Sep 7, 2015
I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.
Nov 6, 2016
Amazing course, I learned a lot of new techniques for self motivation, and effecient learning. Now, I feel more confident to take further steps in improving and developing myself. Thank you so much :)
By Walter D
•Nov 6, 2016
espectacular conocer todas las funciones del cerebro en cuanto a la forma de aprender y aprender a utilizarlo, la técnica del pomodora es muy simple pero efectiva, la mente difusa no sabia que era tan poderosa y la estoy usando mucho, tome muchas notas y las voy a releer para aprender cada vez mas y se las voy a enseñar a mi hija, gracias por tan excelente curso.
By beset M
•Oct 7, 2016
I was very impressed with the content of this course. Not only was the information within your course/ frequent mini tests great but the optional videos featuring greats from around the world were enlightening. Thank you! From this day forward I will look at learning completely different. I appreciate you giving me the tools to help me become more successful.
By Jingjing L
•Nov 19, 2015
This course is distinguished and much helpful for me to keep control my self and conquer the procrastination in learning difficult courses or tasks. The teachers give us both nearest neural research results and fruitful, easy-understanding examples. Moreover, retrieval quiz after every week study makes me focus on the keynotes. Thanks for keep me in perspective!
By Carina W
•Oct 12, 2015
This class was extremely helpful with teaching some of the most basic learning skills we never learned growing up. We've all been put in school and told to go learn but we were never taught how to learn! Thanks to both the professors avid input and tips on tackling tough material, I now feel much more confident heading into any type of course of program of study.
By Catherine N R
•Aug 28, 2015
With each new week I am consistently impressed with the content, thoroughness and thoughtfulness behind each lecture video, additional material and quiz.
This is invaluable, and easily applicable material that I wish I had learnt when I was a college freshman.. Better late than never I suppose. Thank You Barbara and co for putting this excellent course together.
By Asya G
•Mar 6, 2025
I absolutely enjoyed this class. The way Barbara Oakley explains everything so well and humourous is unique. Not only my learning strategies are more effective now but I also have even more leisure time even in exam periods. I also liked the way Dr. Terrence Sejnowski is combining science so well with our everyday lives. I definetly recommend this course to you,
By Meera N
•May 10, 2023
By Yen E
•Dec 12, 2020
LHTL, i would never forget how valuable the lessons in this course are. It greatly improved how I learn. No regrets in starting my MOOC journey with this fun course. I also find the pomodoro technique a very useful tool not only in learning but also in accomplishing any task. Kudos to the team for making a very complex idea about a brain subject very digestable!
By Семушкин Н С
•Jul 19, 2020
Отличный курс для всех, кто хочет понять как действительно нужно учиться и преодолевать самих себя. В кратких видео-роликах излагается масса полезной информации. Никакой воды и уйма полезных советов и техник, а также различные интервью, в ходе просмотра которых узнаешь как нужно делать что-то, в чем ты развиваешь себя сейчас, например, в изучении других языков.
By Sahir C
•Dec 29, 2019
This is a brilliant course no matter what stage you're at in your learning experience or what age you are. It strengthens key learning techniques, gives you new techniques to learn better and to overcome certain fears and anxiety associated with learning and finally also debunks certain wrong beliefs or learning methodologies that lead to illusion of competence.
By Meng T L
•Aug 27, 2019
The knowledge and techniques are very helpful for me to review my conditions and performance. It gives a scientific point of view and well explained what's going on with both your mental and physical conditions. This course should be strongly suggested those who would like to learn effectively. Thanks for the instructors Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski. Great work!
By Davis
•Dec 8, 2018
I think this is not only the most exceting course when you are taking it but also the most important course because It prepares and equipes you to learn any kind of courses or disciplines without fustracting and content yourself to apply the techniques and tools found by experts!!
I can garantuee your success in your learning journey after finishing this course!!
By Harsimran K
•Apr 12, 2016
A really important course for everyone to take. It was really lovely to finally have formal instruction how to learn. I know for a fact that I could re-take this course several times and still learn a tonne from it, a course like this can be a game changer, of course of the lessons learned from it are applied to ones academic or non academic learning endeavours.
By Antonio C
•Aug 18, 2015
I have loved this course. It is a very useful lecture where I have learn how to improve dramatically the way I was studying English language. The "Pomodore" technic, and the app Barbara spoke answering to a student, is very useful. besides, following what I learned in this course I have increased the amount of hours and I am much more focused in what I am doing.
By Simi Y
•Apr 17, 2021
Very interesting, with lots of valuable information presented in the easiest way possible. They are very clear, eloquent and direct. Thank you so much for sharing all those life-changing informations. Looking foward to share them with other people.
PS: I also just shared this course with some of my students, hopefully they'll also come here to learn how to learn
By Monica A
•Jan 25, 2021
The content of this class was fantastic, I enjoy the methodology and pedagogy of it, the examples, the zoombies, everything. My only feedback is to not only interview the brilliant minds of men, but also women. 98% of the interviews were done to men. I am pretty sure there are brilliant women out there that could provide smart and wonderful tips about learning.
By Diana S V
•Jul 26, 2020
Honestly, I think that this is such a powerful, useful, and beneficial course to take! It really does open your mind and educate you about how to properly learn. They do not only teach you about what you might be doing wrong, but they provide you with solutions and techniques to correct the way you learn! It is such an easy course and I definitely recommend it!
By Viktoriya M
•Aug 8, 2019
Hallo alle zusammen!
Vielen herzlichen Dank für die wertvolle Informationen über das richtige Lernen! Einige Praktiken habe ich bereits gewusst, aber mit dem Hintergrundwissen war es mir noch mehr verständlicher und somit wertvoller. Sehr angenehme Dozenten, hatte etwas meditatives an sich! Vielen Dank!Ich sende euch allen ganz herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland!
By Justin H
•Apr 30, 2019
Great course for creating a solid mental model on learning how to learn. I am learning how to program, and never got a good education in how to learn math and science topics. I thought the course was great in explaining concepts in an unfolding way that allowed me to remember what was taught. I also appreciated the book recommendations, articles and interviews.
By Aleksei K
•May 30, 2018
I think, it's a "must have" course for everyone, the sooner the better. So many researches and books behind it, but simple and clear language in the course. Really helped me to understand and avoid procrastination among many other insightful things. I've recommended this course to everyone of my friends and explained it to my kid. You should try it, believe me.
By manoj d
•Mar 10, 2017
This course was designed near to perfection . Dr Barbara Oakley and Dr Sejnowski did a wonderful job.
I liked the optional interviews a lot and learned from the insights of special achievers in their field.
I liked the idea of writing essays on our plan of using this knowledge for our own and for teaching others what we have learned , fascinating and rewarding.
By Alexander K
•Jan 29, 2017
Extremely useful course. It not only helped me to learn scientifically-proven strategies of learning, but also inspired me to rethink my learning goals and highlighted areas I have either never thought of, or abandonend, thinking that it will take me more of resourses to master it, than I have; however now I'm positively sure that I can get back to my old goals
By Rajiv L P
•Jan 31, 2016
I will continue to revisit the course material for years now, I hung in there and it just kept getting better and better, and I can't thank coursera enough for the financial aid they gave me to complete this course with proper certification.
I totally enjoyed this course. Now going for some technical ones where I can apply the techniques learned in this course.
By Kranthi T
•Jun 30, 2020
Along with the Learning How to Learn, there are many other things to learn. About how the professors have worked so indepth on the concept, how it is presented to effectively, little and major things that has effected the professors life (As it would for life of passionate people) and many more. Happy to take this course! Thanks a lot for providing this to us.
By Paweł P
•Feb 21, 2020
This is great course and I recommend it for all genders and ages. Be aware of new perspective and insights of how be a better student, teacher, self educator. The learning techniques you master throughout this course can be applied in all facet of your life both personally as well as professionally. A day without a new thing learnt is lost so keep on learning.