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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,786 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and
many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information.
We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most
effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master,
you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you...

Top reviews


Aug 18, 2016

Probably the most important course I've ever taken in my life and it was completely free. Already applied many of the concepts and have seen the difference. Do yourself a favor and take this course.


Aug 18, 2017

It was a wonderful journey of learning how to learn. Simple and effective. Wish i had come across something like this a little early in life. But better late than never. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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3101 - 3125 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Semir Y

Dec 26, 2020

I wish I know about this techniques when I was an undergraduate or even a graduate student. But the good thing, my learning has not stopped yet, so, this is an excellent way to learn new things. Thank you, Dr. Barbara Oakley, and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski (That running thing, it works magic!)

By David M

Dec 18, 2020

It really supported and motivated me with my leanings of Web Development. My greatest takeaway is that learning takes not only place while concentrating on something. But also sports, sleep and giving yourself time on a topic is fundamental to better and faster really understand something.

By Oumou N

Nov 23, 2020

Excellent MOOC. J'ai énormément appris sur la science de l'apprentissage. Je dispose maintenant de plein d'outils pour aborder le travail et la vie plus sereinement.

Ce cours est à mettre entre toutes les mains.

Merci infiniment aux formateurs, et à tous ceux qui ont travaillé sur le cours.

By Mario E S

Jul 17, 2020

Very usefull course if you do not know anything about how the learning process works, how your brains works, what are the common problems to tackle when you are trying to study something hard and how to overcome them with easy and different techniques. ln general fulfilled my expectations.

By Carolina S

May 6, 2020

I really liked this course ! I learned so much with it and I can't wait to apply everything I learned- I already started applying some things. I highly recommend following this course. I learned so much about how my brain works and what to do to be more efficient and learn in a better way.

By John C d V

May 5, 2020

Very helpful to others out there. It will increase your efficiency on learning new subjects and brining more stronger concept or theory of it applying all the materials or tools and methods discussed in the video. Well done especially to the instructors involved. They explained it so well.

By Diane R

Feb 11, 2019

Thank you for creating an encouraging class. Learning, facts and science is invaluable, but without encouragement, being pursistant and confident when learning it is very hard to stay productive and learn to the best of the brain's potential. Thank you I look forward to the follwing weeks.

By Yilei R

Aug 22, 2017

Great course! There are a lot of practical techniques and tools introduced in the course. Also, the professors explained the science behind some common behaviors or feelings. Hopefully I am forming a better learning habit. At least I am handling procrastination according to the videos now!

By Hsin-Yi T

Nov 2, 2015

This course is great! It's very helpful and useful to me. When I use the technique "Pomodoro" , It did help me finished the works I procrastinate for some times. It worked. There are many other techniques in this course are waiting for you to discover. Hope you enjoy learning like I do.

By Zhou Y

Oct 6, 2015

This is by far the best course I have taken on Coursera. It reminds me of the techniques that I have long been abandoned and introduces intriguing part on improving myself. This one is simply brilliant. I will definitely recommend this course to any full-time undergraduate student to take!

By Diana L

Jul 29, 2023

This is an absolutely excellent course which should be taught in schools. I have founded a coding school ( where I teach kids how to code - I will introduce a special module called "Learning how to lean", since the material is much needed for all kids and teenagers.

By chinni s

Jun 15, 2023

The course is simply Wow! the basic fundamentals techniques to learn this will help full for each and every student and employee who are looking for the career growth. I really felt happy for getting classes from doctorates and researches and sharing their valuable knowledge and thoughts.

By Tausif T

Apr 2, 2023

Really enjoyed the course and gained helpful insights on how our brains work and how we can use techniques to make learning more effective. The things I have learned through this course will be helpful in whatever things that I go on learning. Thankful for the team for making such course.

By Missy

Oct 30, 2022

I really enjoyed this course Learning How to Learn because it taught me how to learn, memorize, and how to be a better test taker. I also really liked watching all the videos as well. THe professors were excellent as well to learn from. I would definately reccomend this course to others.

By Aqiva K

Jan 13, 2021

The truth is that I love learning, I'm always seeking new opportunities to learn. The quality of content of this course exceeds my expectations, and the lecturer, Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski, was superb. Thank you so much.

This is one the best MOOCs I've ever encountered.

By Rae H

Dec 5, 2020

'Learning how to Learn' has been a great course to take before undertaking other online courses. Such a detailed layout of best study habits, how to overcome common memory problems and the latest in learning techniques, makes it a must when getting back into a learning phase in my career.

By Yassine B

Nov 14, 2020

To summarize,

I can't find the words to describe this incredible and great course, it was very helpful for me and for my classmates too.

Now, we can recognize how our minds work and react so we can use efficient ways and techniques for better learning.

Thanks for teaching us how to learn!

By Shimogne D

Jun 29, 2020

A wonderful course to get you out of a study rut and bust your inefficient study habits. The instructors, Barb & Terry, were sweet, friendly and very reassuring. Loved the course and would recommend it to anyone in the need of some motivation and tips for the next big test they're taking!

By Sharath K

May 30, 2020

This is an inspiring journey. I highly recommend it to anyone who has crises of faith when seeking out new knowledge that is within your reach but just lingering out of your grasp. If it were up to me I'd make it compulsory for everyone who joined the full-time workforce every 12 months.

By Alejandro B

Jul 27, 2019

You can learn a lot about the learning process and how to learn more efficiently. It worths to take this course, the benefits are great if one applies the methods and techniques show through the course. And being aware of how your brain works in the learning process is also very helpful.

By Gustavo M

Jul 16, 2019

I wish i had this information when i was at university. but now that i have it, i will apply several techniques for my everyday learning tasks. Mostly for work. I also want to transmit some of them to my little daughter when she start school, so learning effectively will be a way of life.

By Paro P

Feb 9, 2019

This really helped me tackle procrastination and get excited about my work. It helped me improve focus that now helps me focus so much better and get so much out of my day. I no longer have to work longer; instead this has taught me to work smarter and get more done. Very valuable course!

By Nkululeko N

Jan 9, 2019

I don't know what to say. I am so happy! This is an eye opener. If you really want to improve in your life and career then this is the first thing that you must consider. The course has broaden up mind with much significant information and skills that I will need to face my future giants.

By Deleted A

Dec 12, 2018

This course is very useful for re-establishing what you already know about learning, for grasping fresh and new ideas and perspectives on learning and it is also useful for establishing a new "learning practice" or breaking bad learning habits. I have enjoyed it and I highly recommend it!

By Anton B

Nov 30, 2018

Great course! A lot of simple concepts, ideas, and tips on how to learn more effective!Wish I knew all of this back in school or university...Bought a book as well to get more ideas and understand them better. Recommended for everyone, regardless of sphere or age!Thank you for the Course!