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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,678 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 7, 2015

I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.


Nov 6, 2016

Amazing course, I learned a lot of new techniques for self motivation, and effecient learning. Now, I feel more confident to take further steps in improving and developing myself. Thank you so much :)

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1826 - 1850 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Bertrand K

Jun 30, 2016

I was quite stunned by this course. All key points were structured in a concise and clear manner. I have particularly enjoyed how the relationships between neurosciences and practical advices on how to learn were constantly highlighted. Also a great deal of the optional interviews were brilliant I thought.

This was definitely a course I will remember and I will regularly refer myself to.

By Dorothy H

Feb 4, 2016

I've been trying to learn how to learn my entire long life. I can verify that what was taught in this class works! I had to figure out these things on my own though and it took almost an entire lifetime. If I had had this course when I was young, it would have changed my entire life.

This course a priceless gem! It's put together extremely well and the contents are outrageously valuable.

By Peter V

Aug 23, 2021

Barbara, Terrence,

Thank you for all the information that I learned in this course " Learning How to Learn; Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects" I am in the process to change careers and I am applying the technics and tips that I learned during the passed weeks with such a great result when I taking the quizzes in others courses that I learned.

Thank you for all,


By momo w

Jun 3, 2021

In this course, I learned many powerful tools and I realized the great power I have within myself, that is, I am the one who shape myself. Difficulties, frustration, and emotion upheavals are common for everyone beyond nationalities and time. What matters is our reaction to those setbacks. And our reaction can be powerful, if we master the powerful mental tools mentioned in this course.

By Mehar F

Sep 15, 2020

It was a random choice that I made. But now I'm proud of making this choice. It helped me learn so much about the brain, it's working, and some interesting tips and tricks. It's "the most interesting and thought-provoking" subject. And huge respect for Dr. Babara Oakley and Dr.Terry Sejnowski. I wish I can meet you in person and hug you both for helping me and so many others. Thank you!

By Muhammad A A A

Sep 13, 2020

It was an exceptional course, which I believe should be taught in high school so that everyone could have a fair chance to become a master in tough subjects.

I will personally recommend this course to my friends and all the mental tools that were taught in this course are really very helpful.

Further, both the instructors in the course have taught each and every concept very beautifully.

By Cecile G

Aug 2, 2020

This course helped me to understand how my brain works, why I procrastinate and methods I can use to help me learn. I also learned how to recognize habits and what I can to do to help myself when they are setting in. I am more patient with myself, it's very hard to stay focused and try to practice everyday , but I will try because I want to improve my brain and feel better about myself.

By Amit K

Jun 4, 2020

It is absolutely gem of the course. I wanted to upgrade my skills and learning here and there something. But the course gives a right perspective to review your learning. Many of things we know also but the way findings have been backed up by scientific research, it gives you more conviction to follow. In addition to that you can teach these learning to your growing kids.

Thanks a lot!!!

By Mahmood H

Apr 14, 2020

it was very interesting, useful. Our teachers " Dr.Barbara Okaley and Dr. Sejnowski were very amazing. I have got a lot of information very useful for me. They illuminated the road to focus more on some things that would help me during study and life.they were active and every video i watch , i feel with them a positive energy and exciting.

Thanks a lot for these efforts,

thanks Coursera

By Gabriela V

Aug 30, 2017

Exceptionally useful course, should be the first one to take before starting to learn some new subject. Most of the things presented in the course I already knew, but couldn't quite grasp. It's all so well organized ans succinct, that it makes learning new stuff look like a piece of cake.

Would recommend to anyone who wants to have a firm ground when heading to the path of new knowledge.


Feb 5, 2016

I find this course so helpful, i taught a lot of new skills and concepts. Being concentrated, focused and leverage your ability to enhance your learn was one of the topics that i ever suffer from.

This course was the starting point and i think i'll listen for it after a while just to make sure i leveraged everything i can from it. Thanks a lot for Dr. Terry and Barbra for this great job.

By Bernadette C

Nov 30, 2015

This class was well thought out and easy to follow. I really enjoyed listening to Barbara Oakley's presentations with the funny graphics most, but Terry's S's material was well presented and extremely interesting; I look forward to being to implement the lessons from this course in every learning area of my life. I highly recommend this for any person interested in learning or teaching.

By Kyriacos P

Aug 27, 2015

This was a great course! Really enjoyed studying it. It had a lot of interesting material, they course was created based on the things that it is teaching! I recommend it, you will learn a lot of things, helps you notice what you were doing wrong with your studying, you will learn helpful techniques and interesting things about the brain and learning! I am glad that I took this course!

By Sebastián P

Feb 18, 2022

Un curso muy valioso para todos aquellos que les apasiona aprender. No solo se cubren técnicas y consejos para mejorar nuestro aprendizaje y hacerlo más efectivo y eficiente, sino que se explican un gran abanico de conceptos sobre nuestro cerebro y en general el comportamiento humano que permiten entender más a profundidad los temas e integrarlo con gran valor a nuestra vida cotidiana.

By Emma

Aug 22, 2021

Definitely a good course for students. The ideas and concepts taught are helpful for students looking to understand how their brains work and how to effectively use their brains to better retain knowledge by implementing proper habits and learning techniques. Students are also given tips on how to handle exam day mental blocks and jitters toward the end of the course. Highly recommend.


Oct 6, 2020

A lot of great tips. It's extremely important to know that it takes time and tremendous effort to become good with something. Don't fall into the trap and think that there are lots of people who are naturally good with math or sciences.Work hard, don't kid yourself, test yourself, repeat, rest, exercise, be holistic, believe you can improve... You will eventually become extremely good!

By Martha E F

Oct 4, 2020

I'm very glad I took this course. It has inspired in me genuine motivation and high hopes for change, improvement and awareness. The welcoming, friendly way of presenting the information makes it so enjoyable to listen and watch. I felt relaxed and involved in every session. I learned many useful tips for all aspects in life. Thank you so much for sharing a most valuable tool for life.

By Beth L

Oct 3, 2020

A course that is worth investing time and effort. You will receive lots of valuable takeaways that will help you to be a better and more effective lifelong learner.

The peer-review assignments are fun and challenging. Doing ithem helps help internalise your learning.

Very useful course!

Well done Dr Barbara Oakley and Dr Terrence Sejnowski! Thank you for helping us to learn how to learn.

By Вдовин А

Apr 16, 2020

Этот курс должен знать каждый кто обучается. Просматривая видео и понимая идеи этого курса я понял что хотел бы знать это с 1 класса. Я столкнулся с каждой из проблем о которых говорится, и меня радуют два момента: 1.Я ещё учусь, и значит не поздно. 2.Мой гиппокамп ещё производит нейроны, и я собираюсь заняться этой фермой.

Всем причастным к курсу и самому порталу Coursera - мой поклон.

By David N

Mar 18, 2020

I had terrible habits up until my junior year of university. I took this course and my study habits greatly improved. After practicing the teachings of this course, I got off academic probation and steadily improved my grades. The concepts taught in this course are very easy to grasp because of all the visual stimulation so it shouldn't be a problem. All in all, a great resource!

By odelia b

Sep 20, 2019

This course has helped me in learning new techniques on how to learn. Ideas I have never thought about were discussed here in a simple and clear way anyone can understand. in addition some very useful mental tools as well. I used to learn by memorising a day before the test because I felt as if the pressure kept me motivated. I will follow the tools I get here from now on. Thank `you!

By Rodrigo A Z G

Jun 10, 2019

It is a great course about everything there is to know about learning. If you are curious about what techniques there is to avoid procrastination, improve your memory and control stress; this is the course for you. Also, It serves as a start to get into more deeply training methods as it introduces several important personalities on every subject so you can later dive into their works.

By Ming-Yan

Jun 4, 2019

this course is the most amazing course I ever had. Because I did really hard in learning whenever High school or the college, however it does not work very well. Fortunately, my English writing teacher highly recommended “Learning how to learn” to me, and finishing this course makes me feel much better than before in my daily learning. Thank you very much for your teaching my teachers.

By Ingy H

May 30, 2019

Great course for 3 reasons..

1- learn how the mind works teaches you a lot about how to control it and control its impulses that prevent you from learning

2- actual teqhniques and tips that can help you control and enhance your focus and learning in measurable ways

3 these techniques not only are good for learning but great as overall life skills like time management and better thinking.

By Sergio M

Sep 1, 2018

The course is well structured and very well exposed. I found it easy to follow, even if the majority of the topics were new to me. The course gives a clear understanding of a correct learning method and what are the most common errors to avoid. I also found interesting suggestions about memorization techniques, like flash cards and the memory palace that I'm willing to adopt soon.