Sep 7, 2015
I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.
Nov 6, 2016
Amazing course, I learned a lot of new techniques for self motivation, and effecient learning. Now, I feel more confident to take further steps in improving and developing myself. Thank you so much :)
By Summer L
•May 12, 2020
I enjoyed the course very much. I like the learning methods and techiniques taught with scientific knowleadge and evidence. I also enjoyed the fun presentation style (zombies, pinball, fun pictures, etc.) that drew my attention. I also highly recommend that people listen to the optional interviews. I have learned a lot from the interesting experiences of people who were interviewed by Dr. Oakley. Have fun with learning how to learn!
By Reda L
•Oct 6, 2019
I've been going through a series of enrolling and giving up on this course for years, and by doing that I wasted many opportunities to learn how to learn properly and I could've avoided many mistakes I made during these years.
This has been a pleasure to attend, it was very informative. One thing that could improve are the videos themselves, I think that they need a visual refresh because they look somewhat dated, otherwise top-notch!
By ousmane s
•Jun 2, 2019
This course has help me overcome my greatest obstacle procrastination and improve my self-study for life long learning. I wish I had found that course back when I was taking my Electrical Engineering courses. It would make a huge difference on time I invest on studying. Thank you both Professors, teaching assistant and all who help me this course possible free at cost for us to improve our life. This is amazing course to take.
By Ahmad I (
•Jun 2, 2019
As someone who did really horrible in his undergrad and now fighting to make redemption on master's, taking this course was one of the few right decisions I have made so far in life. The instructions were clear, the topics were meaningful and I have learned to look at my academic materials in a new way. I have just started a new semester and I am excited to face the challenges with everything I have learned here. Thank you very much.
By John r
•May 11, 2019
Many thanks to Terry and Barbara for their generous spirit in sharing and showing how the brain learns. I am 58 and have gained an understanding of how my brain learns as well as skills and techniques to tap this potential. I have noticed already an increased ability to recall and learn material. It is reassuring to have a learning structure and plan that is effective as I seek to learn Te Reo Maori.
Ka nui te aroha ki a korua.
By Efe S
•Sep 9, 2018
This class taught me powerful learning, studying and test-taking material: the strategies, tips, mind-sets and routines that I need to become a powerful and effective life-long learner. I would recommend it to anyone looking to improve their study habits, and the quality of their lives in general! Now I feel more confident in tackling different or unfamiliar subjects. The material in this course is invaluable for your life "toolbox"!
By Michael P
•Mar 27, 2016
The professors utilize their exceptional and diverse backgrounds to both inspire and instruct in this course. Not to mention Barb clearly implements the very concepts she is teaching about learning throughout the course, making it engaging and easier to learn! I highly recommend this course. There is certainly something for anyone to take away from this course, whether you are a struggling student or a contemplative mindfulness guru.
By Chun Y
•Feb 1, 2016
This was an amazing course full enthusiasm and knowledge! I learned a lot of thing about how my brains work and how I can have an influence on how I can study better. I learned so much in 4 weeks than I learned in 1 year at school. This course is very important for everyone. Everyone has to go to school to study, but no one actually learned how to study. I recommend this course for everyone, young and old. You are never old to learn!
By Annabelle E D
•Jan 30, 2016
It helped me try new things and revealed to me a wealth of information that otherwise would still be unknown to me if not for me enrolling in this course. It was also made more friendly to us youth because of analogies on zombies and vampires :)
One thing that I was slightly bothered about was the volume of the videos. Maybe an increase in volume would make it less hard for people who have to access Coursera in noisy places to listen.
By William D G P
•Nov 11, 2015
I've studied only one week in this course and is fasinated, why? Becouse it explain the big concept about HOW the brain works in relation with the knowlegde.
I'm mechanical engineer (from colombia) and I'm studying english in Boston Mass. This experience has been amazing but sometimes I've felt frustrated, it's not easy. I think "Learning how to learn" will help me to improve my skill while I save time studying.
Thanks you very much.
By Alexandra A
•Aug 25, 2015
I have not ever listened so impressive, interactive, detailed course with good examples, intermediate tests after each unit, high-organized and filled of different vision and opinions of very interesting persons from an education, science, publicism etc. I was very delighted to watch all optional interviews as well. The lecturer is so precise with her explanations, therefore any non-native english speakers would understand it at all.
By Young S S
•Dec 26, 2015
This class has been inspirational and informative to me! It gives me strategies and tools to overcome some of the things that have impeded my constant learning. I will keep myself informed of what goes on in relation to learning how to learn. My time in the four-week journey to learning how to learn turns out to be one of the best moments in 2015. I hope that that moment keeps making impacts on my future learning. Thank you so much!
By Noam S
•Oct 31, 2015
Excellent course.
I have been mostly self taught most of my life. And still this course had many ideas that were new to me, and some that i had a hunch on but could never really phrase or explain to myself or others.
I have implemented some of the advices given in the course and can say that at least for me they work perfectly. There's no doubt my learning and productivity will improve with the new knowledge this course has given me.
By Himang G
•Oct 2, 2022
A very effective course on one of the basic things in life -- "learning". The way Dr, Barbara Oakley makes you understand the different concepts or wrong habits we are doing with such calmness and patience, helps you keep coming back to the course and implement the solutions in your life. The clinical understanding provided by Dr. Terry Sejnowski about the physiology of brain gives you deep insights into the concepts of learning.
By A. M F
•Apr 24, 2020
It must be fate to stumble upon and took this course, as I am a student who procrastinates and struggles to learn how to really learn. Thank you for your lectures and tips :) I have found myself relating to the methods I'd been doing wrong in learning new things; Thankfully, through the help of your interesting, educational, and encouraging course I have changed my perspective on learning how to learn. Truly an eye-opening journey.
By Machig D
•Feb 20, 2018
Amazing course. I tried this one out for a way to see what courses are like to take, mostly for college prep and such. However, I got much more than I had planned for, in a positive way. The teachers are very understandable, the content is extremely helpful inside and outside the classroom, and the extra content is great to dive into. I love all of it, and would recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their studies by tenfolds.
By William M
•Sep 11, 2017
Excellent course, a very nice experience. I was a little worried that a subject so vulnerable to subjective analysis might consist of pseudo-science and politically correct agendas, but I was pleased to discover that the exact opposite was true--the course concepts were presented clearly, memorably, and with entertaining methods and the facts presented were well researched and referenced. Thank you for putting this course together
By Pilar A
•Oct 16, 2015
An incredible course!. For me was an eye opener and an inspiration. The fear of not being able to learn things that to me are difficult has dissipated. I feel empowered! Barbara is an fantastic teacher. She really knows how to have her material understood. She makes it interesting and absolutely fun!. I was always looking forward to the videos and tests. Thank you so much! I know how my brain works, so I can tackle it the right way
•Sep 20, 2023
As for me, the "learning" is eye-opening. I wish I've learned this before or during the time I'm earning my bachelor's degree. I'm currently reading the book. It actually makes me sad that the course is ending. But when I learned that Dr. Barb has a follow on MOOC, I feel excited. Dr. Barb is a genuine person who really wants to impart her knowledge. I really enjoyed the lessons and will gradually apply it in my learning journey.
By Lisa M
•Nov 13, 2020
This is the very first online course I have taken and completed. I definitely learned some beneficial things from about how the brain works and about various studying methods. All of the videos were interesting, and I appreciate the additional reading links and lists of scholarly articles and books. I especially like the main presenter, Barbara Oakley, and am glad to see that there is at least one more course available by her.
By Percy N P
•Sep 28, 2020
Both Barbara Oakley & Terrence Sejnowski are great faculties. They love what they are teaching. They communicate very eazily tough concepts. They are doing a great job. The bonus courses are great too. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in some serious concepts about learning. Thank you both very much & a big HIG FIVE to your supporting faculties. Thank you Everyone & Coursera team too for making this happen
By 张阳阳
•Aug 11, 2019
From this course, I learned a lot of knowledge, how to use focus mode and diffuse mode, how to deal with procrastination, how to create a set of chunks, habits of four elements, etc., the most impressed me was said a language learner, strong people have experienced everything you experience, so, don't give up, continue to refuel
By Sushill
•Oct 26, 2016
This is probably the best course that I have done in my life. This is an essential for any one in the world of today. The course is going to be taken by my children. Prof Barbara O was phenomenal, an example of person walking the walk and talking the talk. This was easily the most valuable course done in my life and needs to be done by every body. Most pleased with way the course was run --and the demonstrable value I got from it.
By Vicki M
•Feb 7, 2016
As a high school math teacher, I am always looking for ways to assure students are equipped with the methods and procedures they need to succeed. The science presented in this course is proving to be directly applicable to my students.
The course was entertaining and enlightening. I routinely share data from this course in professional development meetings and with my students as I explain the changes I have made in my instruction.