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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,660 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


May 15, 2020

learned a lot of new skills and tricks and hacks...very much valuable and worth it ..learned the new ways of learning...which i think a priceless knowledge...thanks a lot Barbara mam and Terry sir..


Aug 18, 2017

It was a wonderful journey of learning how to learn. Simple and effective. Wish i had come across something like this a little early in life. But better late than never. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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401 - 425 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Alexandra B

Apr 29, 2018

This simple methodology can be transposed to any learning or problem-solving challenge. It not only gives you a structure but also helps you understand how learning and the brain work and how to make them more effective.

Pr Oakley is down to earth and explains very well. The course is well structured and she uses a lot of the techniques she preaches such as analogies, story telling but also testing and recall. Dr. Terrence Sejnowski helps us grasps how the brain and learning work. This course gives technics that can be applied to life for learning and problem solving. It will prove useful to anyone: teenager to senior - it will help you be more efficient in tackling challenges.

The optional interviews are very interesting and you meet a bunch of individuals, masters in their fields thanks to their own version of these techniques. It helps connect the class to different areas and ripens your horizons

By Francoise F

Mar 22, 2016

Astonishing and inspiring Barbara! If only all teachers were like you! And some insightful speakers too. I have not stopped talking about this course lately and I am encouraging all and sundry to take it. As a "middle aged" person I feel now like a 3 to 11 years old: eager and stimulated. This course has unearthed some new learning methods and also consolidated my numerous intuitions as regards to learning and my own potential. I am ready now to take on seriously all the challenges that I have been procrastinating on for ages such as Maths (aaargh), learning another language, coding and much more for the rest of my life. Come on I dare challenging you that you will most certainly find out quite a few things you thought you knew not and many more that you had absolutely no clue about. What a great course in its positive approach to your own hidden abilities and multiple facets to learning. Enjoy!

By Muhammed S T K

May 23, 2021

This was one of the most rewarding courses I have taken. It's also very conveniently the most time-effective one because it teaches you a broad variety of tips and "cheats" for hacking into your own mind and making yourself feel and BE more productive.

In barely 4 weeks, and without any technical language (even the optional course book is written as if it were a friend talking to you!!) I've learned how to beat one of my biggest problems -procrastination , how to become more productive in the way I study (learn more in less time) , how to memorize things strongly and when to use long/short term memory and how to improve them, how we sometimes unconsciously block out correct answers while taking tests, in which order it is best to answer questions on tests and why focus on things in a broader context rather than seeing only the small picture (forest vs tree analogy) amongst many, many other things.

By Adrian

Jan 18, 2017

Professor Oakley and Professor Sejnowski, I would like to take a moment to thank you for your deep and well put together lectures as well as the many interviews with professionals. Although I was not able to push forward with the written assignments , this course gave me the inspiration I needed to challenge myself and has inspired me to look at things in a renewed prospective. I have always dreamed about going into academia, but felt that I was burdened with many learning disabilities. Such as never being able to take tests or reading to slow or not being able to write well, and even being diagnosed late in life with dyslexia. I hope and intend to use what I learned in this course to fight off the demons that have prevented me from finding my passion. I feelthat though the lectures and interviews that I can break the shackles that have limited me from doing what I never thought possible.

By Tina B

May 22, 2021

Firstly, I would like to thank the creator of this course. This course has really given me the solution to all my questions that I use to ask myself all the time. Which was "How can I overcome the fear of exams and deal with the exam stress?" And guess what at the end of this course there is one final test in which the questions are totally related to the whole thing that you have learnt in it. At the beginning of this course, I was stressed that will I be able to clear that final test? Will I be able to remember four weeks session? But after completing the course I was rather excited and feeling positive towards the exam and didn't feel any stress. I scored 92.06% in the final test in first attempt. Which I believe is very good achievement from my perspective.

Thank you so much I am definitely going to apply all the tips that I have learnt in this course in all my exams from now onwards.

By Divya

Apr 30, 2020

Exceptional and amazing course to start learning. Thanks coursera for keeping this course as free and this course is going to motivate and help so many kids, students and even elders to unlock there potential and many disbeliefs regarding intelligence.

The professor explains everything in a really simple manner and it was a surprise to see all course not more than 4 min. None of topic looked complicated to understand, very nice paced with images, videos.

It was pleasure to complete this course.

Course material are really intensive and you could sense the amount of investigation and research has been conducted by the team to come up the course.

Main highlights

Interviews at end of each week from highly intelligent people with tips, solutions which worked for them.

I am a believer now that anyone can learn anything. Thank you so much for making this content. You are truly helping mankind here.

By Fernando L C

Sep 24, 2018

Thanks Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski! Just super helpful. This course is a life changing MOOC and I believe I should be teach in primary or high school or at least in first year of the university.

I was skeptical to take this course because I believed that I was a good enough learner but I found so many useful knowledge to apply on a daily basis. I have already used pomodoro technique and have done a TODO list almost every day for several years but I focus always on "the product". Now I'll start to focus on "the process" and do my TODO list at night rather than in the morning. And also I'll do more "active learning" like retrieve the material and test my self and I'll spend less time in "passive learning" like re-reading and doing mind mapping without any test in between.

Thank you for teaching how to learn. I'm Fernando Conde.

And until we meet again, happy learning! :-D

By Alishia Y

Jan 21, 2023

The material in this course was done so expertly. I've learned so much valuable information to apply towards studying and also my test taking practices. This new information I've learned from this course will make my learning and furthering my education much more easier for me. I won't be wasting valuable energy or time learning any longer. Thank you Terrence Sejnowski & Barbara Oakley for the very valuable information you gave us. This can and will be used in many aspects of my life and not just applying it to learning on a academic level. I found this course interesting and fun to be s part of.I wanted to learn about learning. To me when the instructors make learning fun it confirms that they understand students and how to keep us interested in the materials. Awesome job to both of you! Once again, thank you for teaching me many learning tips that we feed me for a lifetime.

By Sébastien L

Feb 18, 2019

This course contains invaluable information to help you succeed in life. The instructors back everything they say with lots of good and interesting references, which are available to consult at the end of each module.They presented some strategies for studying that were really useful, the best ones being "test yourself" (practice testing), distributed practice (space repetition) and interleaved practice.Students can also learn quite a bit about procrastination, memory, sleep, mindset, motivation, creativity, overlearning, chunking and other complementary resources that help you learn.I especially enjoyed the optional interviews at the end of a few modules! If you read every single reference mentioned (including books), you may end up spending well over four weeks learning from the material presented in that course. Otherwise, this can be done in a few days at most. Highly recommended!

By Yolenny C

Sep 9, 2015

For as long as I can recall I've had problems to remember things I thought I had learned. But just short ago I realized I was unable to remember things. I wondered why I was so good at anything I undertook at the moment and all the content that I had seemingly storaged in my brain disappeared.

Another thing that caused me a lot of terrible consequences was procrastination. I can gladly say that it doesn't have the same power over me. Now that I know what It is and how it works It's become easier for me to deal with it. I've found the Pomodoro Technique highly effective and insightful.

By taking this course I was able to find the failures that were holding me back in my learning. This course has enabled me to be a better learner. The tricks provided in this course doesn't take a super overwise person to grasp and put them into action.

Thanks for teaching me how to learn more effectively.

By Chew R

Oct 21, 2020

A truly beneficial course to pursue to further enhance learning capabilities. I have been naturally applying some of the learning methods that have taught in this course, but due to different local learning culture in my country, I was forced to think that such learning method is ineffective, but this course have re-established my passion for learning again.

Going through this course helps to solidify a true fundamental learning method that helps in every single subject and truly understand them rather than to just "remembering" the context. Instead, applying the Learning Methods that are taught in this course, helps us to Understand any subject and be able to apply what we have learned, even for a lifetime.

Am really appreciative of this course for how it have changed my life in a way, and I feel it would be a great lost if anyone who would skip this course after coming across it.

By Ravinder K

Apr 15, 2020

This is a fantastic course and is appropriate for people of all age groups, who are interested in learning. Learning keeps our brains agile and young and as i have learnt in this course, age really doesn't matter.

I am a senior citizen who has just superannuated from a career spanning nearly 39 years. I am lucky that i got introduced to Coursera and further to this course through my sons. I believe, completion of this course will be a game changer for me, during my second innings. Till now i thought that i had a weak memory and i could not retain things. This is a self-image of the past, and now i know that learning and remembering is a game with a set of rules which can be learnt and mastered,

I have started learning a new language and certain other skill sets getting help from the tips and information i gathered doing this course,

Thanks Dr Barbara Oakley and Dr Terry Sejwonsky

By Dinh D P

Jul 26, 2021

I really enjoy the course, and there are many reasons why I love it. Firstly, the educators are inspiring and motivating. They really motivate me to study and give me insightful ideas about learning, which enables me to understand how our brain works and some of the phenomenon in life, such as "ah-hah" moment when you find a solution while taking a bath, or solving the questions that are difficult at first but later are easy for the mind. Not to mention, the test taking tips are practical. I would love to try "Hard start jump to easy" while doing tests in the future. I really really recommend everyone, whatever your disciplines are, to join this course and absorb the wonderful knowledge and ideas from top educators, professors and outstanding individuals. The tips can be applied to any fields, and the lessons are straightforward to understand. Best wishes for everyone!

By roopini r

Apr 7, 2021

During my learning of this course, i felt fortunate to enroll in such an insightful learning experince Covering all the essential concepts in relation to Learning, Memory and more importantly the neurological perspective of learning and memory explaining the interplay of neurotransmitters. the learning is what gives a way to knowledge. And it starts with our understanding and mastery of materials by various techniques to keep learnt information accessable and maintain it in LTM(memory warehouse) involving Working memory which is memory strore for facts. academic and new learning. The techniques covering how to learn and how to avoid ineffective methods or habits of learning. I thank Professor Baraba Oakley and Prof.Terrence Sejnowski for for their valuable leacture, time and efforts. Also thank organisers of this course, The McMaster university and University of California.

By Yanin L

Nov 2, 2015

Wonderful! It was enlightening to watch these incredibly experienced and talented professionals "personally" explain these eyeopening topics in such a simple way in the comfort of my home, or wherever I was. The videos are short enough so I could advance at any time, but are so compelling, once I started, I found it difficult to stop! Plus, they provide visual aids which make the facts so memorable. The optional interviews are very enriching and inspiring, loved them! The fact of having so much additional bibliography is another big plus; you can go deeper in the subject if you desire to. I learned plenty of new techniques to learn better and reinforced some that I used. I will definitely put everything to use! It was a true delight, thank you Barbara, Terrence and everyone! I will hold this inspiring experience within me for a very long time. Best of luck to all of you!

By Ben F

May 29, 2020

This course was extremely helpful to me in so many facets of my life. I wish I had had an opportunity to learn about these learning methods while in high school so that I could have used it in college and even throughout my career. Understanding how neural connections are created and made permanent are important components of learning and retaining all kinds of information we encounter in life. I've even used these tips to improve my golf swing. Repetition makes permanent! In summary, this course provided insight that helped me discover self-destructive mental roadblocks and bad habits that could be addressed once I became aware of these issues. I now understand that I'm not alone with these issues (procrastination, test taking anxiety, the impostor syndrome, etc....). I strongly recommend this course for those on a path of self-discovery and personal improvement.

By Olwen J

Aug 24, 2015

I thought I would finish this self-paced course in a couple of days, but my 30 second summary of the first week's materials was that learning takes time. So I took the full 4 weeks to complete this course. This course doesn't reveal some new and amazing technique that enabled me to become a walking encyclopedia overnight. In fact I had already heard of all of the techniques. For example, I've tried 30 second summaries before, but I wasn't good at it right away, so I decided the technique didn't work for me. This time I treated the techniques as something I would have to spend time learning how to do, just like any other skill. Because the course became about learning new skills, I really enjoyed it. If I'd just done what I'd always done (take notes and memorize them), then I would have been bored witless, struggled with motivation and procrastination, and dropped out.

By LaShonda B

Jun 24, 2022

Wow, I throughtly enjoyed this course learning how to learn presented by Coursera. I am so appreciative and grateful for having this opporunity to be selected as one of Amazon Career Choice employees and given the tools to help me success in the IT Support program.

The Learning How to Learn materials were so edifying and refreshing to know the tips and the tricks of the mind focus and diffused state applied with Pomodoro helped me overcome procrasitation. I now look forward to my study time and competely daily task because I know there is a reward at the end of it, and that brings me great joy.

I could go on and on about how great this pre-work was a great benefit to me, but I will not. I look forward to practicing everything I learn in this course into the IT Support program. I would like to say thank you to everyone at Coursera, it's greatly appreciated.

By karen G

Jun 15, 2020

I could not say thank you enough to everyone involved in this course, I am full of gratitude for all the information, technics, method and experiences shown to me ... every video added something new to my brain. I was quite surprise that I was already doing a few of the things mentioned here, I was always told that I was doing it wrong but through this course I learnt that it was perfectly fine, in fact it was the right thing to do so I felt a lot more confident now than ever, I won’t stop here ... this course has encouraged me to carry on with new studies and keep loving to learn, thank you so much Dr Barbara ... the way your talk is so soothing to the brain it felt that it came from you heart .... I am extremely thankful for this opportunity to do this course and I could not be more grateful! Please keep us teaching us as do ... because you do it great.


By Karthikeyan A R

Oct 28, 2015

I am a continuous learner and love to learn new subjects/areas. I have been doing this during my Bachelors, Masters and while pursuing doctorate (12+ years) in Engineering. Personally, I have got to my own way of learning.

Attending this course, I understood why and how my way of learning works. Also, got insights into how I can improve my learning process. I also used the companion textbook which provided lot of information and real-life examples to support the key ideas in the book. I really enjoyed it.

Thanks a lot Prof. Barbara in bringing this course & book. I understand and appreciate your effort for sharing your own experience in learning subjects that were alien.Thanks for helping most of us understand better our own learning process.

This is my first course in "Coursera" and I am very happy and excited me to chunk more.

Thanks a lot Coursera Team.

By Erikton K

Nov 20, 2015

The best online course I've taken so far. This is not an exaggeration. Throughout the course, I truly felt the importance of the material taught and their applicability in my daily life. I've started using the Pomodoro technique (with the help of an app) when tackling projects at work or want to be productive at home (taking an online course, learning some new skills). I also owe it to this class, and this might be a side effect rather than a direct impact, for bringing my brain to a more relaxed mental state. In other words, the topics about focused/diffuse mode and the discussion of thinking patterns provided a much more clear path not only for approaching tasks, but also escaping from that constant loop that eventually leads to a headache. Without going into more details, this is a wonderful class for anyone, anywhere accessible to take. Happy learning!

By Enya H

Jun 22, 2020

This course was absolutely awesome! Drs. Oakley and Sejnowski introduced the information in such a manner that all learning styles had the opportunity to grasp it. It was informative and interesting; pertinent and thought provoking. The quiz after each module was key in helping to chunk the material presented each module. Each module and quiz included a bit of humor, which made the learning experience enjoyable. I'm definitely going to be aware of how I study and strive for maximum efficiency using the techniques taught here. Additionally, I'm going to buy the suggested books so that I can use them to help my math students to better learn and enjoy the topic. I learned in 4 weeks what I didn't learn during more than 20 years of formal education. Thank you very much Drs. Oakley and Sejnowski!! I rate you both as my favorite professors ever in learning.

By saurabh s

Apr 18, 2020

I signed up for this course with the intention of using it to help me make the most of later courses I'd like to take, but I was shocked at how much of it is applicable in everyday life. I have many projects that I (would have liked) to be working on but had trouble finding the motivation to do so. What I learned here about handling procrastination - the pomodoro technique, focusing on process rather than product, etc - has helped me become both more focused but also helps me allow myself to relax, meaning I'm more ready to take on other projects, positive cycle etc. What I learned about short- and long-term memory, chunking, creating interesting metaphors, and so on, has had a direct impact on my ability to do my job well and commit relevant information to memory quickly. If you are considering taking this course at all, do it. It's quite worth it.

By Bolat

Jul 1, 2019

This was the first only course I've completed ever.

And actually with high grades. The lowest grade I've got is 83%.

I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their learning, or want to try to experience what online course is, as there is a high probability that you will complete it and get a confidence that you can complete something that requires a systematic approach.

One of the reasons that this course is easy to complete and learn, because it's not overloaded by heavy readings or so.

If you decided to take this course, I would recommend to chunk your learning, for example, I did 2 videos each day, so you're not bored or overloaded. Also, it was effective to analyse the script first, make notes and then watch a video of this script.

Good luck!

And huge thanks to Barbara! Looking forward to see you in Kazakhstan this September!