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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,678 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 7, 2015

I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.


Nov 6, 2016

Amazing course, I learned a lot of new techniques for self motivation, and effecient learning. Now, I feel more confident to take further steps in improving and developing myself. Thank you so much :)

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2251 - 2275 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By kazuhisa y

Feb 7, 2020

I found this course as eye opener, so practical and made me realize very valuable things for me which I will be able to use/have started using to improve my learnings. I have also shared with colleagues of mine at my workplace the information about the course as well as some techniques which can be immediately utilized such as Pomodoro. Thank you!

By Cristhian J C R

Jul 3, 2019

¡Es el mejor curso que he visto en mi vida! Agradezco en el alma cada una de las enseñanzas que recibí aquí, pues sin estas no podría hoy entender la vida de la manera que la entiendo. Espero poder seguir estudiando y aprendiendo, y por supuesto poder aportar mi granito de arena en este proyecto tan espectacular de educación universal y/o mundial.

By Prabir S

Jun 11, 2019

It is an excellent on line course. When I read ` Mind Shift` by Dr Barbara OaKley,I never thought that it would be that interesting and useful. I wish it continued for more weeks. Personally,I got the answers to my searches through this wonderful process of learning. I strongly recommend people to go through this course and enjoy further learning.

By Faheem Z

Dec 23, 2016

It is a great course which outlines different techniques which will help you learn more effectively. It also explains the functioning of the brain with regard to learning in easy to understand and fun ways. The course also helps you in dealing with procrastination. I loved the course and would highly recommend it.

Thank you Coursera and Team LHTL!

By Thomas K

Aug 17, 2015

Excellent course that improved my approach to learning. When thinking of the fact how many people around the world are taking this course, it is fair to say that this course has the potential to improve the lives of hundred of thousands of people.

I wish to express my special gratitude to Barbara Oakley: Your course makes this world a better place!

By Madhavan R

Aug 24, 2021

Barbara and Terry were absolutely phenomenal with their knowledge sharing skills. This course was well structured and their motive was very clear how to pass the information to the students. I have already recommended this course to many of them and will also do in coming days and years. Hope to see Barbara and Terry again in some other lectures.

By Subodh R

May 10, 2021

Well, quality of the course is par excellence with every perspective.

Dr. Terrence always sounds more technical and Barbara sounds more like a "story " . Together, the team has done a fantastic job here!

And the most important of all, it is available at quite affordable price!

Hearty Thanks for these efforts and making it easy for us to understand!

By Dmitrii K

Dec 7, 2020

This course provides both theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of learning. Students are able to understand how the learning process happens as well as practise different methods that can help them master it. Diversity of materials guarantee that everyone can find at least a few tools and instruments that will definitely suit him/her.


Jul 31, 2020

Excellent course to take. It helped me to understand what I was missing in doing effective learning. There are so many strategies to use that student should know. The teachers are very clear in explaining the topics. I recommend this course to everyone no matter what the age is. Thanks so much I really enjoyed it a lot as well as learned so much.

By Facundo O

Jul 9, 2020

Absolutely excellent course!! I was struggling with procrastination and wandering if there was any "Learning Training" program that could help me. This course has really made an impact on my life, not only in academics. It really is a coaching program to become a skillful and precise learner. I absolutely recommend it, for me it's a total must!!!

By Sara R

May 21, 2020

Really very useful, well-presented, easy to understand course with great tips for anybody who is interested in learning anything. Lots of great videos from experts in their own fields involving learning languages, memory techniques and other areas. Something for everyone - there's no reason not to be a better learner after completing this course!

By Peiqi H

May 15, 2020

I really love the point of imposter which makes me realize that it is common for everyone so that I can feel free to be confident. And I love the part of the optional interview which inspires me a lot and give new perspectives from different experts in different fields. Thank you very much for the course and I will apply what I learnt in my life.

By Teodora P P

Feb 2, 2018

The course provided some very useful learning techniques, along with a context of why they work. I enjoyed the optional interviews - some of them were especially motivating. The wonderful thing about the course it that one could do the quizzed even when only auditing the course. This helped me understand and remember the main ideas of the videos.


Sep 11, 2017

Great ideas accompanied by useful tools and resources. The supplementary interviews are often interesting and the reading lists offer a great way to look into the research grounding the course more carefully. Toward the final week or two of the course, the organization gets a little mushier and the lessons can feel a bit more like a 'grab bag.'

By Ronald F

Aug 27, 2017

This course was wonderful and the lessons will stick with me for a lifetime. The course itself was well designed and the summary questions and weekly quizzes effectively reinforced what was taught in the videos. I read Barbara's companion book "A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel At Math and Science" as I took the course. Each reinforced the other.

By Michelle G

Dec 21, 2023

What we thought learning short cuts were working, it was not. Our mind wired differently and this course allows us to unlock the best possible outcome when receiving stimulus and processing it into something useful and better. I had to unlearn my old way of learning, and adapt to this better proven method. Not easy, but it was worth the effort.

By Triana L

Sep 17, 2020

Awesome techniques that will follow and guide you not only throughout your academic years, but in every aspect of your life as well. You´ll cover topics such as procrastination and neuroscience, not to mention several practical techniques to enhance your learning. I am glad I did this course and I have already recommend it to friends and family.

By Fabian F

Jul 6, 2020

In this wonderful course you will find the answers you have asked yourself in relation to learning. You will learn how your brain works in order to learn, how to fight procrastination and how to have productive study sessions. A big applause to Drs. Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski for making this course enjoyable, interesting, useful and fun!

By Mikael K T H

Jun 6, 2020

This would surely go down as one of the most important course of my life. Learning How to Learn delivers the goods at the right pace while leaving a positive indelible mark on well, learning how to learn. Many of these techniques and approach will be useful for my future endeavours, be it studying another course or applied in daily work matters.

By Mohammed M

May 6, 2020

It's a well-structured course which teaches you a lot of things. Even if you are using some of the mentioned techniques, you will find a good category for best-practised learning methods and some meetings with bright people from all over the world. I highly recommend it and don't cram it, apply deliberate practice to have the most benefit of it.

By Yuanjyun L

Apr 6, 2018

This course is very inspirational and useful with little workload and clear explanation, I recommend everyone taking this course. It may give you a brand new perspective about meta-learning. I also recommend you to view optional readings and interview videos to know how people echoed their experience with the tool kits introduced in this course.

By Yiqiao N

Nov 11, 2017

6 months on and I am still using the tools learned in this course: Pomodoro, breaking up learning with a different activity, repetition, etc.

This is a course I intend to review over and over again as it will serve a critical tool for lifelong learning. I believe it should be adapted into a Learning 101 program at the elementary education level.

By Andrew H

Jul 31, 2017

I really enjoyed this course, the information provided was clear and to the point. My attention was held which i dont find many courses can. I will hopefully remember to put all these new learning's into practice in my everyday life.

I very much appreciate the time and effort gone into making the course and sharing it with me.

Thanks again


By Gitty R

May 18, 2017

As a mental health professional I found this course beneficial in helping me prepare for a secondary graduate degree in neuroscience, and in the work with my clients! The information in this course enabled me (and my clients) overcome obstacles that I didn't think I could.

I highly recommend this course to laypeople and professionals alike.


By Eugene M

Jul 25, 2016

This course returned the trust in myself to develop future skills, which I never plan to develop and more important - I stopped to afraid to take complicated courses to learn. This course should be in every school as the subject #1. Highly recommend to read the book of Barbara which will only strengthen the received knowledge.

Thank you Barbara!