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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,678 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 7, 2015

I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.


Nov 6, 2016

Amazing course, I learned a lot of new techniques for self motivation, and effecient learning. Now, I feel more confident to take further steps in improving and developing myself. Thank you so much :)

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1626 - 1650 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects


May 7, 2020

Every video is well explained and having lots of scientific research to guideline us in Learning How to Learn. From understanding how does our brain works, to realize the cue of falling into the trap of procrastination, how to improve our memory and various tips to excel in the test. This course certainly helps students and adults to gain the confidence to encounter the subject which might seems tough for them.

By Viktoriia B

Mar 21, 2020

It's such a pleasing course. It's like a good friend, to whom you can come and chill out, relax. Literally, every chunk of information will be useful, tests only help you to remember better and moreover it's explained why! You won't be immersed deeply in dark shadows of scientific terms. You will know the basics. Besides, if you are interested in, you have access to different resources with interesting articles

By Maja G

Feb 2, 2020

This course is fantastic, it gave me a great new perspective on the learning. What you learn is applicable in so many aspects of your life. Both professor Sejnowski and professor Oakley motivated me to keep learning and be more confident to start with new areas of my interest. And most importantly, to start spreading this newly acquired knowledge to others. Thank you both for this opportunity to learn from you.

By Ahmed R A H M

Sep 29, 2018

I would like to thank all the staff in this course for providing assistance to the education of young people with low financial capabilities. I have enjoyed learning this course very much. I would like to thank Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski for their efforts in delivering the content in the simplest ways and also all the guests who were hosted in the course and to benefit from their experiences.

By Uday K

Feb 10, 2018

Best Course you can take if you are interested in not just learning new things but also learning about yourself. This course explains clearly how you learn a new skill and what techniques and methods you can follow to make yourself a better learner. This is one of those unique courses for students in any field, of any age group which helps you understand your learning ability. Barbara and Terry are Great Gurus.

By Duany D B S

Sep 26, 2016

This is the best course that I've ever done! All content is grounded by scientific principles, which ensures the accuracy of the information.The way the topic is approached is quite clear and direct, and it is easy to understand. All tips given by Dr. Barbara and Dr. Terrence are easy to be introduced into the routine, making this course extremely recommended for those who really want to learn more efficiently.

By Jill G

Jan 14, 2016

Half way through the course I have already learned so much about learning. It's a combination with practical learning skills and theories on neural science. Instructor is super knowledgeable and she explains concepts very clearly, and more often than not, full of fun. I highly recommend this course to whoever still wants to learn new things in life, whatever the subject/ skill/ sport might be. Happy learning :)

By Mickey F

Sep 6, 2015

The course practices what it preaches using several short video lectures that are cheesy in many ways, but memorable nonetheless. Tests feel like a recall tool used to further learning rather than some sort of unsurmountable challenge. Overall, because of the wisely broken down lecture clips, the quality of the material given, and the practicality and applicability to almost anyone, I gave this course 5 stars.

By Maryana R

Jul 6, 2022

This course made me realize how "easy" is to learn. You can learn everything you want, just by using the tools given. Obviously, practice makes perfect, but these are ways that can allow us to get better with time. There is no natural passion or dift, we can master all kinds of subjects. Our mind is so powerful... Thank you very much, I learned a lot from this course. I totally recommend it!!

By Alex P

Nov 28, 2021

I never ever saw this kind of course before. Theories given in this course are really mind-blowing and I've learned very much. I will definitely recommend this course to my fellows and of course I already tried Pomodore method couple of times. The results were good and I will continue to use this method to work effectively and focus on not product, but process. Thank you very much for your wonderful advices!!!

By Gianluigi C

Nov 9, 2020

Learning how to learn has taught me a wealth of techniques and concept never found anywhere else before.

On top of this it has cleared some wrong concepts I had on the matter that had caused me to waste time when studying in the past. The pace and the weight of the study material is ideal.

Very well done and I purchased and enjoyed a lot also the book from Barbara Oakley that is a powerful source of inspiration.

By Layla H

May 12, 2020

Before, I have not thought about learning from the point of view in the course, people around us usually demand good results and hope us to do our bests during life. We usually try to learn materials, languages, arts, or even sports, but we often forget that learning itself is something we need to learn in order to give our bests at any approach.

It was a great course to start with, I recommend it for everyone.

By Dennis

Jun 6, 2017

I really enjoyed this class and wish they had other classes available and some sort of work book to practice techniques and chunking. If I would have learned this in grade school or college I would have attained and retained so much more along my education journey. A journey that should never end. One other thing, I would have attempted to attack some subjects that scared me if I had these tools in my arsenal.

By Reagan E

Jun 1, 2017

It's a must before diving into other courses training or practice.It helps you to have an effective way of absorbing new informations which speeds up your learning.It is good for all ages who wants change,in general.It is a sort of a lobby before you start stepping at new doors of exploration or opportunities. It is like the golden rule in learning,and these rules are the few ones that isn't meant to be broken

By Amol

Sep 28, 2015

I am a data analyst by trade and every day, I need to learn new things in my career. I struggled with the motivation and consistency to adapt to new technologies, ideas or way of working in the past. This course gives a great understanding and practical know-how of getting back to learning mode at will :)

I am really thankful for the staff and teachers for their effort and my classmates for their participation.

By Sofia, Y C L

Jul 23, 2022

It's a very good course, practical and I have learned a lot of learning strategies from it. I was surprised that the professors point out my learning mistakes like not enough exercise and sleep, and taking distractions for granted...and I have learned a lot of new learning strategies from the course. I will highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their learning skills. It's practical and helpful.

By Jyothi N

Jan 4, 2021

Cheerful positive instructors who are able to help me understand and fix my basic studying mistakes are so rare and always helpful.

Completing this course helped me feel refreshed and I have a new zeal for learning. This course is short and really inculcates a new perspective to resolve old mistakes in learning which we don't even know we are making.

This course is helpful for students and professionals alike.

By Véronique M

Oct 29, 2020

I really enjoyed taking this class and the techniques I have learned help me in my daily work. I must stay here that learning and development is part of my job. The presentations I did in week 3 was a big accomplishment for me and I would love to one day help other people to improve their learning skills, gain confidence and feel better about their performances. I can only recommend this course to ANYBODY :-)

By Raihan R

Apr 22, 2020

This is one of the best courses out there, period. The science of how to learn more effectively has progress a lot and this is the best resource I've found so far that covers the most important concepts and explains them with humor and charm. Dr. Barbara Oakley is now one of the biggest influences in my life and I'll be forever indebted to her. I wish both of the instructors great success in the coming years.

By Gavin S

Sep 17, 2019

An unbelievably valuable course that every single person (yes, I mean all 7.5 billion) should take as soon as is humanly possible!

This will help my professional studies massively. More significantly though, it is already having a very positive impact on my personal life because I understand myself, and others, so much better. My sincere and genuine thanks - you should be 'knighted' as we say here in England!

By Maria L H

Apr 9, 2019

Excellent course that I wish was available when I was a teenager, it might have saved me from dropping out of high school, hence lessen the struggles to build a professional career with which I could support myself. Now, close to my sixties, I decided I want to learn new skills and pursue a new career, I believe "Learning How To Learn" has taught me crucial tools and strategies to help me accomplish my goals.

By Graham R

Jan 31, 2018

This class is invaluable for learning about the process of learning rather than the product of learning. It provides some valuable information on how your brain works and how to get the most out of your study time. I especially found the section on procrastination useful.Highly recommended if you're looking for information on how to learn well, enhance your knowledge and make efficient use of your study time.

By Patricia T d R

Jun 21, 2017

This course is fantastic. It shows you how your brain works and what are the most helpful strategies for learning. For someone like me, who is always enrolling in new classes, attending courses online and thinking about getting a new degree, this course teaches how to use your energy and commit in ways that not deplete your energy and really help you accomplish your goals. I wish this was taught in school...!

By Alok k

Feb 9, 2016

The course is absolutely fantastic. The instructors, especially Miss Oakley with her calm and confident demeanor, makes learning absolutely a joy ride. All the tips and techniques, new insights into the working of brain, superb metaphors and analogies makes the course one of the best courses which i had till date taken in Coursera. Don't have second thoughts and click "Enroll Now". You'll not regret doing so.

By Janhvi A N

Jan 4, 2016

I think it should be called Learning How to Learn Better. Nevertheless, it is an amazing course - it helped me understand a lot of things that I intuitively knew as a teacher and a student. It also gives helpful techniques to tackle procrastination - something I am afflicted with from time to time. I also like the fact that the team keeps sending me links on learning or research on the same.

Thank you so much!