 2018

This course was of high quality, was very helpful in explaining some key concepts and I appreciated the instructors energy and humor. My only complaint about the course is that some of the quizzes and homework assignments felt significantly more challenging than what was covered in the lessons; however, the discussion forums proved helpful in closing this gap.

By Alina I H

Nov 18, 2020

Really good overview and while explained perfectly by the instructors (using different media that would have been amazing to have back in school...) still challenging enough to get the brain cells running. Fun to do, yet one should take time and really concentrate. Thanks for this amazing opportunity! I'm sure this knowledge will really help me along the way.

By Durgasunil V

Nov 15, 2024

Very Insightful Course. Instructors tailored the course for machine learning without being superficial overview. I took more than 2 months to finish this because certain topics lacked necessary depth to solve the exercises but that's me. The switch in instructor towards the end made it little difficult but only until you adjust to the new instructors style.

By Sridhanajayan S

May 31, 2020

This is an exceptional course for learning Linear Algebra in an intuitive way. i would recommend this course to everyone who is fond of mathematics. This course will also have programming assignments with python and numpy packages. Overall I had a wonderful experience and a handful of knowledge. Thank you for the course creators and professors and lecturers.